May 2022 Minutes Annual Town Council Meeting

Annual Meeting Coningsby Town Council – May 26th, 2022
In attendance –Cllr Paddy Donnellan Councillors Chris Waites, Amanda Bowen, Marlene Wilson, Ruth Sharples, Iain Burnley, Mary Walker & Tabbi Bannister.
District Councillor Stan Avison
Public forum –member of public, having reported the issue with the bus service and poor information from the bus companies, there has been no changes.; Clerk asked to chase this information.
Out going Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan thanked the Council for the support during his term of office; he informed all that thankfully the Mayoress had finally been able to return to the UK and Coningsby safely; the news was received with genuine relief for all concerned.
- Cllr Donnellan called for nominations for Chairman for the coming year, Cllr Bannister nominated Cllr Bowen, seconded by Cllr Sharples, no further nominations were heard, all present voted in favour RESOLVED– Cllr Bowen accepted the position and signed the declaration of acceptance of office as Chairman carrying out Mayoral duties if required.
- Chairman Cllr Amanda Bowen called for nominations for Vice Chairman – Cllr Ruth Sharples nominated Councillor Johnson; (Cllr Johnson had indicated he would be willing to take on vice Chair position if nominated) seconded by Cllr Bowen, all voted in Favour RESOLVED Cllr Johnson will be required to sign declaration of acceptance of office at the next meeting.
- Apologies for absence and reasons were heard from Cllrs Olive, Johnson and Mair, all were proposed and accepted RESOLVED
- No declarations of interest at this point.
- Notes of the meeting held on April 28th previously circulated proposed as a true and correct record of that meeting Cllr Walker, seconded Cllr Bannister, all voted in favour RESOLVED
- District Cllr Stan Avison reported that the Council tax refund of £150 was now being paid out and the new purple bins are due to be delivered during July. District Council have elected a new Chairman Councillor Helen Matthews.
- The question of the agenda notes being emailed to save costs – Proposal to continue to post but using smaller envelopes Cllr Mary Walker, seconded Cllr Chris Waites all voted in favour RESOLVED
- Finances as listed were proposed for payment Cllr Walker seconded Cllr Burnley all voted in favour. RESOLVED
- Meeting with the Welby group – The group have made contact and are happy to meet face to face; Council requested that at least three Councillors should attend; clerk will convey this to the group for a date and venue to be fixed as soon as possible.
- Volunteers for the Jubilee afternoon tea at Coningsby – Cllr Sharples, Bowen & Olive were willing to lend a hand.
- Planning – no applications or decisions
- Asset details – nothing received from East Lindsey on this matter.
- Clerks report:- 1. Archers speed surveys have been chased – no replies
2. Post Office van parking – letter to East Lindsey for support – reply that the issue is with the Royal Mail not the District Council, they cannot change the system of parking permits.
3. Environment agency – Hawthorn Hill sewage issues, this has been reported at higher level and although the problem remains, procedures have been put in place to be able to enforce sanctions if this escalates again.
Council resolved to move into closed session – under the public Bodies Act 1960 and LGA 1972 ss100 and 102 to discuss items that are confidential at this time.
No information or movement on any of the following items 1 Asset transfers, 2 Land for burial ground, 3 Other land available, 4 Lease documents for Community Hall car park, 5 Custodian Trustee documents.
These items will remain on the agendas until resolutions can be made.
Meeting Closed