January 2024 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council Meeting
January 25th at 7:30pm in Coningsby Community Hall
In attendance Councillors Chairman Amanda Bowen, Chris Waites, Paddy Donnellan, Ruth Sharples, Dick Johnson, Glyn Olive, Tabby Bannister, Tracey Firth, Kevin Moorhouse and Mary Walker. District Councillors Martin Foster and James Knowles were also in attendance
Clerk – Kathy Roberts
Assistant Clerk – Sarah Kulwicki
Three members of public in attendance – no public forum required observers only.
The meeting opened at 7:30pm
1. Chairmans remarks
2. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies received and accepted from Cllr Mason and LCC Tom Ashton
3. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
4. Notes previously circulated from November 23rd council meeting – to resolve as correct record of meeting.
Proposed by Cllr Donnellan, Seconded Cllr Johnson, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
5. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors if in attendance.
Councillor Foster told the council that ELDC budget is now out for consultation. He reminded councillors that 0.48p of every £1 goes to the IDB. Councillor Knowles had nothing to add. County Councillor Tom Ashton had sent in a report—LCC budget set at maximum 5% plus 4 million in addition for flood relief. Very pleased to report the speed reductions have been approved for Dogdyke Rd, Hawthorn Hill and Scrub Hill.
6. Report from HR and Finance committee – appraisals and employment to be discussed in closed session.
Proposed by Cllr Donnellan, Seconded Cllr Johnson, all voted in favour to be discussed in closed session RESOLVED.
7. Council email addresses – LALC directive to change all to Gov.Uk – docs with cllrs.
Proposed by Cllr Olive, Seconded Cllr Johnson, all voted in favour for the councillors and staff to use .gov.uk email addresses, RESOLVED.
8. LALC – to discuss if Council wish to join the Annual training scheme.
Proposed by Cllr Johnson, Seconded Cllr Olive, all voted in favour to join the scheme RESOLVED.
9. Finances - To consider and approve payments as listed record payments, December 2023 and January 2024
Proposed by Cllr Donnellan, Seconded Cllr Johnson, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
Pav cleaning/ mop buckets |
Peter Hogarth |
-74.80 |
-14.96 |
-89.76 |
Com hall search |
Land Registry |
-11.94 |
0.00 |
-11.94 |
Cem new ground plans |
Kathleen Rose Roberts |
-48.00 |
0.00 |
-48.00 |
organist fees |
Brian Quinn |
-40.00 |
0.00 |
-40.00 |
Oct |
Click waste UK |
-84.66 |
-16.93 |
-101.59 |
emergency signs |
Sprint Signs |
-445.00 |
-89.00 |
-534.00 |
Mole control |
PestForce |
-80.00 |
-16.00 |
-96.00 |
HMRC Debt paid |
Kathleen Rose Roberts |
-401.62 |
0.00 |
-401.62 |
BT |
BT |
-170.50 |
-34.10 |
-204.60 |
plan |
Kathleen Rose Roberts |
-63.97 |
0.00 |
-63.97 |
Waste collection |
Click waste UK |
-32.45 |
-6.49 |
-38.94 |
floodlights AB |
J Parker electrical |
-228.00 |
-45.60 |
-273.60 |
cups xmas service |
Amazon |
-10.79 |
-2.16 |
-12.95 |
cups xmas service |
Amazon |
-10.79 |
-2.16 |
-12.95 |
Printer |
Currys |
-308.32 |
-61.67 |
-369.99 |
Donation for electrical works |
Coningsby Community Hall |
-3,000.00 |
0.00 |
-3,000.00 |
Refund graves spaces |
J.A. Bowers |
-300.00 |
0.00 |
-300.00 |
Mulled wine |
Sarah- Louise Kulwicki |
-33.75 |
0.00 |
-33.75 |
hot choc/ milk/ treats xmas |
Sarah- Louise Kulwicki |
-69.98 |
0.00 |
-69.98 |
Grass cutting |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
-917.51 |
-183.50 |
