October 2023 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council Meeting
October 26th 2023 at 7.30pm Coningsby Community Hall
In attendance Councillors Chairman Amanda Bowen, Matthew Mason, Chris Waites, Paddy Donnellan, Ruth Sharples, Dick Johnson, Glyn Olive, Tabby Bannister, Tracey Firth, Mary Walker.
4 members of public in attendance – no public forum required observers only.
1. Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
2. Apologies and reasons received from Cllr Moorhouse – RESOLVED to accept. Apologies also received from District Cllrs Foster and Knowles.
3. Declarations of interest - Members of the Coningsby Community Hall Management committee who are also Cllrs declared an interest in Hall request for funds Cllrs Olive, Johnson & Sharples. Cllr Olive also declared a pecuniary interest in new signage for council sites.
4. Proposal that the notes of the meeting held September 28th are a true and correct record, Cllr Donnellan, seconded Cllr Bannister, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
5. No District or County Councillors in attendance – no reports received.
6. Review of documents – previously sent out to Councillors to read, no changes to Standing Orders, Financial Regulations or Risk Assessments, Council has signed up to the Civility Pledge, as a commitment to civility and respect in our work, and politeness and courtesy in behaviour, speech, and in the written word. All Cllrs signed the Code of conduct including this Civility pledge certificate no.1374. Proposed to accept Cllr Donnellan seconded Cllr Johnson all voted in favour RESOLVED.
7. Finances – proposal to approve all payments and receipts as listed for October 2023 Cllr Olive, sec Cllr Mason all voted in favour. RESOLVED
Ref. |
Description |
Supplier / customer |
Net |
Total |
228 |
supplies pav |
Peter Hogarth |
74.84 |
14.97 |
89.81 |
229 |
Waste collection |
Click waste UK |
44.92 |
8.98 |
53.90 |
230 |
trophies engraved |
Richard Sivill Gallery |
13.83 |
2.77 |
16.60 |
231 |
Oct meeting |
Coningsby Community Hall |
23.75 |
0.00 |
23.75 |
232 |
Pavilion electric |
sse swalec |
140.07 |
7.00 |
147.07 |
233 |
Mole control |
PestForce |
80.00 |
16.00 |
96.00 |
235 |
Grass cutting |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
568.68 |
113.74 |
682.42 |
236 |
Grass cutting |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
917.51 |
183.50 |
1,101.01 |
237 |
Grass cutting |
John Ward |
292.00 |
0.00 |
292.00 |
239 |
Pavillion |
Peter Hogarth |
109.49 |
21.90 |
131.39 |
240 |
toilet roll |
Peter Hogarth |
26.14 |
5.23 |
31.37 |
241 |
Mole control |
PestForce |
80.00 |
16.00 |
96.00 |
242 |
lights for MUGA |
The entertainment lighting company ltd |
636.45 |
127.29 |
763.74 |
243 |
Smith construction LTD |
179.34 |
35.87 |
215.21 |
244 |
pens |
Amazon |
15.18 |
0.00 |
15.18 |
246 |
Waste collection |
Ellgia Limited |
8.66 |
1.73 |
10.39 |
247 |
Waste collection |
Ellgia Limited |
47.24 |
9.45 |
56.69 |
248 |
AB Lights |
npower business solutions |
44.27 |
2.21 |
46.48 |
249 |
war mem |
Ellgia Limited |
21.77 |
1.09 |
22.86 |
251 |
padlocks goals AB |
Goodwins |
23.30 |
4.66 |
27.96 |
252 |
Grass cutting |
John Ward |
304.00 |
0.00 |
304.00 |
253 |
water rates |
Everflow |
34.45 |
0.00 |
34.45 |
255 |
elections |
3,801.33 |
0.00 |
3,801.33 |
258 |
Donation for wreaths |
Royal British Legion |
150.00 |
0.00 |
150.00 |
Salaries |
All employees |
3,730.83 |
3,730.83 |
265 |
October |
HM Revenue and customs |
694.71 |
0.00 |
694.71 |
266 |
Footpaths |
Tony Gibbons |
140.00 |
0.00 |
140.00 |
267 |
Interim audit |
Carol Jones |
100.00 |
0.00 |
100.00 |
268 |
KR Parking permit |
208.33 |
41.67 |
250.00 |
269 |
Grass cutting |
John Ward |
292.00 |
0.00 |
292.00 |
270 |
Waste collection |
Click waste UK |
26.66 |
5.33 |
31.99 |
2nd payment ELDC |
Receipt |
65,000.00 |
YOGA Pavilion hire |
Receipt |
60.00 |
Community Hall |
Receipt |
20.00 |
Look Lucious |
Receipt |
20.00 |
Cherries x 2 |
Receipt |
40.00 |
field rate |
Receipt |
455.00 |
Salon 35 |
Receipt |
20.00 |
Walking Football |
Receipt |
66.00 |
Pavilion booking |
Receipt |
48.00 |
Xmas trees x 2 |
Receipt |
40.00 |
xmas trees 2022 |
Receipt |
359.00 |
light tokens |
Receipt |
50.00 |
Cleveland cycles |
Receipt |
20.00 |
coral reef |
Receipt |
20.00 |
Medivet |
Receipt |
20.00 |
trees |
Receipt |
39.32 |
Grass cutting |
Receipt |
1,353.48 |
Vivano Piza |
Receipt |
20.00 |
xmas tree |
Receipt |
40.00 |
Cooleys trees x 3 |
Receipt |
60.00 |
Agra |
Receipt |
20.00 |
8. Planning Application and decisions- Public Notice – Pavement Lincence26 Silver Street – Council supported the Street Café with comments relating to the display and enforcement of pavement parking restrictions.
9. Remembrance Day events – 11am on Saturday 11th at the War memorial, Sunday 12th Service in Church starting at 10.30 am, road closures arranged, thank you to the Lions for finding volunteers. Sunday 12th afternoon service at the Cemetery 2pm.
10. Mid-Year Audit has been completed all in order with the new accounting package. Internal auditor will carry out full audit in April.
11. County Cllr Tom Ashton & LCC highways officer Layla Harding visit – attended by Sarah Kulwicki, Chairman Amanda Bowen & Kathy Roberts – Areas covered included standing water on High St/ Silver St junction; parking on pavements all over the village,Parking restrictions on School Lane outside the School and Care home will be amended with the double yellows being reinstated outside the gate; Orchard Way residents parking issues and Hoplands Rd and Greenfield Road surfacing works; Council are awaiting feedback from the officers.
12. Ideas for Parishioners meeting 2024 – Question Time with different authorities such as EA, Police and Highways with our EL District Cllrs and LC Cllr in attendance – clerk to send out invites asap.
13. Clerks report - Wombles thank you morning went very well with visits from two of our District Cllrs to thank them on behalf of East Lindsey. MUGA bookings are down. Council have received a funding request from the Community Hall – this will be discussed at the Finance meeting on the 16th November – 3 quotes for works are required for requests over £1000. These will be asked for from the Community Hall Committee.
The deeds for the Community Hall are now with the Council and will be held in the safe in the office – the name on the deeds does need changing and the building and grounds need to be registered with the Land Registry – Clerks will action this.
No further communication received from the Welby Group.
Clerk will contact solicitors with reference to the Lease document for the Community Hall Car Park.
Meeting closed