February 2022 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council – Meeting 24th February 2022
In attendance – Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan, Cllrs Chris Waites, Mary Walker, Dick Johnson, Ruth Sharples, Marlene Wilson, Amanda Bowen, Tabbi Bannister, Ian Burnley, Glyn Olive & Colin Mair
District Councillors Martin Foster.
Chairman offered condolence in the memory of Cannon John Moore
Three members of public – observers only.
- Chairman welcomed all to the meeting – thanking Cllr Colin Mair re-joining the Council.
- Apologies had been received from District Cllr Stan Avison.
- Interests recorded item 6 Community Hall request – Cllrs Johnson, Olive, Walker & Sharples are members of the Hall committee. Item 11 b – Cllr Burnley – family planning application.
- Proposal Cllr Mary Walker to accept the notes previously circulated to Councillors as a true and correct record of the meeting held on the 27th of January; seconded Cllr Iain Burnley, all voted in favour. RESOLVED, minutes signed and dated by Chairman.
- Burial Ground Walk 19th February- notes from the walk and discussion on fees were circulated to Councillors, Cllr Wilson queried the increase on the Memorials, overruled; Proposal Cllr Olive to accept the minutes and fees as listed, seconded Cllr Walker, all voted in favour RESOLVED
- Community Hall application for funds – Defibrillator replacement cabinet – Cllr Wilson proposed a donation £200, seconded Cllr Bannister, Chairman asked for any further proposals, none were forthcoming, vote taken All Cllrs able to vote see item 3. Voted in favour RESOLVED
- Asset Transfer details – nothing available for this meeting.
- District Cllr Martin Foster – Budget is still being discussed East Lindsey have decided to put information out about how the Council Tax is shared out between the different agencies as a percentage average of each £10 of your bill. Ex board has agreed to purchase a specific vehicle kitted out for various cleaning jobs on a rota basis, plus an on-demand service. Two new employees will be required for this service. Chairman thanked Cllr Foster and asked him to feed back to the waste collection teams for their work during the storms of recent weeks, well done for being able to continue with this vital service.
- Hawthorn Hill – No further reports – District Cllr Martin Foster has also been chasing this within the District.
- Finances – Councillors have had copies of all payments and receipts, Cllr Walker proposed all be paid as listed for February 2022, seconded Cllr Sharples all voted in Favour. RESOLVED
Details: February 2021 |
Nest pensions |
One employee enrolled |
£130.56 |
DD |
Click Waste |
unscheduled for Nov |
£19.34 |
DD |
npower |
lights for war memorial - xmas |
£19.80 |
Pestforce |
Mole control |
£80.00 |
Festive lights |
Replacment of lights |
£1,846.90 |
Community Hall |
Jan x2 & Feb |
£67.50 |
E. Czajkowski |
Repairs on clock |
£190.00 |
cheque |
W.R. Hanson & Son |
Hedge cutting |
£84.00 |
DD |
Ellgia |
Waste collection |
£48.62 |
DD |
Click waste |
Bins - Allan Barker - Cemetery |
£92.14 |
DD |
Click Waste |
Overweight DEC |
£17.58 |
Annual Subscription |
£702.51 |
Goodwins |
goods, grit bins, primer clock repairs |
£52.00 |
DD |
Everflow |
water charges A Barker - Cemetery |
£16.68 |
Pellcroft Eng |
Metal Post - A Barker gate |
£85.20 |
Pads and Battery AB defib |
£148.68 |
DD |
Allan Barker |
£332.39 |
Pellcroft Eng |
Gate fixings A Barker |
£22.80 |
Glendale |
Cemetery 12 month contract |
£592.70 |
Salaries |
All employees |
£3,142.09 |
All staff contributions tax and NI |
£398.57 |
X Bounce |
deposit for hire |
£50.00 |
Pestforce |
Mole control |
£80.00 |
£8,140.06 |
- Planning - A. S/035/00099/22 placement of telecommunications pole at Coningsby Metals site. No objections Support
- S/035/02480/21 Barn conversion/ change of use to dwelling. No objections Support
- Rickard Trophy Nominations – put forward for Chairman and Vice Chairman to decide on a recipient or group for 2022.
- Clerks report – plans for the Jubilee weekend are moving along well, lots of positive feedback. Women’s Institute have confirmed they will serve afternoon tea in Coningsby Community Hall, there will be some form of light entertainment following the tea. Tattershalll PC are joining with us; there will be an afternoon tea at Tattershall, the PC are also pricing up coins for all the primary school children in Tattershall and Coningsby this will equal if not surpass the commitment from Coningsby Council.
Cllr Olive requested a letter of thanks be sent to Lincolnshire Police Beat Manager to thank PCSO Nigel Wass for his presence in the village it is good to see the uniformed officers out and about in the village.
Proposal from Cllr Chris Waites that Council moves into closed session to discuss matters that are currently confidential – under the public bodies act 1960 & LGA 1972 sec. 100 & 102. RESOLVED
- Some developments have been made and Cllr Donnellan will arrange to meet with Landowners to discuss the way forward.
- Quote for works at War Memorial – Council have decided to take another route as it is proving to difficult to engage with builders at this time. One quote had been forthcoming but was not discussed as no comparisons available.