November 2023 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council Meeting
November 23rd 2023 at 7.30pm Coningsby Community Hall
In attendance Councillors Chairman Amanda Bowen, Matthew Mason, Chris Waites, Paddy Donnellan, Ruth Sharples, Kevin Moorhouse, Glyn Olive, Tabby Bannister, Tracey Firth, Mary Walker.
2 members of public in attendance – no public forum required observers only.
Cllr Olive asked if Council could revisit the problem with the hedge at Hawthorn Hill, Clerk will look at the legalities of using GPC to get the work done.
1. Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
2. Apologies and reasons received from Cllr Johnson – RESOLVED to accept.
3. No declarations of interest at this point.
4. Proposal that the notes of the meeting held November26th are a true and correct record, Cllr Walker Proposed, seconded by Cllr Donnellan, and RESOLVED.
5. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors – Cllr M. Foster gave, a report of the recent flooding in the area, Coningsby was one of the worst hit areas along with Horncastle and Kirkby on Bain. He also reported that there will be no changes to the charging for car parking for 2024 – 2025, the next review will be for 25/26
County Cllr Tom Ashton informed the council that Hopland Road is high priority for any reports which are reported to highways. According to the highways officers the road will not be repaired until completion of works. Cllr Mason offered up some information about road structures – which could help Cllr Ashton in his negotiations. Devolution is going ahead for Lincolnshire, there will be four seats on the combined authority, this is in additional tier, a Mayor of Lincolnshire will be appointed. There is to be a combined meeting of the flood authorities early in December to discuss the issues and possible plans for future following the outcome of storm Babet. Cllr James Knowles ELDC pleased to be able to attend and take part in the Remembrance Day event at the Cemetery – thank you to the organisers.
6. Report from Finance meeting – a proposal from Cllr Firth to donate £3000 to the Community Hall for the electrical works, seconded Cllr Waites, 6 votes in favour, Cllr Moorhouse wished to record a vote against, Cllrs Olive and Sharples did not vote RESOLVED.
Precept proposal Cllr Olive £143k on recommendation from the HR & Finance committee, seconded Cllr Firth, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
7. Finances – Proposal to approve payments as listed record payments, Cllr Bannister, seconded Cllr Firth.
8. To discuss – field access payments – for businesses charging for users – Council proposed that if the users are entering the pavilion for toilets etc then a charge of £6 per booking would be required, all voted in favour RESOLVED
9. Planning applications and decisions 1. Woodhall Quarry - To vary conditions 14 and 18 of Review of Mineral Permission (ROMP) decision (E)S176/1311/99 - to extend current silt management operations and revise the approved restoration and aftercare. SUPPORT 2. 35 Dogdyke Rd – Full permission granted. 3. S/035/02143/23 Consent to Display - 1no. externally illuminated double-sided free-standing sign with 2no. non-il... - WHITE BULL, 55 HIGH STREET, CONINGSBY, LINCOLN, LN4 4RB SUPPORT 4. S/035/02144/23 Listed Building Consent - Installation of new signage, lantern and floodlights on and within the ... - WHITE BULL, 55 HIGH STREET, CONINGSBY, LINCOLN, LN4 4RB SUPPORT 5. Phase 5 Kings Manor – Comments submitted referencing Hoplands Road.
10. Christmas tree lighting – St Michaels Church – Proposal Cllr Donnellan, seconded Cllr Olive to purchase refreshments and a donation to entertainers. RESOLVED all in favour.
11. Possible development on Allan Barker field – meeting arranged for 16th January 1pm
12. Clerks report –
1. Spotters Carpark – closed from 27th for resurfacing.
2. Land Registry docs – Community Hall – in progress.
3. MUGA lighting – progress to LED – quotes requested – lights have been turned to allow use of the field whilst MUGA is out of use.
4. Insurance claim for flood damage on MUGA two quotes received, the insurers accessor is attending on the 30th November.
To resolve to move into closed session- (if required) Under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972, ss 100 and 102
The following item will be discussed in closed session.
Employment considerations arising from the HR and finance meeting held.
Staff appraisals to be carried out in January TBA, both Clerks appraisals booked for February 16th 1pm
This item will be discussed on January 24th 2024
Council resolved to move out of closed session and close the meeting.