March 2022 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council – Meeting 24th March 2022
In attendance – Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan, Cllrs Chris Waites, Mary Walker, Dick Johnson, Marlene Wilson, Amanda Bowen, Tabbi Bannister,
District Councillors Martin Foster& Stanley Avison
Three members of public – observers only.
03. 22
- Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan welcomed all to the meeting
- Apologies with reasons have been received from Cllrs Olive, Burnley, Mair & Sharples – Proposed and RESOLVED to accept all
- Interests recorded – none at this point
- Proposal Cllr Mary Walker to accept thenotes previously circulated to Councillors as a true and correct record of the meeting held on the 27th of January; seconded Cllr Dick Johnson, all voted in favour. RESOLVED, minutes signed and dated.
- East Lindsey District Cllr Martin Foster spoke on behalf of both in attendance; Sadly all refuse teams have again been reduced due to an upsurge in the infection rates; all services could be affected but being covered at the moment, should his change residents will be informed. £150 being offered as rate reduction can be claimed online or by phone if you don’t have direct debit set up, when it will be paid automatically into your account. Purchase of RAF Woodhall is being discussed various uses are being considered – no decision to date.
- LALC Training Scheme – Proposal after discussion to not join this year but to carefully monitor the cost of training taken up by Councillors and the Clerks for evidence of best value to this Council, Cllr Dick Johnson, seconded Cllr Tabi Bannister, all voted in favour RESOLVED NOT TO PAY 2022.
- Finances – Councillors have had copies of all payments and receipts, Cllr Walker proposed all be paid as listed for March 2022, seconded Cllr Waites all voted in Favour. RESOLVEDsee list below.
- Planning applications and decisions S/035/02480/21 Full PP Barn conversion. S/035/00099/22telecommunications pole at Coningsby Metals site. Full PP
- Annual Parish Meeting–Proposal to provide refreshments Cllr Bowen, seconded Cllr Johnson – all in favour RESOLVED
- The Rickard Trophy winners for this year are Coningsby & Tattershall Wombles
- East Lindsey Asset Transfer details – none received to date this is be escalated by Victoria Burgess and ELD Cllr Martin Foster – information on running costs and income for all the East Lindsey owned assets in Coningsby have been requested.
- Clerks report –Thank you from Lions group for the donation for Christmas tree work. Good turn out at the Wombles day at Allan Barker, Mayor attended great work being done. Lots of work going on behind the scenes preparing for the Jubilee events, thank you Cllr Bowen for all the help delivering to businesses and groups. Request from Little Acorns – for a gate directly onto the Play Area on School Lane as a fire escapee from their property – Request deniedClerk will inform them.
Burial request for kerbedgrave – Clerk was requested to photograph the area and send to Councillors for a decision – possible Burial group meeting required.
Council resolved to move into closed session- Under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972, ss 100 and 102
Visitors thanked for attending left the meeting.
- Asset transfer – as item 11 above.
- Land for burial ground – Farmer has been written to explaining the processes required before purchase can go ahead – Planning permission needs to be approved before any further surveys are carried out. Clerk to action.
- Other land offered – no further updates on this Clerk will contact owner asap.
Meeting closed
Cllr Walker announced there is to be a Doctors Surgery AGM on May 9th time and venue TBC
Clerk will contact Chairman of CCTV group to arrange an AGM during May 2022