September 2023 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council Meeting
September 28th 7.30pm
In attendance Councillors Chairman Amanda Bowen, Matthew Mason, Chris Waites, Paddy Donnellan, Ruth Sharples, Dick Johnson, Glyn Olive, Tabby Bannister, Tracey Firth, Mary Walker.
County Councillor Tom Ashton.
4 members of public
Councillor Bowen Presented the Fred Bailey Shield for the best kept front garden to Mr & Mrs Atchison 4 The Park – stunning displays all Spring and Summer have been mentioned in the nominations. Runner Up Mr & Mrs Kenny 24 Dogdyke Road.
The Ranshaw Shield for the Business chosen by Mr John Ransaw – was presented to Cherries – High Street, this is their second year for this award.
Congratulations to all concerned.
Public forum – One member of public spoke -referencing vehicle parking on pavements on Silver Street outside Ginger Cow, he has spoken to the owners and police and highways and confirmed that an enforcement officer has been out recently although did not see the vehicles at the time of their visit. He has also been in contact with Cllr Ashton, who responded, he has reported the issues and if as the parishioner has said an enforcement officer has visited the site then the system is working, and he will inform the resident of any further investigations when there is something to report; the Chairman explained that Council has a meeting with the head of Highways for this area next week and this will be discussed. Chairman thanked the resident for bringing this to the attention of all Councillors.
1. Chairman thanked all for coming along to the meeting.
2. Apologies and reasons were heard from Cllr Moorhouse and District Cllrs Foster and Knowles. Council Resolved to accept apologies Cllr Moorhouse.
3. No declarations of interest currently.
4. Proposal that the notes of the meeting held July 27th are a true and correct record, Cllr Donnellan, seconded Cllr Bannister, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
5. Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Ashton – asked if Council have had any other reports of the Cars parking on pavements, - Councillors responded explaining that the issue was worsened when the seating and barriers were out at the mentioned location, but in general the parking on Silver Street in general is atrocious on Silver Street not just this business, including deliveries to Boots and Morrisons on the narrowest parts of the road, also parking on the footpath at Cooplands and the dog grooming parlour. Cllr Ashton suggested some additional signage pointing people towards the two hours free car park in the centre of the village. Cllr Ashton confirmed that the Hawthorn Hill traffic control speed limit is on the list for works in the next financial year – work is being done to allow for the consultation period.
6. Council discussed at length the information provided on Committees versus Groups Cllr Olive proposed that the Council appoint a Personnel and Finance Committee and two further working groups be formed Cemetery & Amenities, and Football Club / Sports development, seconded Cllr Bannister; vote took place, Cllr Mary Walker voted against the proposal for the Personnel and Finance being together with 9 votes in favour RESOLVED in favour. Members voted on to the Cemetery/ Amenities group Cllr M Mason, Cllr Donnellan, Cllr Bannister, Cllr Firth, Cllr Walker & Cllr Waites. Football Club /Sports Development group Cllr Bowen, Cllr Olive, Cllr Johnson, Cllr Moorhouse & Cllr Sharples Personnel and Finance Committee, Cllr Bowen, Cllr Mason, Cllr Donnellan, Cllr Walker & Cllr Bannister This will be a constituted committee with meetings added to the list of annual meetings and advertised – Terms and Conditions agreed in this first year to run as the model provided. All Groups and Committees will run for one year from Sept – Sept when changes to all will take place to allow for everyone to gain an insight into the running of the Council.
