July 2023 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council Meeting
July 27th 7.30pm
In attendance Councillors Ruth Sharples, Tabbi Banister, Mary Walker, Paddy Donnellan, Dick Johnson, Tracey Firth, Chairman Amanda Bowen, Glyn Olive, Matthew Mason & Kevin Moorhouse
Apologies ELD Cllr Martin Foster
Two members of public – No public forum required.
1. Chairman Cllr Amanda Bowen welcomed all to the meeting.
2. Apologies and reasons have been received from Cllr Chris Waites – Cllrs are aware of the reasons and accepted the apologies. RESOLVED
3. No declarations of interest currently.
4. Proposal that the notes of the meeting held June 22nd are a true and correct record, Cllr Donnellan, seconded Cllr Johnson, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
5. Hawthorn Hill junction – the conifer hedge that is causing visibility problems has been trimmed but not enough, this has been dealt with by Lincs Highways officer, Leah Hardy – this will be passed back through County Council, this Council will also write to explain that we can get the hedge cut back if they are unable to do this, also explaining that it needs to be back to the boundary. RESOLVED Clerk to write to homeowners.
6. County Cllr Tom Ashton joined the meeting and was informed of the previous discussion. Cllr A asked if Council would like a visit from the officer for this area not just for this item but to discuss and visit other areas of concern in and around the village. This was welcomed readily. Ofsted have graded the LCC Children’s services as outstanding, this is excellent news. Discussions continue around Devolution, without much movement from either camp. Drainage board funding is being investigated for next year’s budgets and into the requirements for the future longer term.
Proposal was heard to send letters to ELDC regarding nonattendance or commitment of interest in this town Council meeting from the elected District Cllrs and a letter of thanks for the work and time of East Lindsey Cllr Foster; seconded, all voted in favour RESOLVED Clerk to write to Craig Leyland.
7. Working groups or Committees – Clerks are checking advise on the legalities of these and will be more able to confirm at September meeting. The rotation of members on all groups or committees would illuminate the need for large numbers of Cllrs and would ensure all Cllrs see how the Council works.
8. Planning applications and decisions – Little Acorns LN4 4SJ- S/035/01383/23 has been received and is now being considered. Your observations are requested no later than 02/08/2023. Planning Permission - Change of use and conversion of part of existing day nursery to provide residential accommodation for a staff member. Proposal after discussion to OBJECT to this application – preschool environment space is very limited already this would be an unproportional amount of available space and there is already accommodation on site- not required. All vote in favour RESOLVED. - Land Off Greenfield Road – 035/01019/20 nonmaterial amendments full approval. – Puccini’s Silver Street – Rebranding of the building no change in size or number of signs – FLAIR gold writing on black background. Proposal to send in support, no objections all voted in favour RESOLVED.
9. Council owned/managed site signage – Proposal to update all areas with post codes of the actual site and more importantly and up to date add the “What three Words” location finder to the signage, all voted in favour RESOLVED Proposal also to have signage made up to use a temporary measures when areas have to be closed for whatever reason and an office sign reference abusive or aggravated behaviour will not be tolerated – you will be asked to leave the building, (wording to be confirmed.) RESOLVED
10. Asset transfers – no further information – clerk and chairman to ask a monthly meeting with Victoria Burgess if she can check for details.
