May 2023 Minutes Annual Town Council Meeting

Coningsby Town Council Annual Meeting
May 18th 2023 – 7.30pm
In attendance Councillors Ruth Sharples, Glyn Olive, Tabbi Banister, Mary Walker, Paddy Donnellan, Dick Johnson, Amanda Bowen, Chris Waites, Tracey Firth, Matthew Mason & Kevin Moorhouse
Apologies from District Councillor Martin Foster, County Councillor Tom Ashton.
No members of public.
All Councillors signed their declarations of acceptance of office.
1. Nominations for Chairman for the coming year were called for – Cllr Johnson proposed Cllr Amanda Bowen, no further nominations vote take all in favour RESOLVED. Cllr Bowen signed acceptance of office Chairman.
2. Nominations for Vice Chairman, Cllr Johnson nominated Cllr Mason, no other nominations were forthcoming, vote taken all in favour RESOLVED, Cllr Mason joined the table, accepted the position.
3. No Apologies
4. No declarations of Interest
5. Proposal that the notes of the meeting held 27th April 2023 be recorded as a true and correct record Cllr Johnson, seconded Cllr Olive, all voted in favour RESOLVED. Chairman signed and dated the minutes.
6. No County or District Cllrs in attendance.
7. The Council has 100% elected Councillors and two Cilca qualified Clerks– Coningsby Town Council now holds the GPC (General Power of Competence) – giving us greater powers to manage Council business. Proposal to adopt the GPC, Cllr Moorhouse, seconded, RESOLVED.
8. Hawthorn Hill – hedges and speed issues – Cllr Mason was asked to speak with a work colleague at Lincs Highways the clerk was asked to write to the residents of Beech Tree Farmhouse – Concerns also expressed about the visitors to the BBMF site and plane watchers; what safety precautions if any can be implemented?
9. Burial ground Walk – arranged for Saturday 3rd June at 9am – Cllrs Bowen, Mason, Donnellan, Sharples, Bannister & Walker to attend.
Allotments walk – arranged for Monday 19th June 7pm – Cllrs Mason, Bowen, Donnellan, Moorhouse and Firth to attend. – Allotments group to be informed.
10. Planning applications approved S/035/00301/23 FULL planning permission granted 7 dwellings in total – Kings Manor Phase 4. S/035/02250/22 Listed building consent – Alterations 47 -49 Silver Street.
11. Finances – Proposal to pay all as listed Cllr Glyn Olive, seconded Cllr Paddy Donnellan, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
Council moved into closed session, at request from Cllr Olive.
Burial land was discussed.
Meeting closed