February 2023 Minutes

Coningsby Council Meeting
February 23rd 2023
In attendance –Cllr Bowen in the Chair, Councillors Dick Johnson, Paddy Donnellan, Tabbi Bannister, Marlene Wilson, Colin Mair, Mary Walker, Ruth Sharples, Chris Waites and Glyn Olive.
East Lindsey DC Martin Foster Lincolnshire CC Tom Ashton
Chairman requested a minutes silence to reflect on the sad passing of Martin Rickard former Councillor, very well known historian and Post Master in Coningsby for many years. Thank you for your services to the community, our thoughts are with the family.
Public Forum – 5 members of public attended – Patricia Pick representing the Coningsby Charities wished to formally invite Cllrs Dick Johnson & Glyn Olive to join the board of trustees – both agreed this will now be actioned prior to the next meeting of Trustees.
0223. 86 Welcome from Chairman, thank you to all for attending – members of public for showing an interest in your Council it is appreciated.
0223- 87 Apologies received from District Cllr Stan Avison – Councillor Iain Burnley with reasons – approved RESOLVED unanimously.
0223 -88 Declarations of interest - none at this point.
0223 -89 Notes previously circulated from January 26th meeting – Proposed by Councillor Donnellan that the notes are a true and correct record of that meeting; Seconded by Councillor Olive all voted in favour RESOLVED. Notes signed and dated by Chairman.
0223 – 90 East Lindsey District Councillor Martin Foster reported Council Tax increases – E L have kept the proposals prudent with a 4.94% for the EL element of the Council Tax for 23/24 band D total £2368 for the year.
Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Aston also mentioned budget increases of just under 5% - an additional £7 million on the roads bring this to £93 million – with adult social Care and Children’s services being very well supported. The speed reduction will go ahead on Dogdyke Road following the surveys carried out, following this a further application to extend this to the Hawthorn Hill crossroads.
Question – What is LCC policy on the announcement of the loss of 40 PCSOs across the County? Cllr Ashton remarked he is not on the police panel but he believes that Lincolnshire will retain as many as possible if not as PCSOs as PCs
Could you please find out where the repairs to B1192 Coningsby – Langrick and A153 between Tattershall Bridge & Billinghay are on the current programme – Cllr Ashton said he would have to come back to Council – fully appreciated the concerns.
Hoplands Road – all current patches are being paid for by the County Council not the developers – this area will continue to be patched, please keep reporting.
0223 – 91 Insurance quote – 3 year offer BHIB - Proposed Cllr Johnson to accept the 3 year offer, seconded Cllr Donnellan – all voted in favour RESOLVED
0223 – 92 Finances – to approve retrospective payments and income for February 2023, Cllr D Johnson Proposed, seconded Cllr R Sharples – all voted in favour RESOLVED.
Total income £4,975.53 over the last month.
0223 – 93 Request for new office chairs – proposed Cllr Donnellan to purchase two Chairs as required, seconded Cllr Wilson, all in favour RESOLVED
0223 – 94 Training events – Playground inspections x 2 employees to attend; FILCA x 2 Clerks to complete – Proposed Cllr Donnellan seconded Cllr Waites all in favour RESOLVED
0223- 95 Accounts package – proposal to trial EASY PC – proposed Cllr Wilson, seconded Cllr Olive RESOLVED
0223- 96 Youth Club taster day – Successful event with around 20 youngsters attending and enjoying the facilities – lots of promise, 16 volunteers are currently having DBS checks done, the aim is to start officially on March 24th with everything in place. Councillors praised the group for their work so far and look forward to seeing the progress.
0223- 97 Coronation Plans – Sunday Funday – 7th May (bouncy castles, coffee pod, White Bull Pizza oven and bar, Lions Funday & Barbeque, SRP toilet hire, charity stalls and groups attending) Wildflower seed packs to be available for youngsters on the day with King Charles 111 logo and Council name on package.
Monday 8th May Afternoon Tea – Coningsby Community Hall – caterers employed with servers max seating 100 (sandwiches, cakes, sausage rolls etc, teas and coffee)
All above activities Proposed, seconded vote taken all in favour RESOLVED.
0223 -98 Staff appraisals all completed – no issues arising – clerks will get them typed up a circulate to all Councillors.
0223 -99 Clerks report and correspondence
- Asset transfer meeting arranged with East Lindsey 13th March apology received from officer for misunderstanding the request from this Council.
- Land – planning application ready to go awaiting – cost from East Lindsey.
- Lease documents for hall car park – no progress
- Custodian Trustee documents – Cllr Olive as hall trustee to ask Chatterton’s for access to deeds to enable conversation with regards access request.
- Scouts – donation request for annual trip £100 proposed seconded RESOLVED
- Footpath issues – High Street – clerk to report
- Church grounds – to be backfilled with soil and seeded – Bollard to be installed to restrict vehicular traffic.
Meeting closed 8.55pm