October 2024 Minutes
Coningsby Town Council Meeting
October 24th at 7:30pm in Coningsby Community Hall
In attendance with Councillor Mathew Mason as chair, Cllrs: Amanda Bowen, Paddy Donnellan, Dick Johnson, Tabby Bannister, Tracey Firth, Kevin Moorhouse, Ruth Sharples and Mary Walker, Glyn Olive, Chris Waites.
Clerk – Kathy Roberts
Deputy Clerk – Sarah-Louise Kulwicki
No public forum
2410. 1. Welcome from the Chairman Cllr Matthew Mason
2410. 2. No apologies from Coningsby Councillors – apologies received from LCC Tom Ashton and ELDC Martin Foster & James Knowles.
2410. 3. No declarations of interest at this point.
2410. 4. Notes from meeting held 26th September previously circulated were proposed as a true and correct record Cllr Bowen, seconded Cllr Bannister, all voted in favour – RESOLVED Chairman signed the minutes.
2410. 5. County and District Cllrs - None in attendance, no reports.
2410. 6. Finances –income and expenditure as listed be paid proposed Cllr Johnson, Seconded Cllr Bowen, all voted in favour RESOLVED
2410.7 Proposal NOT to purchase a gritting machine for salting the paths Cllr Moorhouse, no seconder. Proposal to purchase turbo cast 400 salt spreader Cllr G Olive, seconder Cllr M Walker – 10 votes in favour RESOLVED
2410.8 Appointment of Committee & working groups
a) HR and finance – elected Cllrs Mason, Moorhouse, Bowen, Olive & Johnson
b) Cemetery & amenities WG – Cllrs Mason, Moorhouse, Bowen, Donnellan, Walker
c) Sports, Pav & CF Club WG – Cllrs Mason, Moorhouse, Bowen, Bannister & Firth
2410.9. Youth Club DIVSS – 10 youngsters have been funded by a grant for the DofE the youth club will fund any others in this our first year of running DofE, Barnes Wallis have been approached with reference to the volunteer work required and are very keen to come on board in the future years to offer help and activity opportunities. Volunteers are needed to man the club on Friday evenings during school term time if people could spare one evening a month a rota could be worked out.
2410.10. Planning – Council’s application for storage container on the Allan Barker field has been verified.
2410.11. Funding bid – on hold until the planning permission is acquired, see above.
2410.12. Skate Park – extension – this is going ahead asap and should be completed by the end of November.
2410.13. Meeting with TWT PC – Cllr Donnellan reported that councils will work together to lobby the Police and Crime commissioner to reinstate PCSOs into local areas, also some joint activities will be discussed and the forming of joint events group was discussed.
2410.14. To appoint internal auditor – Clerk is contacting local clerks to see if any are willing to do this for Council – clerk is speaking with Karen Elliot.
2410.15. To approve changes to Asset register – Clerk asked to add Allotment land -proposed Cllr Walker, seconded Cllr Bannister All in favour RESOLVED
2410.16. To review and approve – Harassment Policy – Proposed Cllr Donnellan, seconded Cllr Johnson, all voted in favour RESOLVED
2410.17. To review and approve – Complaints Procedure -Proposed Cllr Olive, seconded Cllr Firth, all voted in favour RESOLVED
2410.18. To review and adopt 3-year action plan – Proposed Cllr Bowen, seconded Cllr Firth, all voted in favour RESOLVED
2410.19. To approve the updating of the online accessibility policy Council website – Proposed Cllr Johnson, seconded Cllr Donnellan, all voted in favour RESOLVED
2410. 20. Clerks Report –
a) Asset transfer documents received the Council need to appoint Solicitor Clerk instructed to appoint Ben Neal Hodgkinson’s –
b) Lease for hall car park – no updates
c) Remembrance Day Service in Church 10.30am service in Cemetery 2pm Proposal to donate towards the heating of Church on Remembrance Day and Council Carol Service 1st December Cllr Olive proposed £100 seconded Cllr Johnson all in favour RESOLVED
d) Muga Gates – safety mesh attached to one gate, looking good.
2410.21. Council resolved to move into closed session.
Members of public left the meeting –
Council discussed employment details – a meeting of the HR & Finance Committee is arranged for the 14th of November where this will be discussed further, all Councillors are welcome to attend the start of this meeting which will be in closed session – Cllr Bowen will take the minutes on closed session.
Finances – item 2410. 6.
