April 2021 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council
Meeting 22nd April 2021
7pm start, meeting held via ZOOM due to COVID 19 restrictions on meetings.
In attendance: Chairman Cllr Donnellan, Cllrs, Wilson, Johnson, Walker, Bannister, Sharples, Olive, Waites, Hodgson & Bowen.
Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Ashton
East Lindsey District Cllr Stan Avison; East Lindsey District Cllr Martin Foster
Oliver Clements – “Tearout” Festivals
James Knowles & Iain Burnley candidates for vacancy plus two members of public.
Clerks Kathy Roberts & Sarah Kulwicki
Members of public did not wish to speak, observers only.
Chairman invited Oliver from Tearout Festivals to speak; this year the Scoley Park will hopefully see a successful music and performing arts festival run over three days 16,17 18 July, licences have been applied for from all authorities, lots of work in preparation over the last year working with environmental health, the police and district councils etc, also getting the best team possible together for providing all aspects of safety and enjoyment for all, road traffic management plan has been submitted with the application along with noise controls and others. There will be a number given out for direct contact over the weekend to onsite security etc.
Council asked why they had chosen so soon after lockdown for this event – Oliver replied, “following guidelines this is out of the lockdown period; and we as a company will do what is required to make sure all legal requirements are achieved, we really want to see it happen; we are open and willing to answer any questions via email or your Clerk has my phone number. Thank you for having me along to your meeting tonight”. Chairman thanked Oliver for the information and asked why they chose to advertise the event as Coningsby? Oliver replied, it is the nearest place of note.
- Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan welcomed all once again to the meeting.
- No apologies
- No declarations of interest on agenda items to be discussed.
- Two applicants for the vacant seat attended the meeting having sent in their letters of interest – brief discussion took place with both applicants – vote will be taken later in meeting both applicants were invited to stay.
- Notes previously circulated from 25th March meeting were proposed as a true and correct record of that meeting Cllr D Johnson, seconded Cllr M Walker, vote taken all in favour RESOLVED – notes to be signed and dated by Chairman.
- District Cllrs Avison & Foster – new machines have been installed in the East Lindsey Car parks, once people have got used to the new format, they should make things a little easier with card or cash accepted plus the telephone option. Additional teams are in place helping to keep litter services running, thanks must go to the Coningsby and Tattershall Wombles group who are doing a great job, their efforts are very noticeable and East Lindsey will continue to support them. Cllr Olive asked if there was any scope for investment in the Coningsby toilet block; this is not an area that will be supported by additional funding from EL; there is continued vandalism at this site and the cost of repairs is prohibitive. The Clerk through the Chairman asked if it would help to focus the ANPR camera on the entrance to the toilet block for a trial period, this was welcomed by the District and Town Councillors. Clerk will action this with engineers at the earliest opportunity.
LCC Tom Ashton – Election period for LCC so no meetings, the core services continue with patching to the roads and some larger areas of repair. Household waste sites are accepting trailers and mixed waste types on all open days, appointment system is still in place and working well.
- Annual Audit – (a) Chairman read out the statements in turn all councillors approved the annual governance statement; RESOLVED (b) approval of accounting statements previously circulated all approved; RESOLVED internal auditors report read out; all proposed and seconded as agreed in full, RESOLVED. Dates of inspection will be published on website and notice board. Chairman thanked the Clerk and deputy Clerk for their work not only on producing the accounts for the year end but throughout the year reports and updates. The AGAR (accounting governance & accountability return) will be sent to the external auditors PKF Littlejohn for their stamp of approval.
- Finances – payments for April as listed were proposed Cllr Walker, seconded Cllr Waites all voted in favour to allow payment of the accounts for April 2021 RESOLVED
Feb - Pav - £13.01 Cem - £6.77 |
£23.74 |
May- Pav- £52.59 Cem - £24.19 |
£92.14 |
Glendale |
Grass AB - £208 Village - £370 |
£693.60 |
Glendale |
Cemetery monthly charge |
£577.80 |
Ellgia |
Play A Bins |
£72.55 |
Salaries All staff £2,591.79
£313.78 |
Cem Management member |
£95.00 |
Nest pensions |
Two employees enrolled |
£350.65 |
- Planning Applications and decisions
- S/035/01378/20 Outline erection of 150 no. dwellings and a farm shop; Leagate Farm, Cross Keys Lane. Comments are online.
- S/035/00435/21 Extension to existing dwelling to provide a sitting room on the site of an existing conservatory which is to be demolished. 45 PARK LANE, CONINGSBY, LINCOLN, LINCOLNSHIRE, LN4 4SW – Supported
- S/035/00674/21 – Extension to existing hair salon 75-77 High Street – Supported
- S/035/00533/21 -Extension to existing bungalow to provide attached garage. Keepers Cottage Langrick Rd. – Supported
- Greenfield Road site – clarification is still being requested regarding the access onto High Street – Planning officer has agreed to speak with Councillors on this issue. Clerk to set up a meeting.
9a.Request for the placing of Marker gates at Hawthorn Hill to reduce the speed of the traffic, Clerk will request permission from Highways and seek some prices for gates. Details for next meeting MAY 2021.
- Proposal that temporary Delegated Powers are given to Clerk with approval from Chairman and Vice to pay accounts be approved to enable council to continue to function during any lapse in meeting dates due to government ruling to stop legal use of online platforms. RESOLVED
- Clerk’s report – permission to purchase new Union flag required; Poppies for lamp posts appeal for the coming year; agreed.
Council resolved to move into Closed session.
Both candidates are eligible and worthy of the position vote taken Mr Iain Burnley received the majority; he will be welcomed with an application pack for completion and invited to the next meeting. James Knowles will be informed he was unsuccessful at this time.
Meeting Closed