April 2024 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council Meeting
April 25th at 7:30pm in Coningsby Community Hall
In attendance Councillors Chairman Amanda Bowen, Chris Waites, Paddy Donnellan, Dick Johnson, Glyn Olive, Tabby Bannister, Tracey Firth, Kevin Moorhouse, Mathew Mason and Mary Walker.
Clerk – Kathy Roberts
Three members of public in attendance – no public forum required observers only.
The meeting opened at 7:30pm
1. Welcome from Chairman
Cllr Bowen thanked her fellow Cllrs for the support they have given her over the last two years as this is the last full meeting in the chair.
2. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies received and accepted from District Councillors Martin Foster and James Knowles. No apologies received from Cllr Sharples.
3. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
4. Notes previously circulated from November 23rd council meeting – to resolve as correct record of meeting.
Proposed by Cllr Donnellan, Seconded Cllr Johnson, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
5. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors if in attendance.
No reports.
6. Finances - to approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by Council as listed for April 2024 details with Councillors including current balances.
Proposed by Cllr Firth, Seconded Cllr Johnson, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
01/04/2024 to 26/04/2024 |
Income: |
Voucher |
Date |
Supplier / customer |
Net |
Total |
511 |
02/04/2024 |
Walking Football |
12.00 |
0.00 |
12.00 |
512 |
02/04/2024 |
Silverlions Ukulele |
48.00 |
0.00 |
48.00 |
549 |
17/04/2024 |
East Lindsey |
71,500.00 |
0.00 |
71,500.00 |
550 |
22/04/2024 |
William Kent |
300.00 |
0.00 |
300.00 |
551 |
18/04/2024 |
Angela Thorpe |
66.00 |
0.00 |
66.00 |
Total: |
71,926.00 |
0.00 |
71,926.00 |
Expenses: |
513 |
08/04/2024 |
Coningsby Post Office |
-5.20 |
0.00 |
-5.20 |
514 |
05/04/2024 |
Richard Sivill Gallery |
-60.00 |
0.00 |
-60.00 |
515 |
09/04/2024 |
Everflow |
-1.78 |
0.00 |
-1.78 |
15/04/2024 |
Salaries |
4,621.44 |
00 |
4,621.44 |
518 |
11/04/2024 |
Everflow Waste |
-22.93 |
-4.59 |
-27.52 |
519 |
10/04/2024 |
Amazon |
-19.15 |
-3.83 |
-22.98 |
520 |
12/04/2024 |
Fredrick Gillard |
-111.06 |
0.00 |
-111.06 |
521 |
15/04/2024 |
Nest pensions |
-154.00 |
0.00 |
-154.00 |
522 |
06/04/2024 |
Everflow |
-38.57 |
0.00 |
-38.57 |
527 |
15/04/2024 |
Coningsby Post Office |
-11.65 |
-2.33 |
-13.98 |
528 |
16/04/2024 |
-71.72 |
-6.58 |
-78.30 |
529 |
17/04/2024 |
Amazon |
-64.84 |
0.00 |
-64.84 |
530 |
17/04/2024 |
Amazon |
-39.65 |
-7.93 |
-47.58 |
531 |
26/04/2024 |
W. R. Hanson |
-200.00 |
-40.00 |
-240.00 |
532 |
26/04/2024 |
Easy PC Accounts |
-120.00 |
0.00 |
-120.00 |
533 |
26/04/2024 |
-100.00 |
0.00 |
-100.00 |
534 |
15/04/2024 |
HM Revenue and customs |
-946.64 |
0.00 |
-946.64 |
535 |
26/04/2024 |
PestForce |
-85.00 |
-17.00 |
-102.00 |
536 |
26/04/2024 |
J Parker electrical |
-451.00 |
-90.20 |
-541.20 |
537 |
26/04/2024 |
T. Bateman |
-100.00 |
0.00 |
-100.00 |
538 |
26/04/2024 |
PestForce |
-80.00 |
-16.00 |
-96.00 |
539 |
26/04/2024 |
PestForce |
-80.00 |
-16.00 |
-96.00 |
540 |
26/04/2024 |
PestForce |
-80.00 |
-16.00 |
-96.00 |
541 |
25/04/2024 |
npower business solutions |
-33.20 |
-6.64 |
-39.84 |
542 |
25/04/2024 |
npower business solutions |
-66.92 |
-13.39 |
-80.31 |
543 |
26/04/2024 |
Goodwins |
-97.04 |
-19.41 |
-116.45 |
544 |
26/04/2024 |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
-568.68 |
-113.74 |
-682.42 |
545 |
26/04/2024 |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
-917.51 |
-183.50 |
-1,101.01 |
546 |
26/04/2024 |
John Ward |
-254.00 |
0.00 |
-254.00 |
547 |
26/04/2024 |
Proludic |
-43.83 |
-8.77 |
-52.60 |
548 |
26/04/2024 |
-299.69 |
0.00 |
-299.69 |
552 |
26/04/2024 |
Microsoft |
-16.80 |
-3.36 |
-20.16 |
Total: |
-9,651.25 |
-569.27 |
-10,220.52 |
7. Planning applications and decisions
1. Ref: S/035/00325/24 - 10. Curtis Drive, Coningsby - Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. Full planning has been given.
8. Update on MUGA re surfacing – Smiths Construction
Estimated completion date Friday 26th April. The clerk has met with the contractors who are doing a fantastic job and are on schedule.
9. Appointment of officers for D of E and update on progress
Cllr Bowen told the council DIVSS has received a grant of £750 to help pay for the camping equipment needed for D of E.
Officers as follows:
Licence holder - Cllr Mathew Mason
Expedition manager - Cllr Amanda Bowen
Supervisor - Youth club volunteer Hannah Dowling
Expedition – Youth club volunteer Samantha
Verifier- Dick Johnson
Proposed by Cllr Donnellan, Seconded Cllr Johnson, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
Proposed by Cllr Johnson, Seconded Cllr Walker all voted in favour to have the youth club as a monthly agenda item, RESOLVED.
10. To arrange a date and time for Burial group meeting
Cllrs discussed possible dates and it was proposed by Cllr Walker, Seconded Cllr Donnellan, RESOLVED for the meeting to be held on the 20th of June at 6:30pm.
11. Report from Annual Parishioners meeting, held 18th April 2024
The clerk informed the council that 47 members of public attended the event and the cheese and wine were a big hit. The clerk was asked to write thank you letters to all guests and Cllr Martin Foster. She was also asked to write to Lincs Police about their lack of cover in this area and the increase in anti-social behaviour.
12. Clerks report
1. Asset transfer – valuations are being done on the grounds.
2. Lease documents for Hall car park – with solicitors
3. Custodian Trustee documents – with solicitors
4. Land Registry – Comm Hall, Council is still waiting for more information from the solicitor.
5. Additional areas of grass cutting added by LCC -increase in payments.
6. Vandalism A Barker – Reported to the police and repairs will be carried out.
The meeting closed 8:20pm.