7. Annual Audit – cleared by PKF LittleJohn & Associates 4th August 2023 one change was made not affecting the auditor’s opinion. (a figure on last year’s list was incorrectly listed, not affecting the current year’s figures)
8. Finances – proposal to approve all payments as listed for August 2023 Cllr Olive, sec Cllr Walker all voted in favour. RESOLVED
Payments |
plants & teas |
K Roberts |
100.00 |
0.00 |
100.00 |
Muga |
Smith Construction |
179.34 |
35.87 |
215.21 |
Waste collection |
Click waste |
17.66 |
3.53 |
21.19 |
Water rates |
Everflow |
33.17 |
0.00 |
33.17 |
Supplies |
Goodwins |
248.95 |
49.79 |
298.74 |
Mole control |
Pestforce |
80.00 |
16.00 |
96.00 |
Waste collection |
Click waste |
84.66 |
16.93 |
101.59 |
grass cutting |
Tudor Gr Maint |
568.68 |
113.74 |
682.42 |
grass cutting |
Tudor Gr Maint |
917.51 |
183.50 |
1,101.01 |
Waste collection |
Elligia |
8.66 |
1.73 |
10.39 |
External Audit |
PKF LittleJohn |
420.00 |
84.00 |
504.00 |
Waste collection |
Elligia |
59.25 |
11.85 |
71.00 |
Play Park repairs |
T Tyrrell |
150.00 |
0.00 |
150.00 |
All staff |
Salaries |
3,562.55 |
3,562.55 |
grass cutting |
J Ward |
305.00 |
305.00 |
August |
591.43 |
591.43 |
Memorial R A |
Receipt |
150.00 |
Burial A S |
Receipt |
2,300.00 |
Proposal to approve all payments as listed for September 2023 Cllr Olive, sec Cllr Walker all voted in favour. RESOLVED
Water rates |
Everflow |
42.08 |
0.00 |
42.08 |
Waste collection |
Elligia |
8.66 |
1.73 |
10.39 |
Waste collection |
Elligia |
47.35 |
9.47 |
56.82 |
Cemetery grass |
Tudor G M |
568.68 |
113.74 |
682.42 |
Grass cutting |
Tudor G M |
917.51 |
183.50 |
1,101.01 |
MUGA maint |
Smiths Con |
179.34 |
35.87 |
215.21 |
Waste collection |
Click waste |
18.43 |
3.69 |
22.12 |
Mole control |
Pestforce |
80.00 |
16.00 |
96.00 |
Calenders |
Amazon |
26.38 |
0.00 |
26.38 |
Office supplies |
Amazon |
127.93 |
0.00 |
127.93 |
Various |
Goodwins |
239.25 |
46.85 |
286.10 |
632.28 |
0.00 |
632.28 |
Christmas trees |
Fillingham |
1,290.00 |
258.00 |
1,548.00 |
Salaries |
all employees |
3,634.00 |
0.00 |
3,634.00 |
training Cllrs |
25.00 |
0.00 |
30.00 |
Various |
CJR Services |
90.00 |
0.00 |
90.00 |
Sept meeting |
Con Com Hall |
23.75 |
0.00 |
23.75 |
Zip line |
EKM Ltd |
1,327.70 |
265.57 |
1,593.44 |
Receipts |
Michaels Sivill |
400.00 |
William Kent |
150.00 |
Young Farmers |
64.00 |
Walking football |
81.00 |
Burial invoicesx2 |
2,450.00 |
R. Percival |
18.00 |
L up Coningsby |
20.00 |
L up Coningsby |
20.00 |
Buial invs x 2 |
1,050.00 |
L up Coningsby |
20.00 |
Muga |
210.00 |
9. Planning applications and decisions 1. Little Acorns - S/035/01383/23 change of use of part to living accommodation for staff FPP granted. 2. 39 Silver St, S/035/01471/23 Consent to display advertising FPP granted. 3. Bede Farm, S/035/02549/21 enlargement of existing irrigation pond. FPP granted. 4. CTC S/035/00399/23 outline planning REFUSED Council proposed that this should be challenged with outside agencies consulted, seconded, all voted in favour. Clerk to contact planning for information.
10. RAF Remembrance service 3 Councillors attending. Coningsby Town Service has been arranged by the RAF Pardre – Council proposed that the service is held in line with previous years with the full service in the Church followed by a short service at the War Memorial. Clerk to contact the Pardre to inform of the decision.
11. Asset details – ELDC officer has confirmed the processes are progressing, awaiting independent valuations on the two sites land at Pilgrim Square and Curtis Drive Play area and amenity areas.
12. Allan Barker – date for joint meeting with FA, Football Foundation, Magna Vitae, and any other interested parties to discus future developments. TBA end October.
13. Clerks Report – Outside lighting for the Allan Barker has been ordered. John Hanson has been asked to cut hedges on the field boundaries, John Ward work at the rear of the Church, growth coming through the play area fences. Badges and Lanyards for all staff and Cllrs (min order25) ordered. Christmas tree lighting service Sunday 3rd December 4pm – Ukulele band to play for us. Trees being delivered on 20th November – large tree to be installed on Thursday 23rd November. Winter planting was discussed and agreed that bulbs are tried for some early spring colour with winter planting on top for now.
Cllr Bowen requested that Council move into closed session to discuss sensitive information.
Clerk was asked to follow up investigations to whereabouts of Community Hall Deeds. Approach companies for prices for playpark equipment.
Council moved out of closed session.