September 2021 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council – Meeting 23rd September 2021
Meeting held at Coningsby Community Hall
In attendance – Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan, Cllrs Chris Waites, Ruth Sharples, Tabbi Bannister, Mary Walker, Amanda Bowen, Marlene Wilson & Glyn Olive
District County Councillor Stan Avison
Five members of public
Clerks Kathy Roberts and Sarah Kulwicki
Public Forum – Parishioner alerted Councillors to drug related evidence found on the Allan Barker field, predominantly around the Youth Shelter, he had also reported this to Lincolnshire Police and the local beat team. The resident was unhappy at the responses from all agencies including the Council.
Litter Picking – following an email from one of the regular litter pickers he attended the meeting to inform Cllrs of the issues with waiting for fly tipping being collected and asked for support from Council to promote litter picking with businesses and shops taking the lead and clearing the areas directly around their premises; Council fully support this initiative and Clerk will be in contact with the gentleman to assist with this. ELDC continue to provide the litter pickers and bags and collect all the waste collected.
Chairman thanked both speakers for bringing things to the attention of Council, someone will be in touch with both with updates.
09. 1 Welcome from Chairman, thanking all for attending.
09.2 Apologies and reasons for absence received from Cllrs Hodgson, Johnson & Burnley, these are RESOLVED all in favour – Apologies also received from DC Martin Foster & LCC Tom Ashton.
09.3 No declarations of interest at this point.
09.4 Proposal Cllr Mary Walker to accept the notes previously circulated to Councillors as a true and correct record of the meeting held on July 22nd; seconded Cllr M Wilson; all voted in favour. RESOLVED, signed, and dated by Chairman.
09.5 District Councillor, Stan Avison reported on the merger of South Holland with Boston Borough and East Lindsey, the savings should be considerable with the use of shared executive officers. District Cllr Martin Foster had sent in a brief reply to the email regarding litter picking “There are no immediate plans to employ a specific street cleaner returned as working in teams across the patch is the order of the day”.
09.6 Hawthorn Hill – Richard Fenwick, County Highways Manager has agreed to meet at the junction to look at the hedges and visibility issues, a TRO has been raised for this junction this is in the system. Clerk has spoken to the Road Safety Partnership with reference to having a interactive speed camera, this will be brought to the next meeting.
09.7 Finances – Councillors have had prior sight of payments, Cllr M Walker proposed all be paid as listed here for August and September, seconded Cllr M Wilson, all voted in favour. RESOLVED
Aug-21 |
Nest pensions |
Two employees enrolled |
£350.65 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
John Ward |
Village Grass |
£214.00 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 |
E- On |
War Memorial |
£16.73 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
E- On |
AB street lights |
£32.21 |
Parish Councils Act 1957, s.3 |
E- On |
Pavilion |
£48.17 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
External Audit |
£480.00 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
K. Roberts |
Play area paint |
£43.00 |
LG (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, |
E- On |
Pavilion electric |
£56.57 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
K. Roberts |
Poppies |
£225.00 |
LGA 1972 sec 137 |
K. Roberts |
paper for invites |
£13.96 |
LGA 1972 s111 |
NOVATI - uk waste |
Pavilion Bins |
£14.95 |
Litter Act 1983,ss5-6 |
NOVATI - uk waste |
Allan Barker & Cem Bins |
£92.14 |
Litter Act 1983,ss5-6 |
Everflow - water |
Allan Barker & Cem |
£16.23 |
Public Health Act, 1936, s.125 |
Ellgia |
Play Area Bins |
£70.15 |
Litter Act 1983,ss5-6 |
S. Kulwicki |
CiLCA unit marking |
£10.00 |
LGA 1972 s111 |
£355.08 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
Coningsby Metals |
Gate for AB |
£1,380.00 |
LG (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, |
Wicksteed |
Play area and AB inspection |
£206.40 |
LG (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, |
Tony Gibbons |
Grass/ grates |
£247.00 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 as above |
BT |
Phone and Broadband |
£180.33 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
NOVATI - uk waste |
Unscheduled for July |
£8.80 |
