October 2021 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council – Meeting 28th October 2021
Meeting held at Coningsby Community Hall
In attendance – Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan, Cllrs Chris Waites, Ruth Sharples, Tabbi Bannister, Mary Walker, Amanda Bowen, Marlene Wilson, Ian Burnley & Glyn Olive
District County Councillor Stan Avison & Martin Foster both sent apologies
six members of public
Clerks Kathy Roberts and Sarah Kulwicki
Public forum – Gentleman has attended and again reported reference to issues with anti-social behaviour on the Allan Barker field, there is still no evidence available. Police and Council are working together, unfortunately no police were available to attend tonight. A formal complaint has been made against the Police dealing with this issue.
10.01 Welcome from Chairman
10.02 Apologies received from Councillor Dick Johnson – reasons accepted and RESOLVED
10.03 No declarations of interest.
10.04 Proposal Cllr Mary Walker to accept the notes previously circulated to Councillors as a true and correct record of the meeting held on 23rd September; seconded Cllr R Sharples; all voted in favour. RESOLVED, signed, and dated by Chairman.
10.05 County Councillor Tom Ashton, Reported Holdingham roundabout will be completed by Christmas. Money has been provided by the government for feasibility studies on Major routes in the County. Waste management referendum will be carried out with relation to the proposal to dispose of radioactive waste off the coast near Theddlethorpe, ultimately the locals will make the decision. Changes around the usage of “Red diesel” are to be enforced in April 2022, this will affect the use by drainage boards, this could have a big impact on Council taxes; however, this is being challenged by the board.
10.06 Hawthorn Hill – Highways meeting; Cllr Olive reported a good positive meeting with Richard Fenwick who agreed that there is a problem at this junction and will support and push requests forward for a TRO and to get the hedges cut. In attendance LC Cllr Tom Ashton, Coningsby Cllr Glyn Olive, Kathy Roberts & local resident Mervyn Casey.
10.07 Finances - Councillors have had prior sight of payments, Cllr M Walker proposed all be paid as listed here for August and September, seconded Cllr C Waites, all voted in favour. RESOLVED
Womens Instutute |
Centenary donation |
£200.00 |
Sec 137 |
NoVATI - uk waste |
Overflow for AB |
£16.93 |
Litter Act 1983,ss5-6 |
NEST pensions |
Two employees enrolled |
£350.65 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
K. Roberts |
Flowers for Memorial Grant funded |
£94.00 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 |
Benchmark |
additional bench Grant funded |
£1,218.00 |
Public Health Act, 1875, s.164 |
Amberol |
Self watering planters Grant funded |
£1,023.60 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 |
NOVATI - uk waste |
AB and Cem |
£92.14 |
Litter Act 1983,ss5-6 |
John Ward |
Village Grass |
£187.00 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 |
Glendale |
Grass cutting |
£1,286.30 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 |
Goodwins |
Grass seed/ screws/ ties |
£67.40 |
LG (Miscellaneous Provis) Act 1976, 2s.19 |
Post Office |
Stamps |
£112.50 |
LGA 1972 s111 |
K. Roberts |
First Aid replacements |
£35.76 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 |
Everflow - water |
Water - A Barker & Cemetery |
£16.23 |
Public Health Act, 1936, s.125 |
Donation to poppy appeal |
£148.00 |
Sec 137 |
Ellgia |
Play Area Bins |
£45.58 |
Litter Act 1983,ss5-6 |
E- ON |
Pavilion electric |
£29.70 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
E - ON |
Credit |
£133.00 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
Goodwins |
Off- 71.50 AB- 45.41 PA- 36.25 mem- |
£215.75 |
, 2s.19 |
Salaries |
All staff |
2,845.16 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
PAYE All staff |
329.40 |
LGA 1972 S112 |
Amazon |
Paper/ envelopes/stationary |
220.94 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
Firestop services |
Office |
21.40 |
LGA 1972 s133 |
Firestop Services |
A Barker Pavilion |
33.32 |
LGA 1972 s133 |
Firestop Services |
Cemetery |
110.55 |
LGA 1972 s133 |
E-ON |
Allan Barker non metered lighting |
34.16 |
Parish Councils Act 1957 s3 |
E-ON |
War memorial unmetered lighting |
17.73 |
War Mem LAP Act 1923 s1 |
M Sivill |
Grave Marker |
30.00 |
PC& Burial Authorities (Misc Provisions) Act 1970 |
Vere Bros |
Fixing marker gates |
£780.00 |
LG (Miscellaneous Provi) Act 1976, 2s.19 |
Pestforce |
Mole control |
£160.00 |
Public Health Act, 1875, s.164 |
10.08 No Planning applications
10.09 Remembrance Day Service and Parade – Volunteers from RAF and public will man the road closures. Service at 10am in Coningsby St Michaels Church followed by wreath laying at the Memorial. 2pm at the War Graves in Cemetery.
10.10 Proposal to pay for refreshments for the Carol; service and lights switch on , Sunday 5th December 6pm Cllr Donnellan, seconded Cllr Bowen all in favour. Trees will be decorated by the Lions group who will get them put up on the businesses by the 28th November.
10.11. Local Heritage sites – more information is required, clerk to ask regarding the Cemetery Chapel and Post box at Hawthorn Hill.
10.12 Seat and planters are ordered with the opening up the high street funding; these will be put in place early in the New Year.
10.13 Queens Platinum Celebrations – 4th June 2022 lots of work has been done by Cllr Bowen inviting School PTA’s and community groups to attend, most have come back positive. Proposal for Council to fund the event, toilets, marquee, and prizes for a couple of competitions Proposal, Cllr Glyn Olive to ring fence £1500 seconded Cllr Sharples.
The Women’s Institute and Luncheon Club have agreed to hold an afternoon tea on Sunday the 5th June 2022, this should hopefully be a lasting reminder of the Platinum Jubilee for Queen Elizabeth 11.
10.14 Clerks report – Land for burial ground – nothing to report. No update on Laythorpe Gardens /School Lane although there have been no further reports of disturbance. There are currently 5 volunteers waiting to be trained for the community speed watch, PCSO Nigel Wass is going to arrange this. Problems at the Railway Bridge on Hunters Lane – antisocial behaviour – owners to be found and request that fencing is placed around the site.
Meeting closed