-1,101.01 |
Grass cutting |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
-568.68 |
-113.74 |
-682.42 |
rd closure owner sign |
Sprint Signs |
-9.00 |
-1.80 |
-10.80 |
25.25 |
Post Office |
-21.04 |
-4.21 |
-25.25 |
Goodwins tree |
Light up Coningsby |
20.00 |
0.00 |
20.00 |
B15 |
William Kent |
120.00 |
0.00 |
120.00 |
Pav |
Silverlions Ukulele |
36.00 |
0.00 |
36.00 |
Ginger cow tree |
Light up Coningsby |
40.00 |
0.00 |
40.00 |
Light up Coningsby |
3,610.08 |
0.00 |
3,610.08 |
Invoice 39 |
Coningsby FC |
45.00 |
0.00 |
45.00 |
MagicWok |
Light up Coningsby |
40.00 |
0.00 |
40.00 |
Coningsby FC |
60.00 |
0.00 |
60.00 |
Councillor com grant - pptable |
East Lindsey |
1,000.00 |
0.00 |
1,000.00 |
pav |
Silverlions Ukulele |
48.00 |
0.00 |
48.00 |
Burial inv.16 |
Co-op funeral services |
50.00 |
0.00 |
50.00 |
Mince pies |
-14.35 |
0.00 |
-14.35 |
contract |
Smith construction LTD |
-179.34 |
-35.87 |
-215.21 |
AB Tree |
Light up Coningsby |
14.75 |
0.00 |
14.75 |
water rates |
Everflow |
-35.25 |
0.00 |
-35.25 |
Waste collection |
Everflow Waste |
-33.62 |
-6.73 |
-40.35 |
Grass cutting |
John Ward |
-132.00 |
0.00 |
-132.00 |
Mince pies |
Kathleen Rose Roberts |
-17.10 |
0.00 |
-17.10 |
SEC 137 lighting Xmas |
St. Michaels Church |
-65.00 |
0.00 |
-65.00 |
Various goods |
Goodwins |
-102.42 |
-20.48 |
-122.90 |
Mouse Mats |
Amazon |
-10.66 |
-2.13 |
-12.79 |
AVIVA - Insurance |
39,442.38 |
0.00 |
39,442.38 |
Right of burial |
Burial - Williams |
300.00 |
0.00 |
300.00 |
Curry's printer |
Currys |
308.32 |
61.67 |
369.99 |
TWTPC trees |
Own account credit |
390.50 |
0.00 |
390.50 |
Printer refund |
Amazon |
244.28 |
0.00 |
244.28 |
Chipmunks |
Light up Coningsby |
20.00 |
0.00 |
20.00 |
Pav hire |
Angela Thorpe |
54.00 |
0.00 |
54.00 |
Salaries |
x five employees |
4,168.84 |
4,168.84 |
Mole control |
PestForce |
-80.00 |
-16.00 |
-96.00 |
Grass cutting - Amenity |
Tudor Grounds Maintenance |
-917.51 |
-183.50 |
-1,101.01 |
Grass cutting - Cem |
Tudor Grounds Maintenance |
-568.68 |
-113.74 |
-682.42 |
Mole control |
PestForce |
-80.00 |
-16.00 |
-96.00 |
printer |
Administration |
-479.15 |
-95.83 |
-574.98 |
Pension |
Administration |
-154.00 |
0.00 |
-154.00 |
Defib pads |
Miscellaneous Payments |
-24.99 |
-5.00 |
-29.99 |
Printer refund |
Miscellaneous Receipts |
244.28 |
0.00 |
244.28 |
water rates |
Everflow |
-33.65 |
0.00 |
-33.65 |
Defib pads |
Miscellaneous Payments |
-24.99 |
-5.00 |
-29.99 |
Community |
-650.00 |
-130.00 |
-780.00 |
Ink |
Administration |
-74.91 |
-14.98 |
-89.89 |
Electricity |
N-Power |
-36.59 |
-1.83 |
-38.42 |
Electricity |
Miscellaneous Payments |
-73.08 |
-3.65 |
-76.73 |
Waste collection |
Miscellaneous Payments |
-33.63 |
-6.72 |
-40.35 |
DIVSS grant |
Miscellaneous Receipts |
1,000.00 |
0.00 |
1,000.00 |
Grass cutting |
Tudor Grounds Maintenance |
-568.68 |
-113.74 |
-682.42 |
Grass cutting |
Tudor Grounds Maintenance |
-917.51 |
-183.50 |
-1,101.01 |
pav hire |
Miscellaneous Receipts |
24.00 |
0.00 |
24.00 |
ink |
Administration |
-85.52 |
-17.11 |
-102.63 |
Burial inv.20 |
Miscellaneous Receipts |
100.00 |
0.00 |
100.00 |
Mole control |
Miscellaneous Payments |
-80.00 |
-16.00 |
-96.00 |
graffiti remover |
Peter Hogarth |
-51.34 |
-10.27 |
-61.61 |
LALC Subs |
Administration |
-751.32 |
0.00 |
-751.32 |
Salaries |
x five employees and HMRC |
4,160.03 |
4,160.03 |
10. Planning applications
a) S/035/00002/24 18 Old Boston Road – erection off two storey dwelling
b) S/035/01963/22 – erection of 102 dwellings phase 5 Kings Manor. Full Planning.