B7 |
Receipt |
Michael H Sivill |
150.00 |
0.00 |
150.00 |
b11 |
Receipt |
William Kent |
120.00 |
0.00 |
120.00 |
Chipmunks |
Receipt |
Light up Coningsby |
20.00 |
0.00 |
20.00 |
Salon 35 |
Receipt |
Light up Coningsby |
20.00 |
0.00 |
20.00 |
The cutting cupboard |
Receipt |
Light up Coningsby |
20.00 |
0.00 |
20.00 |
White Bull |
Receipt |
Light up Coningsby |
40.00 |
0.00 |
40.00 |
Coningsby Pet&A |
Receipt |
Light up Coningsby |
20.00 |
0.00 |
20.00 |
Look Lucious |
Receipt |
Light up Coningsby |
20.00 |
0.00 |
20.00 |
AES Dentcare High st |
Receipt |
Light up Coningsby |
20.00 |
0.00 |
20.00 |
Coningsby Dental x 2 |
Receipt |
Light up Coningsby |
40.00 |
0.00 |
40.00 |
Cleveland cycles |
Receipt |
Light up Coningsby |
20.00 |
0.00 |
20.00 |
Agra Tandori |
Receipt |
Light up Coningsby |
20.00 |
0.00 |
20.00 |
MUGA and Pav hire |
Receipt |
Magna Vitae |
180.00 |
0.00 |
180.00 |
Interest |
Receipt |
COOP bank |
14.83 |
0.00 |
14.83 |
pav hire 1st payment |
Receipt |
Silverlions Ukulele |
8.00 |
0.00 |
8.00 |
pav hire 2nd payment |
Receipt |
Silverlions Ukulele |
40.00 |
0.00 |
40.00 |
Hire of MUGA and pav |
Receipt |
Walking Football |
66.00 |
0.00 |
66.00 |
MUGA hire |
Receipt |
Coningsby FC |
40.00 |
0.00 |
40.00 |
Receipt |
Coningsby FC |
160.00 |
0.00 |
160.00 |
MUGA hire |
Receipt |
Walking Football |
66.00 |
0.00 |
66.00 |
MUGA hire |
Receipt |
Walking Football |
180.00 |
0.00 |
180.00 |
MUGA hire |
Receipt |
A D Sports Coaching |
50.00 |
0.00 |
50.00 |
Interest |
Receipt |
COOP bank |
581.73 |
0.00 |
581.73 |
Tree COOP funeral |
Receipt |
Light up Coningsby |
20.00 |
0.00 |
20.00 |
Total Income: |
1,916.56 |
0.00 |
1,916.56 |
Stiga Sweeper purchase |
Payment |
Chris Sellars Groundcare Ltd |
-749.17 |
149.83 |
-899.00 |
Refreshments for volunteers |
Payment |
Morrisons Daily |
-20.15 |
0.00 |
-20.15 |
Toilet hire cem works |
Payment |
SRP Hire solutions |
-70.00 |
-14.00 |
-84.00 |
External Audit |
Payment |
PKF Littlejohn LLP |
-630.00 |
126.00 |
-756.00 |
Paint - Cem |
Payment |
Tool station |
-31.79 |
-6.36 |
-38.15 |
Hall Hire Jan - Jul |
Payment |
Community Hall |
-176.00 |
0.00 |
-176.00 |
Paper/envelopes/ WB pens |
Payment |
Amazon |
-106.56 |
-21.31 |
-127.87 |
Christmas trees |
Payment |
Christmas Trees |
-1,299.00 |
259.80 |
-1,558.80 |
Payment |
Everflow |
-12.58 |
0.00 |
-12.58 |
August |
Payment |
Nest pensions |
-154.00 |
0.00 |
-154.00 |
Tuck Shop |
Payment |
Grafters |
-20.73 |
-4.15 |
-24.88 |
Interest |
Payment |
-1.46 |
-0.29 |
-1.75 |
Interst |
Payment |
-5.25 |
-1.05 |
-6.30 |
Bolts- nuts |
Payment |
E bay |
-37.76 |
-7.55 |
-45.31 |
September |
Payment |
Nest pensions |
-154.00 |
0.00 |
-154.00 |
Water rates |
Payment |
Everflow |
-41.50 |
0.00 |
-41.50 |
Various |
Payment |
Goodwins |
-47.47 |
-8.49 |
-55.96 |
Electricity - WAR M |
Payment |
npower business |
-24.86 |
-4.97 |
-29.83 |
Electricity - AB Lights |
Payment |
npower business |
-50.33 |
-10.07 |
-60.40 |
Amenity grass cutting |
Payment |
Tudor maintenance |
-917.51 |
183.50 |
-1,101.01 |
Cem grass |
Payment |
Tudor maintenance |
-568.68 |
113.74 |
-682.42 |
Grass cutting |
Payment |
John Ward |
-154.00 |
0.00 |
-154.00 |
Castle path |
Payment |
Tony Gibbons |
-84.00 |
0.00 |
-84.00 |
sanding disks |
Payment |
Ebay |
-5.99 |
0.00 |
-5.99 |
Parking permit |
Payment |
-208.33 |
-41.67 |
-250.00 |
Salaries |
Payment |
7 employees |
-5,157.78 |
0.00 |
-5,157.78 |
key rings and batteries |
Payment |
Amazon |
-14.15 |
-2.83 |
-16.98 |
Total expenses: |
-10,743.05 |
-955.61 |
-11,698.66 |