May 2021 Minutes Annual Town Council Meeting

Coningsby Town Council
Annual Council Meeting 27th May 2021
7.30pm start in the Community Hall
In attendance: Cllr Donnellan, Cllrs, Wilson, Johnson, Walker, Bannister, Burnley, Olive, Waites, Hodgson & Bowen.
Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Ashton
East Lindsey District Cllr Stan Avison; East Lindsey District Cllr Martin Foster sent apologies.
Clerks Kathy Roberts & Sarah Kulwicki
Councillor Donnellan welcomed all to the first face to face meeting in 15 months, strange as it may feel it is good to be back. For a few of the Councillors this will be your first insight into the real life of Council; lets hope we can continue and look forward to many more proactive meetings. Zoom enabled us to continue but was by no means a permanent substitute long term in my mind. Welcome all.
- Nominations were invited for Chairman for the coming year. Cllr Waites nominated Cllr Donnellan for Chairman for a second year, seconded by Cllr Walker, no further nominations were heard all voted in favour, Cllr Donnellan thanked the Cllrs for the vote of confidence and accepted by signing a declaration of office, witnessed by Clerk. Cllr Donnellan will carry out Mayoral duties on behalf of the Council during the coming year.
- Nominations for Vice Chairman – Cllr Donnellan nominated Cllr Waites to continue as vice Chairman for a second year, seconded Cllr Wilson, no further nominations heard all vote in favour; Councillor Waites signed the declaration of acceptance of office to Vice Chairman.
- Apologies – Cllr Ruth Sharples sent in apologies and reasons, these were acknowledged and approved by council.
1.4Declarations of interest – Cllr Iain Burnley is a friend of one of the planning applicants no pecuniary interest but wished it recorded, he will not comment on item 8. Cllr Tabbi Bannister – made council aware that she has been elected as magistrate, this will be added to Cllrs register of interest; Council passed congratulations and good wishes for her future with this.
1.5Notes previously circulated from 22nd April meeting were proposed as a true and correct record of that meeting Cllr D Johnson, seconded Cllr M Walker, vote taken all in favour RESOLVED – notes to be signed and dated by Chairman.
1.6District Councillor Stan Avison – took questions regarding the Tear Out festival licences, he had not heard anything at East Lindsey about them but assured Council that the District would be monitoring all activity carefully. The council have elected Cllr Sarah Devereux as Chairman and Cllr Helen Matthews as vice Chairman, Cllr Avison said it is a while since we have had two ladies at the helm, we all wish them every success. Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Ashton thanked all for the turnout at the elections he was glad to remain in post to continue his work with the parishes and towns, also echoing the Chairman’s earlier comments on the face to face meeting, delighted to be back in the room. Household waste sites, Council are looking at the appointment system originally put in place to restrict the numbers of visitors with a view to removing the need for this. The sites are taking all types of waste on all open days; the hope is to reduce the number of fly tipping incidents which are extremely high at the moment. There is an application pending for a new waste centre on Kirkby Lane just inside the Tattershall border, there are genuine concerns regarding the sites previous use for burial of waste, the whole site/application needs looking at for a full assessment to ensure it is safe for use; Cllr Ashton has pulled this application in to committee rather than delegated. This should go to committee at the end of June. There is another pot of funds being made available to those areas that missed out on other funding streams it is being collaborated by LCC; ELDC and supported by MPs the current issues being put forward are transport and tourism.
1.7Finances – payments for May as listed were proposed Cllr Walker, seconded Cllr Waites all voted in favour to allow payment of the accounts for May 2021 RESOLVED.
Nest pensions |
Two employees enrolled |
£350.65 |
J. Ward |
Grass cutting |
£100.00 |
J. Parker |
Memorial lights |
£44.40 |
DD |
Everflow |
Water Pav - £9.98 Cem - £5.30 |
£15.09 |
M. Hird |
Internal Audit |
£100.00 |
Goodwins |
Batteries/ padlocks/ brush |
£107.66 |
Business rates for Cem |
£243.01 |
Business rates for Pav & AB |
£0.00 |
DD |
E-ON |
Pavilion |
£31.87 |
DD |
E- ON |
War memorial |
£16.55 |
Flying colours |
Union J - Flag |
£148.26 |
KP Countryside S |
Play Area tunnel removal |
£450.00 |
Sutcliffe Play |
Spare parts for the Rex |
£144.85 |
Selbys |
Paper |
£61.18 |
Witham Third |
Drainage rates |
£36.37 |
DD |
E-ON |
Pavilion |
£71.81 |
DD |
AB - £52.59 Cem - 24.19 |
£92.14 |
KP Countryside S |
Turf on graves |
£45.00 |
Chq |
Sivill Gallery |
Rickard Trophy engraving |
£9.40 |
Chq |
Lions donation |
resolved March 2021 |
£100.00 |
UKWSL/ Novati |
Unscheduled services March |
£9.19 |
Ellgia |
Play park bins |
£45.58 |
Everflow |
Water Pav - £12.43 Cem - £3.80 |
£16.23 |
Insurance for 21-22 |
£2,841.18 |
Glendale |
Cem - 493.92 other- 786 |
£1,535.90 |
J. Ward |
Village Grass |
£124.00 |
£399.05 |
Bacs |
Salaries |
All staff |
£2,929.56 |
1.8Planning applications and decisions
S/35/01378/20 – outline planning for 150 dwellings – passed on 29th April awaiting 106 agreements.
S/035/00435/21 – EXTENSION 45 Park Lane – Full permission
S/035/0067 – 75-77 High street, extension – Full permission
S/035/00533/21 Keepers Cottage Langrick Rd – supported
S/035/00934/21 - Change of use, conversion of and alterations to existing agricultural outbuilding to provide 3no. holiday cottages. Roanes Farm Old Fen Lane. SUPPORT
- Centenary of Coningsby War Memorial – after discussion Councillor D Johnson proposed that the Council support celebrations by providing refreshments and hire of Community Hall for the afternoon, seconded Cllr G Olive all voted in favour – Clerk to contact Women’s institute with regard to making and serving refreshments on the day, also book the hall.
- Hawthorn Hill -full permission granted for marker posts/gates – Highways have agreed positions and fixing. Local carpenters to be contacted for price of making these to specification to be supplied.
- Burial training – Clerk & Deputy booked onto the ICCM training – training materials can be shared with all that are interested, please contact the clerk for these. Cllrs Donnellan and Bannister are booked onto Burial/Memorial training at Horncastle in July full day, this was cancelled in 2020.
- Clerks Report - Traffic /Parking issues – Clerk to write to the school to reinforce the danger outside the school. Clerk to ask Highways about enforcement of single yellow line outside Chipmunks Fish and Chip shop – request change to double No Parking. CCTV – Clerk will ask the contractor to fit an external switch on the Community Hall.
RAF Coningsby Families Day 23 July 2021
Vice Chairman – Cllr Chris Waites attended on behalf of Council; the day is going ahead, planes and aircraft related displays are being brought in from all areas to make the day as entertaining as possible; there is traffic management company being bought in on the day; Council would not allow use of the Allan Barker Field for parking and suggested other areas. Cllr Waites will continue as Council representative on this event and report back any further updates / interaction.
Meeting Closed