c) S/035/02236/23 AND S/035/02237/23 - White Bull, amendments outdoor fencing and shed replacement and festoon lighting to include demolishing existing store and reinstate brickwork and add an additional door and window. Council support.
d) S/035/02324/23 – 35a Dogdyke Road, REFUSAL of permission to extend existing dwelling.
11. Street naming – phase 5 – Clifton Court – another name taken from the Coningsby War Memorial. Council approval requested.
Proposed by Cllr Moorhouse, Seconded Cllr Firth, all voted in favour for Clifton Court RESOLVED.
12. Development on Allan Barker field – feedback from meeting held 16th Jan.
Council discussed the meeting with the FA and other interested members of the community another meeting will be arranged with the football club to discuss sustainability.
13. Updating Cemetery records to online system suggested permission to investigate costs for current cemetery and any plans for new cemetery.
Proposed by Cllr Donnellan, Seconded Cllr Olive, all voted in favour for the clerks to investigate RESOLVED.
14. Clerks report –
1. School lane footpath - Resurfacing of the footpath to tarmac confirmed for this financial year by LCC.
2. Land Registry docs – Community Hall – in progress.
3. MUGA lighting – progress to LED, clerks will get 3 quotes for works.
4. Insurance claim progress MUGA – fund received.
5. Grants for Allan Barker – Table tennis table, Skate Park extension applications in progress.
6. Thank you, Community Hall, for donation towards the electrical work.
7. Clerk suggested to add an additional meeting for Finance and HR to see results of the budget they had input in setting.
8. FOI request received for Pingle handover documents. The clerk informed MOP that this is ELDC who dealt with the handover of this asset.
9. Cllr Bowen reported that a trip to Boston Bowl has been arranged for the youth club as not all will want to do D of E award. The clerks will arrange this.
To resolve to move into closed session- (if required) Under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972, ss 100 and 102
Proposed by Cllr Donnellan, Seconded Cllr Johnson, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
Closed session items:
a) Report from HR and Finance committee – see notes from meeting.
The clerk reported that the staff appraisals went well for all staff members and circulated the documented appraisal. The clerks are working on any comments/ issues which have arisen from them.
The purchase of a council mobile phone contract with a call diversion package so clerk can answer the phone while out of the office was discussed.
Proposed by Cllr Olive, Seconded Cllr Walker, 9 voted in favour, Cllr Moorhouse objected. Proposal carried RESOLVED.
b) Employment considerations arising from the HR and finance meeting held.
Proposed by Cllr Donnellan, Seconded Cllr Olive, all voted in favour for one additional maintenance employee to be hired, on a 3-month trial period, RESOLVED.
Proposed by Cllr Bannister, Seconded Cllr Bowen, all voted in favour for the clerks to get a temporary member of staff to help set up account/ budgets, RESOLVED.
Both of these will be with immediate effect.
c) To discuss quotes for MUGA x 3 and confirm a contractor.
Proposed by Cllr Donnellan, Seconded Cllr Walker, all voted in favour for Smiths Sports and Civils to carry out works, RESOLVED. Cost of contract £39,942.38
Proposal to use funds held in Multi Use Games Area account to help pay for the LED lighting upgrade, Cllr Olive, seconded by Cllr Donnellan RESOLVED