November 2022 Minutes

Coningsby Council Meeting
November 24th, 2022
In attendance –Cllr Bowen in the Chair, Councillors Paddy Donnellan, Tabbi Bannister, Marlene Wilson, Ruth Sharples, Mary Walker, Ian Burnley and Glyn Olive.
No public forum required. 2 members of public attended.
11.60 Welcome from Chairman
11.61 Apologies and reason received from Cllr D Johnson and Cllr Chris Waites – Cllrs RESOLVED to accept
11.62 Cllr G Olive – declared an interest in planning item as supplier of site notices. No pecuniary interest other than this.
11.63 Notes previously circulated from October 27th, 2022, meeting – to resolve as a correct
record of meeting.
It was: - Proposed by Councillor Donnellan and Seconded by Councillor Waites, All voted in favour RESOLVED Minutes signed and dated by Chairman.
11.64 District Councillor Martin Foster – Pride team will be starting during December, reports are being taken now and prioritised, council is encouraged to report areas needing attention. Purple topped bins are working well although the bins are not as strong as East Lindsey would have liked, this is what has been provided by County Council.
County Councillor Tom Ashton –l funds are remaining with Highways and Adult Social Care. A revue has been requested by highways on the speed and safety of traffic on Dogdyke Road; Cllr TA has met with the new in post officer for this area highways and will be doing a Ward tour on 13th December – Council is encouraged to report areas to be included. Drainage boards are looking at large increases in the drainage rates Witham Third have not yet decided on the increases to date some are reported to be in region of plus 32%
11.65 Finances – to approve future and retrospective payments to note income received by council listed for November, current bank balances, Proposed Cllr Mary Walker, seconded Cllr Sharples – al voted in favour RESOLVED
11.66 Planning S/035/01963/22 Erection of 103no. dwellings with associated garages, erection of a foul pumping station and electricity substation, erection of play equipment and construction of a vehicular access. Phase 5 Kings Manor – comments will be reported to the planning officer – major concerns over the access route Hoplands Road, this will also be reported to highways and Cllr TA for the visit on the 13th. Play Areas – confirmation requested of the long-term responsibility of all site play areas? No bungalows/ single storey dwellings.
11.67 Dogdyke Road – following the devastating recent incident where a pedestrian lost their life, suggestions were put forward to request a footpath from the Cemetery to Dogdyke corner; beware of pedestrian signage, warning signs, County Cllr TA has requested a speed survey.
11.68 Coningsby FC have had a survey done on the field and a cost has been provided, the club are seeking funding for the work required including ongoing costs. Council to invite members to the January meeting to discuss this going forward.
11.69 Community Hall carpark; There has been an offer of a personal donation of £500 for this work; Councillor Donnellan proposed that Cllr agree to pay for the work at the cost of £1000, seconded Cllr Waites, majority vote in favour RESOLVED Councillor Mary Walker asked for a recorded objection to the above proposal.
11.70 Chain of Office – request to have a fabric yoke for the Chairmans chain of office, cost provided by Fattorini the providers of the chain £250 – proposal from Cllr Ruth Sharples, seconded Cllr Paddy Donnellan, all in favour RESOLVED – Clerk will arrange for engraving and this work to be done asap.
11.71 Youth Group – A bank account is required for this group to allow access to funding from outside agencies, PROPOSAL to transfer the Lloyds account that Council have received ownership off in taking over the running of the CCTV finances, Cllr A Bowen, after much discussion it was added to the proposal that the balance of account will be transferred to the youth group £579.17; seconded Cllr M Wilson- all voted in favour, RESOLVED
11.72 Clerks report – to note the Lincolnshire County Council grass cutting allowance agreement is to run continuously father than annually. Legal documents – Carpark lease and custodian Trustees – no movement with solicitors. East Lindsey Assets – Council proposals have been put to EL no reply to date. Outline planning – Cemetery Land – awaiting details from owners.
11.73 Budget – to discuss and consider the budget proposals 2023/24
Council proposed to move into closed session to discuss – employment, salaries, and pensions.
Proposed Cllr Donnellan, seconded Cllr M Wilson. RESOLVED
Salaries – Clerks increase of 5% from April 2023 to be reviewed when the 23/24 LGA increases are announced 4 other employees increase of 10% from April 2023
Clerks to receive back pay and pension adjustments dated back to April 2022 this will be completed in the December 2022 payments. Following LGA guidelines. Town Clerk current spinal point 27 – Assistant current spinal point 20 both clerks hold CILCA and attend regular updated training events.
All other running costs were discussed and approved as presented.
Proposal to set precept at £120,000 Cllr M Wilson, seconded Cllr G Olive
Counter proposal to precept £130,000 Cllr M Walker, seconded Cllr P Donnellan
Vote called for on second proposal at £130,000 six votes in favour two votes against.
Vote called for proposal at £120,000 two votes in favour
Councillor Olive and Councillor Wilson requested their names be recorded against the increase.
RESOLVED by Majority Vote to set precept at £130,000 for the 2023 – 2024 period.
Meeting returned to open status- no further discussion.
Meeting Closed.