October 2022 Minutes

Coningsby Council Meeting
October 27th 2022
In attendance –Cllr Bowen in the Chair, Councillors Dick Johnson, Paddy Donnellan, Tabbi Bannister, Marlene Wilson, Colin Mair, Ruth Sharples, Mary Walker, and Glyn Olive.
No public forum required.
11.48 Welcome from Chairman Cllr Amanda Bowen
11.49 Apologies and reasons were heard from Councillors Colin Mair and Dick Johnson; both accepted, and approved, RESOLVED
11.50 Councillor Glyn Olive declared a pecuniary interest in item 7 as a supplier of signage to the contractors of the development. Noted.
11.51 Notes previously circulated from September 29th, 2022, meeting – to resolve as correct
record of meeting.
It was: - Proposed by Councillor Donnellan and Seconded by Councillor Bannister All voted in favour RESOLVED
11.52 District Councillor Stan Avison told the meeting that East Lindsey DC will be moving into the Horncastle premises on the 9th of January 2023. Elections May 4th 2023
11.53 Finances - to approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by
Council as listed for October current balances at bank.
It was: -Proposed by Councillor Walker to pay as listed and Seconded by Councillor Donnellan and RESOLVED.
11.54 Planning – S/035/001977/22 screening opinion with respect to phase 5 erection of 103 dwellings. No comments required at screening stage. S/035/01440/22 Full Planning Permission, for erection of stable at 5 Hawthorn Hill.
Potholes and general poor surface
11.55 Coningsby Football Club have organised an inspection of the lower pitch by a company through the Football Foundation – report to follow, they are also looking at possible funding streams.
11.56 Consideration of Asset Transfers from East Lindsey – 1. Public conveniences – very important amenity but council do not see the parish being able to fund the refurbishment and annual repairs – work with East Lindsey to keep the toilets open but not take over, RESOLVED all in favour. 2. Carpark – NO – not able to justify employing staff to police the area or to make it a free carpark. RESOLVED all in favour. 3. Coldham Road x 2 – Of no interest to council, being currently used by tenants of units. RESOLVED all in favour.
4. Curtis Drive play area and amenities open spaces – Proposal to enter talks with East Lindsey over this area regarding transfer Cllr G Olive, Seconded Cllr Marlene Wilson, all voted in favour RESOLVED 5. Pilgrim Square – grass area access Hudson Drive, Proposal to enter talks with East Lindsey over this area regarding transfer Cllr G Olive, Seconded Cllr Marlene Wilson, all voted in favour RESOLVED
11.57 Christmas Meal – Councillors agreed with Chairman that it would be a nice idea to go out socially each paying their own way – a date is to be set for January 2023
11.58 Christmas Tree lighting and refreshments – proposal to pay for refreshments as previous years; service will be at 4pm on Sunday the 4thDecember at St Michaels Church.
11.59 Clerks report. Legal documents have been chased with solicitors; Youth group meeting arranged with LYCVS – looking at help for start up groups for youngsters. The Hall committee have been notified of the concerns for parking in the side carpark. Employees have successfully completed their pesticide training passing both computer based and practical exams; chemicals and a sprayer are required – Clerk will liaise with the operatives and get these ordered asap. The data from the two speed indicators on the High Street and Tumby Road has been accessed with alarming results, these will be passed to the RSP to hopefully get the speed van down to try and slow down the traffic. Remembrance Day 11th an act of Remembrance will be held at 11am at the War Memorial. Sunday 13th service in Church at 10.30am followed by Parade, prayers, and act of Remembrance at the War Memorial. 2pm service at the Cemetery.