July 2022 Minutes

Council Meeting Coningsby Town Council – June 23rd, 2022
In attendance –Cllr Bowen in the Chair, Councillors Dick Johnson, Chris Waites, Paddy Donnellan, Marlene Wilson, Colin Mair, Ruth Sharples, Mary Walker & Tabbi Bannister.
District Councillor Stan Avison and Martin Foster both passed apologies.
Public forum – 2 members of public present. A member of public present asked council to investigate the closed play area on Suffolk Acre and see if they can find out when the play area will be open to the public.
06.01 Welcome from Chairman – The chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for coming.
06.02. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting – Apologies received and accepted from councillor Olive and Burnley.
06.03 Signing declarations of acceptance of office –Vice Chairman signed the acceptance of office, having been elected at the May meeting.
06.04 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation. – None.
06.05 Notes previously circulated from May 26th, 2022, meeting – to resolve as correct record of meeting.
It was: - Proposed by Councillor Walker and Seconded by Councillor Waites and RESOLVED.
06.06 Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors if in attendance – Cllr Foster reported that the public toilets have been repainted, he has again contacted the officer dealing with the asset transfer documents.
06.07 Finances - to approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by Council as listed for June current balances at bank.
It was: -Proposed by Councillor Walker to pay as listed and Seconded by Councillor Waites and RESOLVED.
X- Bounce |
Bouncy castle hire |
470.00 |
LGA 1972 s.145 (1) (a) |
KP Countryside S |
Removal of planters |
40.00 |
LG (Misellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19 |
Sivills |
Shield engraved |
17.00 |
LG (Misellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19 |
WI |
Coningsby Tea |
191.19 |
Sec 137 |
Sprint signs |
Jubilee signs |
120.00 |
LGA 1972 s.145 (1) (a) |
Goodwins |
AB field supplies |
29.40 |
LG (Misellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19 |
DD |
E-ON |
Pavilion & field |
64.31 |
LG (Misellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19 |
Tudor Gr Maint |
village areas |
1,101.01 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 |
Tudor Gr Maint |
Cemetery |
682.42 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 |
C Jones |
internal audit |
100.00 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
Staff |
3,423.33 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
267.83 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
06.08 Audit 2022 – to consider the Annual Governance statement
It was:-Proposed by Councillor Waites and Seconded by Councillor Walker and RESOLVED. The Chairman signed the annual governance statement. RESOLVED
06.09 Audit 2022 – (a) to consider /approve end of year submission of accounts – signed by Chairman (b) receive internal auditors report – all Cllrs have copies.
It was:-Proposed by Councillor Walker and Seconded by Councillor Sharples and RESOLVED. The Chairman signed the accounting statements. RESOLVED
06.10 Planning applications and decisions – no new applications
06.11 Football Club – The clerk - to arrange a meeting date and forward to Councillors.
06.12 Summer Burial Board walk – Council decided to meet for an informal visit on the 5th of July 2022.
06.13 Asset details – Nothing received, DC Martin Foster is chasing these documents.
06.14 Clerks report: Thank You to everyone for the great turnout and support from the Council for all the events over the weekend; the Dance made a profit of £100; to be shared by Helping Hands and the Women’s Institute.
Invite to Councillors to attend the Sibsey Lancaster Memorial service in the field; 25th Sept at 2.30pm, tea and cake follows at Sibsey Village Hall.
Hawthorn Hill sewage issues – this is now a licenced site, and any further reports can be acted upon.
Clerk was asked to get some dates from the Welby Group for a meeting asap.
To resolve to move into closed session- Under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act
1960 and the Local Government Act 1972, ss 100 and 102 Resolved
1. Asset transfer detail – no further details
2. Land for burial ground – Meeting is to be arranged with the owner and councillors Donnellan & Olive - planning application to be submitted
3. Other land – no further details
4. Lease documents car park – no information
5. Custodian trustee documents – no information
Meeting closed