April 2022 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council – April 28th, 2022
In attendance –Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan Councillors Chris Waites, Glyn Olive, Dick Johnson, Amanda Bowen, Marlene Wilson, Ruth Sharples, Mary Walker&Tabbi Bannister.
District Councillors Martin Foster & Stan Avison
County Councillor Tom Ashton
Public forum –member of public asked Council to help with contacting the bus company regarding the Saturday bus services that have been cancelled for an undefinedperiod, although this has been announced online there is no information at the bus stops; please could this information be displayed on the timetable boards.
Council agreed and instructed the Clerk on this matter.
Hawthorn Hill – Speed Limits& repairs – two years of complaints and nothing is being done, also two other Archer surveys that have been booked since June 2021 – Clerk to chase Road Safety Partnership.
- Chairman welcomed all to his last meeting as Chairman
- Apologiesheard and accepted from Cllr Sharples
- No declarations of interest heard at this point.
- Notes of the meeting held on April 28th previously circulated (Cllr MarleneWilson was not in attendance as recorded)otherwise proposed as a true and correct record of that meeting Cllr Bowen, seconded Cllr Walker, all voted in favourRESOLVED
- County Councillor Tom Ashton –Due to cost restraints the jobs will be prioritised things like road signs will not be replaced immediately, potholes are a priority now; Lincolnshire as we know has a huge amount ofmiles of road and less and less money being passed down from Government for the maintenance. Council tax has been increased by 5% some of this will help with the shortfall, please continue to use the Fix my Street facility; Cllr Ashton continues to fight for a speed reduction at the Hawthorn Hill junction although following discussion with officers this does not meet the criteria for a limit to be imposed, a policy change would be required for this to happen, this will take some time. High Street A153 Zebra cross is scheduled to be upgraded. Parking restrictions plans have been put forward that include changed areas on Laythorpe Gardens and School Lane. Council fully support these long awaited changes.
District Councillor Stan Avison reported that Tedder Hall is re-openingagain after being closed for lock down, however he could not confirm how many staff would be returning at this time.
District Councillor Martin Foster –mentioned the role out for Purple bins for paper and card only has been brought forward slightly to August 2022. Following a question from the floor, none of the 3 visiting Cllrs knew when the new refuse tip was opening – the feeling was it was too soon to estimate a date.
- Finances as listed were proposed for payment Cllr Walker seconded Cllr Johnson all voted in favour. RESOLVED
- Internal auditor approved RESOLVED by majority vote Mr Lou Hird will carry out this year’s audit, for presentation in June.
- Proposal to approve purchase of soil and compost for the planters, contact will be made with the farmer who is kindly storing the planters to arrange for delivery to the sites required etc. Second proposal to purchase trailing begonias for the planters this year and liaise with the Lions on this. Both RESOLVED unanimously.
- Planning application – S/035/00744/22 – Extension to existing bungalow No. 2 HoplandsRoad – No objections Support – Clerk to reply to East Lindsey. Lincolnshire Highways sent proposals through for enhanced parking restrictions on School Lane and LaythorpeGardens – Council approved the plans with slight concern for residents parking.
- Asset details – no further details received, this has been re requested by our District Cllr Martin Foster, and the clerk.
- Clerks report – Jubilee event tickets are all now available, RAF have accepted invitation to help with the early morning sweep of the field. Cllr Donnellan attended the Football Club AGM – club have had a rough couple of years with low numbers wishing to play, this is County wide not specific to Coningsby.
- Closed session – Council resolved to move into Closed session, items are all moving very slowly, all will remain on the agenda until resolved.