11. Finances – Proposal to pay all as listed Cllr Walker, seconded Cllr Bannister, all voted in favour, RESOLVED.
Payments |
Hall Hire |
Coningsby Community Hall |
23.75 |
0.00 |
23.75 |
Mole control |
PestForce |
80.00 |
16.00 |
96.00 |
watering planters |
W. R. Hanson |
80.00 |
16.00 |
96.00 |
warning tape |
Tool station |
8.32 |
1.67 |
9.99 |
paint |
Tool station |
28.61 |
5.72 |
34.33 |
PAT Testing |
S B Barker |
104.41 |
20.88 |
125.29 |
Play Area Inspection training |
350.00 |
70.00 |
420.00 |
Permit |
208.33 |
41.67 |
250.00 |
Waste collection |
Click waste UK |
36.47 |
7.29 |
43.76 |
contractor work A Barker |
CJR Services |
120.00 |
0.00 |
120.00 |
Allan Barker maintenance |
Chris Payne |
80.00 |
0.00 |
80.00 |
Tape,screws,bolts play area |
Goodwins |
51.29 |
10.26 |
61.55 |
Allan Barker maintenance |
Pettitt Sports |
152.50 |
30.50 |
183.00 |
Printer inks |
inkredible DGAP UK Ltd |
79.67 |
15.94 |
95.61 |
Allan Barker supplies |
Grafters |
19.50 |
0.00 |
19.50 |
Waste Play area |
Ellgia Limited |
72.95 |
14.59 |
87.54 |
subscription & Duty of C |
Ellgia Limited |
8.66 |
1.73 |
10.39 |
Unmetered supply War memorial |
npower business solutions |
20.52 |
1.03 |
21.55 |
Unmetered supply Allan Barker st |
npower business solutions |
41.61 |
2.08 |
43.69 |
waste collection Allan Barker &a |
Click waste UK |
84.66 |
16.93 |
101.59 |
Grass cutting Village |
John Ward |
232.00 |
0.00 |
232.00 |
Cemetery Grounds maintenance |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
568.68 |
113.74 |
682.42 |
Village and Field Grounds Maint. |
Tudor Ground maintenance |
917.51 |
183.50 |
1,101.01 |
major surface clean inspection o |
Smith construction LTD |
179.34 |
35.87 |
215.21 |
Councillor induction training |
25.00 |
5.00 |
30.00 |
Nest pension x 2 months |
Nest pensions |
308.00 |
0.00 |
308.00 |
Pavilion Electric |
sse swalec |
235.83 |
11.79 |
247.62 |
water rates |
Everflow |
31.63 |
0.00 |
31.63 |
July |
HM Revenue and customs |
625.45 |
0.00 |
625.45 |
Salaries |
All staff |
3,603.55 |
3,603.55 |
subs |
Easy PC Accounts |
75.00 |
0.00 |
75.00 |
Matting for equipment |
EKM Ltd |
400.00 |
80.00 |
480.00 |
Receipts |
K. Roberts test |
sumup |
2.95 |
dance class |
Nancy Brine |
72.00 |
Burial invoices x 2 |
Own account credit |
700.00 |
Yoga |
Angela Thorpe |
24.00 |
pavilion hire |
Magna Vitae |
60.00 |
Pavilion hire |
Rachel Percival |
30.00 |
Muga hire |
Walking Football |
66.00 |
VAT refund HMRC |
Vat claimed |
2,099.19 |
Muga hire |
Walking Football |
66.00 |
Memorial |
William Kent |
120.00 |
pavilion hire |
Angela Thorpe |
24.00 |
12. Clerks report –
1. Vandalism at play area and A Barker – reported and Police have spoken with youngsters.
2. Possible application for music licence for Allan Barker Pavilion. Third party hirers are covered by their own licences. Football club have asked for a television they are prepared to pay for TV licence. East Lindsey licencing have been contacted.
3. Holiday dates for clerk.
4. Footpath 228 from Pilgrim Sq to Bomb dump has been cut.
5. Field – the top pitch is currently un – useable instructions have been given for this to be cleared of vermin and a start made on bringing it back up to playing conditions. Council have had two more requests for use of the field for matches preseason – as agreed there is no scope for this as the pitches are for now.
Councillor asked if weed could be attended to at front of Cemetery.
To resolve to move into closed session- Under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972, ss 100 and 102
Potential funding – section 106 monies
Development of the Allan Barker field to improve facilities.
Clerks to continue working with outside agencies and report back to the next meeting in September.
A meeting will be held prior to this with Coningsby FC, RAF Coningsby, ELDC & Lincs FA if possible.
Council RESOLVED to come out of closed session.
Meeting closed.