May 2024 Minutes Annual Town Council Meeting

Coningsby Annual Town Council Meeting
May 23rd at 7:30pm in Coningsby Community Hall
In attendance Councillors Amanda Bowen, Chris Waites, Paddy Donnellan, Dick Johnson, Glyn Olive, Tabby Bannister, Tracey Firth, Kevin Moorhouse, Ruth Sharples, Mathew Mason and Mary Walker.
Clerk – Kathy Roberts
Deputy Clerk – Sarah-Louise Kulwicki
District Councillors Martin Foster & James Knowles
County Councillor Tom Ashton
Three members of public in attendance – no public forum required observers only.
The meeting opened at 7:30pm
1. Cllr Bowen requested nominations for Chairman – Cllr D Johnson nominated Cllr Matthew Mason, seconded by Cllr Glyn Olive; no further nominations, all Cllrs voted in favour RESOLVED – Cllr Mason thanked the Cllrs for their support and signed the declaration of acceptance of office – Cllr Mason took the Chair
2. Chairman asked for nominations for Vice Chairman – Cllr Paddy Donnellan nominated Cllr Kevin Moorhouse, seconded by Cllr Mary Walker; no further nominations, all Cllrs voted in favour RESOLVED – Cllr Moorhouse took his seat at the table and signed the declaration of office.
3. No apologies
4. No declarations of interest at this point.
5. Notes previously circulated from the April 25th meeting – Proposed as a true and correct record, Cllr Chris Waites, seconded, Cllr Tracey Firth, all voted in favour RESOLVED
6. County Cllr Tom Ashton – reported that it is a relatively quiet time at County in the run up to the General Election, there is speculation that there will be some changes with any new Government. Currently Cllr A is working with the EA and Scrutiny Panel regarding the flooding issues including the clean up and restoration of damaged areas, a meet is being held tomorrow 24th May where he will be fighting the case for his ward.
District Cllr Martin Foster – Also has concern regarding the restoration delays, as a local member of the Witham drainage board he is investigating this. A leaflet drop has been done in and around the village, it bears the East Lindsey Logo, calling themselves EL surfacing, offering services to homeowners, Cllr Foster wished it to be made known that this company is not affiliated in any way with East Lindsey DC. The village toilets are to be totally refurbished and will again be offered to the Town Council to take over management.
District Cllr Knowles – congratulated Cllr Mason on his election as Chair of CTC, also echoing the report from Cllr Foster.
7. Finance and HR meeting to be held – 13th June 7pm at the Allan Barker Pavilion
8. The Coningsby FC/ CTC meeting is arranged for 6th June 7pm at Allan Barker Pavilion.
9. The Sports Field / Pavilion group met and would like to propose the following increases in fees, Cllr Johnson spoke firstly reminding all that the fees had not been increased since 2011 & 2013. Proposal to increase the Pavilion the whole building £12 per hour and £60 per day for personal and group use up to 30 persons which is the max for the internal use; any corporate use will be charged at £300 per day including the use of field for bouncy castles, marquees etc. MUGA 3G pitch will increase to £20 per hour adults and £10 youths, the lighting tokens when required will remain at £5 per hour as the new LED lighting will be more cost effective to run. An online booking system has also been investigated and this would be a cost of £265 per year – this will once set up take bookings for the building and the MUGA this will also produce the invoices – there will be an option for anyone who cannot book online to book through the clerks. The MUGA maintenance contract will be a bimonthly clean and care package at a cost of £2,900 per year; in addition to this the Council need to purchase a mechanical machine to carry out a weekly sweep this is a one of cost of £1,715 +VAT this will be carried out by a council employee once every week, timescale unknown for cost, minimum of 1 Hour expected. Cllr Donnellan Proposed the fees and contracts as presented were accepted along with the purchase of the machine and the online booking system, seconded by Cllr Olive, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
10. Youth Group – DIVSS – Cllr Bowen had nothing to report the D of E application is being processed, hopefully more information for the next meeting.
11. Finances -- Proposal to pay all as listed Cllr Tabbi Bannister, seconded by Cllr Amanda Bowen, all voted in favour RESOLVED
05/04/2024 |
Interest |
Show Account |
14.79 |
05/04/2024 |
Interest |
Cem Account |
580.20 |
01/05/2024 |
HM Revenue and customs |
-946.64 |
09/05/2024 |
Chargers |
Amazon |
-34.17 |
08/05/2024 |
Everflow Waste |
-27.52 |
03/05/2024 |
GPA/sickness/business |
James Hallam |
-458.99 |
03/05/2024 |
Commercial combined |
James Hallam |
-5,467.63 |
10/05/2024 |
AB LED light parts |
J Parker electrical |
-16,122.41 |
24/05/2024 |
Grass cutting |
John Ward |
-164.00 |
10/05/2024 |
Everflow Waste |
-27.52 |
24/05/2024 |
External Audit |
Carol Jones |
-180.00 |
24/05/2024 |
Cemetery |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
-682.42 |
24/05/2024 |
Amenity grass cutting |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
-1,101.01 |
24/05/2024 |
Mole control - 51 |
PestForce |
-96.00 |
24/05/2024 |
Grant for WFB |
Coningsby and Woodhall walking football |
-135.00 |
24/05/2024 |
Rickard trophy engraving |
Richard Sivill Gallery |
-9.35 |
24/05/2024 |
IDB Rates |
Witham Third IDB |
-50.48 |
24/05/2024 |
Cemetery |
Ellgia Limited |
-6.12 |
25/05/2024 |
School Lane Bins |
Ellgia Limited |
-6.12 |
25/05/2024 |
Allan Barker Bins |
Ellgia Limited |
-6.12 |
24/05/2024 |
Office supplies |
Regor Office Supplies |
-282.00 |
24/05/2024 |
Padlock, blots |
Goodwins |
-40.00 |
14/05/2024 |
water |
Everflow |
-35.89 |
15/05/2024 |
salaries |
all employees |
4,202.14 |
12. Annual Audit – 12.2.1 To receive the Internal Auditors Report, proposed Cllr D J, seconded RESOLVED. 12. 2.2 To consider the Annual Governance Statement (sec1)all questions read out and councillors agreed yes to all, completed, proposed, seconded, Cllr T B, RESOLVED
12-2.3 Accounting Statements (sec2) considered and proposed Cllr D J seconded Cllr G O all voted in favour RESOLVED – Chairman and Clerk signed all 3 documents The commencement date for electors right to inspect accounts as 3rd June 2024 to 12th July 24.
13. No planning applications
14. Clerks Report
1. - Asset transfer – valuations are being done on the grounds.
2. Lease documents for Hall car park – with solicitors
3. Custodian Trustee documents – with solicitors
4. Land Registry – Comm Hall
No updates on the above.
Meeting date with Tattershall with Thorpe PC is set for 26th June at the Allan Barker room.
Clerk to contact Smiths Construction to look at fencing safety following a recent incident.
Meeting closed.