March 2023 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council Meeting
March 23rd 2023 - Coningsby Community Hall
No public forum required – 4 members of public in attendance.
In attendance – Councillors A Bowen, D Johnson, P Donnellan, C Waites, Tabbi Bannister, R Sharples, I Burnley, G Olive, M Wilson, M Walker.
East Lindsey District Councillors Martin Foster & Stan Avison
0323: -
1. Chairman Cllr Amanda Bowen welcomed all to the meeting.
2. No apologies received.
3. No declarations of interest at this point.
4. Notes of the meeting held 23rd February previously circulated ; Cllr P Donnellan Proposed these as a true and correct record of that meeting, Seconded Cllr C Waites, all voted in favour RESOLVED
5. ELDC – both agreed nothing to report, elections are on the horizon and budgets all announced – Cllr Stan Avison announced that he would not be standing for re election in May after many years.
6. Finances – to approve all including retrospective payments and income for March as listed also any further expense to end of financial year 31st March to accommodate the start of the new accounting package and reporting system. Proposed Cllr Olive, seconded Cllr Wilson all in Favour RESOLVED
7. Asset transfers meeting with East Lindsey officer – Cllr Johnson and Cllr Walker met with Andrew Sweeny who explained the process of transfer of the two areas Council are looking to take on namely grassed area Pilgrim Square to maintain as open space and the amenity area on Curtis Drive including a number of grassed and planted areas on the same estate, these would be transferred in the fullness of time for £1 after completed investigations and valuations have been carried out, the timescale is unknown, this will be reported as additional information arises.
8. Multi Use Games Area – maintenance contract is up for renewal quarterly package offered at £2,200 plus VAT or bi monthly at £2,800 plus VAT – Proposal Cllr Olive to stay with the quarterly contract , seconded Cllr Walker all voted in favour RESOLVED
9. Coronation events – Funday Sunday – all booked and arranged, open event to all; Afternoon tea Celebrations – proposal 100 tickets to be offered to Coningsby residents in the first instance, Russell Green to be approached to distribute at luncheon club, Cllrs to put names forward of persons for tickets.
10. St Michaels Church grounds – recently damaged by vehicles parking on grass, Highways have been approached to place a bollard at the School lane footpath entrance to restrict vehicles from driving on the footway to access this area, this can then be levelled and reseeded. Clerk to chase Highways for approval to install a bollard – Council proposed to pay for this, seconded all voted in favour RESOLVED (pending approval from Lincolnshire Highways)
11. Notice board requested for Allan Barker and School Lane Play area – Clerks requested to provide prices and pictures of ideas to April meeting.
12. Clerks Report – 1. No update on planning application for land burial ground. 2. Lease documents – Car park new solicitor has still not made contact. 3. Custodian Trustee documents – contact has been made but no progress to report. 4. Funds received from Stanley Barker Trust to assist with completion of War Memorial gardens two planters to be purchased plus two smaller ones for replacements of the wooden barrels at Methodist Church. 5. The sum of £2,900 has been received from Caroline Dawson’s fund raising event for the purchase of two defibrillators for Hawthorn Hill and Dogdyke corner/ Marina View areas. Clerks to action purchase and placement of these.
Council have been approached for ideas for street/road naming of the area off Park Lane – two ideas put forward Blackburn Mews/Court or Windmill Mews/ Court these will be forwarded to the developers for submission to planners.
Meeting Closed