November 2024 Minutes
Coningsby Town Council Meeting
November 28th at 7:30pm in Coningsby Community Hall
In attendance with Councillor Mathew Mason as chair, Cllrs: Amanda Bowen, Paddy Donnellan, Dick Johnson, Tabby Bannister, Tracey Firth, Mary Walker and Glyn Olive.
Clerk – Kathy Roberts
Deputy Clerk – Sarah-Louise Kulwicki
No public forum
2411. 1. Welcome from the Chairman - Cllr Matthew Mason
24.11.2. To receive representation from member of public as received in writing also to receive reply from Clerk – The member of public who wrote to the council asked why the clerk had reported him to a local farmer for walking on land that he has permission to walk on. The member of public explained a current neighbour dispute which he is dealing with. The chairman told the member of public that he will write to him to inform him of any outcome of his complaint against the clerk.
24.11.3. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. – Apologies received from Cllr Waites, Sharples and Moorhouse.
24.11.4. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation. – None.
24.11.5. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors if in attendance. – Cllr Foster reported that he has attended community resilience training, and he has sent to all clerks the template community resilience plan. He also told them that lots of councils are struggling to get members and there is a survey being sent out which the clerk will pass on to the councillors for completion. Cllr Olive asked for more attendance from all District Cllrs. Cllr Mason informed him that they are not required to attend town and parish meetings, no more can be done on this matter.
Cllr Ashton told the council that sec 19 investigations have been completed on flooding issues. He also gave the council an idea on the county’s gritting.
24.11.6. Notes previously circulated from 24th October 2024 meeting – to resolve as correct record of meeting. previously circulated were proposed as a true and correct record Cllr Donnellan, seconded Cllr Bowen, all voted in favour – RESOLVED Chairman signed the minutes.
24.11.7. Notes from Finance section of the HR & Finance meeting held 14th Nov. No notes for the first part of the meeting presented and no proposals to approve the notes for the second part of the meeting. To be moved to the next council meeting for approval.
24.11.8. Budget Proposals required – to approve precept request for 2025/26 – HR and Finance had proposed that the precept remain at the previous years
Cllr Walker proposed 12% increase. No seconder
Cllr Bowen Proposed 10% increase. No seconder
Cllr Donnellan Proposed 5% increase equivalent to £150,150. Proposed, seconded Cllr Johnson, RESOLVED. Cllr Walker voted against.
24.11.9. Finances - to approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by Council as listed for November, details with Councillors including bank reconciliation for previous month. Proposed Cllr Johnson, Seconded Cllr Donnellan, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
24.11.10. Youth Club – update Cllr Bowen told the council that there are 3 weeks left of youth club one of those weeks will be a Christmas party and another a Christmas Disco. There has recently been an issue where fireworks where set of my outside members of the group and aimed at the people attending youth club. The children acted responsibly and listened well, parents and police where called.
24.11.11. Lighting – Allan Barker Police request – Police have requested lighting on Fridays and Saturdays from 5pm till 9pm Lincs Police will get local children to pledge to behave or the lights will be revoked. Proposed Cllr Johnson, seconded by Cllr Donnellan, RESOLVED.
24.11.12. To approve disciplinary policy - Proposed Cllr Donellan, seconded by Cllr Bowen, RESOLVED.
24.11.13. To approve grievance policy - Proposed Cllr Bowen, seconded by Cllr Donnellan, RESOLVED.
24.11.14. Cemetery investigations – progress – Current plans from the architect have been circulated. Proposed Cllr Olive, seconded by Cllr Donnellan, RESOLVED for ground survey to be carried out. Work starting on 6th January.
24.11.15. Planning applications and decisions – Clerk reported one has been received after the agenda was published. Cllrs to make comment via email.
24.11.16. Skate Park – Weekly updates to be sent out to all. Clerk told councillors that Aggregate industries have donated all the materials needed.
24.11.17. Clerks report
a. Asset transfer – Proposed Cllr Johnson, seconded by Cllr Donnellan, RESOLVED to appoint Hodgkinson’s solicitors.
b. Lease for Hall car park, custodian Trustee docs, Land regs, name change with solicitors – No updates.
24.11.18. To resolve to move into closed session as required- Under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972, ss 100 and 102
a. To consider the 3 quotes for grass cutting contracts – for the coming year – potentially 3 yrs. Proposed Cllr Donellan, seconded by Cllr Bowen, RESOLVED for the council to use contractor number 1. Ian Moore for 2025-2028.
b. To receive notes and notes and recommendations from HR section of meeting held 14th Nov held in private session. – None received. Cllr Mason told the council this is still ongoing.
c. Staffing update – The clerks were instructed at the HR and Finance meeting to advertise for an admin assistant for 5 hours per week increasing to 10 after successful probation period.
The meeting closed at 9:08pm