April 2023 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council Meeting
April 27th 2023 – 7.30pm
In attendance Councillors Iain Burnley, Ruth Sharples, Marlene Wilson, Glyn Olive, Tabbi Banister, Mary Walker, Paddy Donnellan, Vice Chairman Dick Johnson, Chairman Amanda Bowen.
District Councillor Martin Foster, County Councillor Tom Ashton.
3 members of public.
No public forum required.
1. Welcome from Chairman Cllr Amanda Bowen, thanking the Council for all their support over her year as Chairman, thanks for the help and advice from the District and County Cllrs also to both Clerks for all they do. In his absence Cllr Stan Avison was publicly thanked and good health wished in his retirement
2. No apologies received.
3. No declarations of interest at this point.
4. Proposal that the notes of the meeting held 23rd March 2023 be recorded as a true and correct record Cllr Johnson, seconded Cllr Olive, all voted in favour RESOLVED. Chairman signed and dated the minutes.
5. County Cllr T Ashton, planning application for oil extraction plant in the Caistor area, and a state-of-the-art recycling plant in Caythorpe very impressive machinery recognising and sorting waste. Questions – What are the time scales for the repairs on the B1192? Hawthorn Hill – hedge cutting? Cllr Ashton is going to email replies to both asap.
District Cllr Martin Foster = continues to work within his portfolio area, lots of new rules and regulations for recycling, both District and County Cllrs wished everyone all the best for the elections next week.Question – Are there still staff working from home? Yes, ELDC are working a hot desk system and offer this, but some prefer to work from home.
6. Annual Audit
1. The internal audit report was read out by Vice Chairman and approved unanimously RESOLVED.
2. Annual Governance Statement – questions read out considered and answered by Councillors – approved unanimously RESOLVED.
3. The accounting statement sec 2 was considered and approved unanimously RESOLVED, Chairman and Clerk signed the required documents.
4. Clerk announced the commencement date for the right of inspection as the 5th of June to 14th July inclusive.
7. Finances – Proposal to pay all as listed Cllr Glyn Olive, seconded Cllr Paddy Donnellan, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
8. Two defibrillators and cabinets have been purchased with funds kindly donated by Caroline Dawson from a fund-raising event held earlier this year, the sum of £2,609 has purchased units for Hawthorn Hill and one for Marina View area, the areas were specified by the fund-raising group. Cllrs suggested that another could be purchased for the Gibbet Nook area, the Clerk will chase the COOP as this was raised some time ago, there may be a possibility of Community grant funding if this is allocated again this year.
9. Planning – S/35/00413/23 Willow Farm, Langrick Road, change pf use to provide a holiday let, No objections. S/035/00740/23 56 Dogdyke Rd, extension to existing dwelling, No objections. S/35/00682/23 20 School Lane, extension to existing dwelling to include a porch, No objections.
RESOLVED to Support all above applications.
10. To consider and set dates for Burial Board and Allotment visits and following meeting to discuss findings – a provisional date and time in June will be confirmed at the May 18th meeting.
11. Clerks report, no updates on outstanding legal matters, all Coronation events are arranged, all tickets have been allocated for the tea.
New planters have arrived, watering schedule arranged, plants will arrive mid-May, the planters have been replenished today and should last over the Coronation weekend. Thank you to staff and volunteers for putting up the flags and bunting.