June 2023 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council Meeting
June 22nd 7.30pm
In attendance Councillors Ruth Sharples, Tabbi Banister, Mary Walker, Paddy Donnellan, Dick Johnson, Chairman Amanda Bowen, Chris Waites, Matthew Mason & Kevin Moorhouse
East Lindsey District Councillor Martin Foster
Two members of public – No public forum required.
1. Welcome from Chairman.
2. Apologies and reasons for absence were heard from Cllr Glyn Olive and Cllr Tracey Firth – both approved – RESOLVED by vote.
3. No declarations of interest at this point.
4. Proposal that the notes of the meeting held May 18th are a true and correct record Cllr Walker, seconded Cllr Mason, all voted in favour RESOLVED Chairman signed and dated the minutes.
5. District Councillor Martin Foster – reported the fish at the Pingle lake are suffering, several dead fish have been seen, environment agency has been alerted and the Lions are aware and doing what they can. There has been a scrutiny panel investigating the public toilets across the district – increased running costs and vandalism will inevitably result in difficult decisions having to be made around the future of many areas, Coningsby included.
6. Fees discussed at the meeting for Coningsby FC – proposal to approve the annual and match fees £350 and £15 respectively for the coming season.
A Request for a container to be placed alongside the pavilion for the CFC items to be stored in this would free up space for Council / Youth club has been received. Council asks for a full proposal of what type and size the club are considering – this will allow for complete discussion and decision making – there is a possibility that planning permission would be required dependent on the size. Clerk will progress this with the club.
7. Burial ground walk. Notes from 3rd June were discussed – a toilet and hand washing facility for the Cemetery- this needs further investigation and budgeting for, should it be proposed going forward. Council chose not to take up this recommendation at this time. The group of Councillors wished to record sincere thanks to employee John Pinion for all his work in this area. The chapel doors need a coat of paint and will be Dark Green with black iron work. Concerns for the grass and hedge cutting contractors work were voiced, the Clerk has been in touch, and this should be resolved by the end of August. Several grave owners will be contacted regarding additional tributes that are not allowed. Clerk to stress to funeral directors and any persons making bookings that the rules must be adhered to, items will be removed.
8. Allotments. Councillors and clerk visited and me with three allotment holders, it was evident that there are at least 3 plots that are not being used, the tenants must be contacted to relinquish these unsightly plots; Council suggested offering these as half size plot initially to get a few people off the waiting list and see how that goes. The council also recommended that the tenants pay a deposit for each plot, and possibly those that took double and triple plot when the scheme first started to maybe relinquish some of their plots to new tenants before asking Council to find more land. The gate was measured and the metal gate from the Cemetery will be given to the Allotment association to replace the rotten one.
9. Road Markings – Cllr Mason requested that Council ask for the double yellow lines be remarked to make them more visible, we can then get the enforcement teams from County Council to police the area, educating those flouting the parking rules.
10. Parking outside viewing area Dogdyke Road – Councillors and members of public reported dangerous situation with pedestrians on the road around this area also multiple vehicle movements – Clerk to report to Highways enforcement and inform RAF Coningsby of the concerns.
11. Finances - Proposal to pay all as listed Cllr Mary Walker, seconded Cllr Paddy Donnellan, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
Payments June 2023 |
Phone and Broadband |
BT |
182.95 |
36.58 |
219.53 |
Flowers for planters |
Kathleen Roberts |
125.00 |
0.00 |
125.00 |
Mole control |
PestForce |
80.00 |
16.00 |
96.00 |
Waste collection |
Click waste UK |
84.66 |
16.93 |
101.59 |
Grass cutting |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
917.51 |
183.50 |
1,101.01 |
Grass cutting |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
568.68 |
113.74 |
682.42 |
Mole control |
PestForce |
80.00 |
16.00 |
96.00 |
water rates |
Everflow |
34.97 |
0.00 |
34.97 |
Grass cutting |
John Ward |
454.00 |
0.00 |
454.00 |
Waste collection |
Ellgia Limited |
8.66 |
1.73 |
10.39 |
Waste collection |
Ellgia Limited |
47.35 |
9.47 |
56.82 |
Hall Hire |
Coningsby Community Hall |
23.75 |
0.00 |
23.75 |
Gate installation |
Maintenance Allan Barker |
426.00 |
0.00 |
426.00 |
jubilee tea supplies |
Grafters |
76.90 |
0.00 |
76.90 |
plants |
Kathleen Roberts |
65.00 |
0.00 |
65.00 |
Various |
Goodwins |
281.34 |
56.27 |
337.61 |
Play area net repairs |
Kathleen Roberts |
17.99 |
0.00 |
17.99 |
Planters and footpath maint |
Tony Gibbons |
203.00 |
0.00 |
203.00 |
card payment machine |
Amazon |
106.24 |
21.25 |
127.49 |
Catering Coronation Tea |
Sue's Tableware Hire Service |
800.00 |
0.00 |
800.00 |
Unscheduled Apr 2023 |
Click waste UK - overweight |
29.18 |
5.84 |
35.02 |
Salaries all staff |
6 staff incld. HMRC |
4,003.54 |
4,003.54 |
12. Planning – S/035/00740/23 – 56 Dogdyke Road, extension approved.
13. Asset transfer details- No update.
14. Coningsby Youth Club – Cllr Bowen reported the club is going well strongly supported by Mark Money; the youngsters are all behaving and the ASB has gone down on the field since the club started, the group fluctuates between 25 young people and a max of 45 – Council thanked Cllr Bowen and aske thanks to be passed on to the volunteers.
15. Clerks report
1. Council planning application has been recorded as S/O23/00399/23 this was sent to East Lindsey on 24th February, officer has been contacted.
2. Two employees attended and passed Playground Inspection training at North Hykeham, Council is now able to carry out the visual inspections on a weekly/monthly basis. Annual outside body will still be required for legal and insurance purposes.
3. Land at Spotters car park on Dogdyke Rd – owners are being tracked down as some maintenance is required.
4. Cllr Tom Ashton replied to the speed issues via email – wishing to encourage patience and understanding that these things take time.
5. Vandalised picnic table and seat reported it has been removed and disposed of, two seat tops salvaged for future repairs if needed.
Meeting Closed