Litter Act 1983, ss5-6 |
Salaries |
All employees |
£2,879.77 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
Sep-21 |
Nest pensions |
Two employees enrolled |
£350.65 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
K. Hinks |
Wooden gateways |
£660.00 |
LG (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, |
Ellgia |
Play Area Bins |
£45.70 |
Litter Act 1983,ss5-6 |
E-ON |
Pavilion |
£58.43 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
Everflow - water |
Water - A Barker & Cemetery |
£22.19 |
Public Health Act, 1936, s.125 |
Sprint Signs |
War mem- Road Closure sign |
£210.00 |
Local gov act.1972, s137 (1) |
J. Ward |
Grass cutting |
£152.00 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 |
NOVATI - uk waste |
Allan Barker and Cem Bins |
£92.14 |
Litter Act 1983,ss5-6 |
Smiths |
MUGA maintenance |
£1,103.32 |
LG (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, |
£363.39 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
Salaries |
All employees |
2,860.67 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
K. Roberts |
reimburse for Christmas baubles W M |
£150.00 |
Local gov act.1972, s137 (1) |
Glendale July |
July cemetery £493.92 |
£2,229.50 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10/PHA 1875 |
Glendale August |
August Cemetery £493.92 |
£1,979.90 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10/PHA 1875 |
Safe & S. CCTV |
Play Area + two cameras |
£1,812.00 |
Crime & Disorder Act 1998, ss 5 and 17 |
09.8 Planning – S/035/01694/21 FPP - Erection of a detached garage. Pingle Lake
Tumby Road, S/035/01480/21 FPP – The Warren, New York Road, additional living accommodation.
09.9 Inspection reports – School Lane Play Area – most issues have been addressed in house, Zip Wire needs additional work, clerk to arrange. Allan Barker – Zip wire again needs work plus some grass matting required under equipment, clerk to arrange. No major problems most were monitor only, which is done by our Caretakers.
09.10 War Memorial Centenary Celebrations – this went well, thanks to the RAF personnel who managed the traffic control, the Women’s Institute for the magnificent spread of cakes enjoyed by all on the day – Proposal Cllr Donnellan to donate £200 towards W.I. funds seconded Cllr Olive, all voted in favour.
09.11 Grant funding – the permissions from Lincolnshire Highways have come through, for the seat at the corner of High Street is being funding by parishioner Colin Mair in memory of his late wife Marian; plus, two planters on the opposite corner one on the Silver Street side and one on the High Street, these have been ordered and will be refunded by the High Street Grant fund.
09.12 Queens Platinum Celebrations June 2022 – lots of ideas were put forward, Cllr Bowen arranged to meet with the clerk in the office to discuss moving this forward. Cllr Donnellan asked if anything had been thought about as a lasting memory of the event.
09.13 Allotments meeting – Cllr Donnellan and Cllr Burnley met with the allotment holders who asked if there was any more land available as they have a large waiting list for plots. A dead tree on the boundary line, clerk has investigated, and this is the Councils responsibility as Highways have looked and it is not theirs. The gate needs replacing, the ones at the Cemetery need measuring to see if they would be any good. The old railway line land needs clearing as the dyke is overgrown, Clerk has contacted the owners 28th September is the date given for them to attend. The lease is due for renewal August 2022 – these needs updating and pre approvement of any changes with both parties before this date.
09.14 Cleks Reports -
- Land for burial ground – Lease documents land at Community Hall – no movement
- School Lane/ Laythorpe Gardens – Parking issues – no update
- Marker gates – Contractors have been instructed, no date at the moment.
- Christmas 2021 – businesses are being contacted, Lions have been approached about the decorating and putting the small trees up.
- Hedges and trees requiring cutting back at various places around the village, letters have been sent to properties plus Highways informed.
Closed Session – To resolve to exclude public and press to discuss quotes & tenders for works.
Members of public left the meeting. Assistant Clerk had prepared a detailed report from 3 Mole control companies – Councillors all had copies; Cllr Olive proposed Contractor A; Pest Force, seconded Cllr Sharples, all voted in favour; Sarah will contact all the applicants. The cemetery needs urgent attention.