July 2021 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council – Meeting 22nd July 2021
Meeting held at Coningsby Community Hall
In attendance – Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan, Cllrs Chris Waites, Sharples, Bannister, Walker, Burnley, Bowen, Wilson, Johnson, Olive & Hodgson.
Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Ashton
Four members of public
Clerks Kathy Roberts and Sarah Kulwicki
Public forum – Mr Williams of Orchard Way asked if council could offer any help or solutions to the parking issues on Orchard Way, causing safety and access problems, EL bins are very often left uncollected as the lorries cannot access the road, he suggested dropped kerbs for those properties that have front gardens that could be used as a start.
Council replied that Platform housing need to be on board to allow access to gardens with vehicles; Coningsby Council will send a letter of support to Platform for the request to be put to Highways. The housing standards at East Lindsey will also be alerted to issues raised.
District Cllr Martin Foster has already spoken to the cleansing department who acknowledged the issues with access, he assured us that the bins will be collected at the next available opportunity.
07.1 Welcome from Chairman Councillor Paddy Donnellan
07.2 Apologies were recorded from District Councillors Stan Avison and Martin Foster.
07.3 No declarations of interest at this point.
07.4 Proposal Cllr Dick Johnson to accept the notes previously circulated to Councillors as a true and correct record of the meeting held on June 24th; seconded Cllr M Wilson; all voted in favour. RESOLVED, signed, and dated by Chairman.
07.5 County Councillor Tom Ashton County are not backing the funding for retaining Neurology in all Lincolnshire hospitals although they are applying pressure to keep as many services locally. Art and Culture support has been found for the Usher Gallery from Lincoln City Council. Devolution powers are to be discussed again. Boston and East Lindsey are looking to join with South Holland. All recycling sites are opening again without bookings, there are concerns which are still being investigated reference the historical use of the site for contaminated waste, this is being discussed at planning on Monday. Cllr Walker asked why the Town Council is not consulted on street naming for the new developments – Cllr Ashton was not aware this had lapsed but he will investigate this and report back. District Councillor Martin Foster sent in a report – Toilets are fixed and open. Purple bins for dry paper and card will be introduced across ELDC in September 2022, space in the grey bins will possibly allow capacity for bottle recycling in the grey bin, this will be dependent on new central government recycling directives being introduced early in 2022.
07.6 Speeding traffic – Hawthorn Hill – an Archer survey has been booked, council are awaiting a date; Clerk was asked to request a survey for Dogdyke Road and High Street / A153 – also a request for the speed van to be sent. Cllr Ashton replied that there is a procedure that must be followed.
07.7 Finances – Councillors have had prior sight of payments, Cllr D Johnson proposed all be paid as listed here, seconded Cllr M Wilson, all voted in favour. RESOLVED.
07.8 Planning – S/035/01480/21 _ The Warren New York Road Dogdyke- extension to existing to provide additional living accommodation; unanimously RESOLVED SUPPORTED.
07.9 Hawthorn Hill Marker posts & gates for Allan Barker field – costs and design to be discussed/approved- quotes in closed session.
07.10 War Memorial Centenary celebrations – 18th September, hall booked, WI agreed to prepare and serve tea and cakes, TPRO approved, invites to be sent out; Cllr Donnellan requested a donation towards the cost of the Military Wives Choir – after some discussion a proposal of £150 from Cllr Hodgson, seconded Cllr Bowen, no counter proposals were heard; carried in favour with one vote against. RESOLVED
07.11 RAF Families Day – A traffic management company has been employed to police the area and place appropriate signage, some f which is already in place for tomorrow’s event. Car parks have been opened around the base – emergency number 01522 782072.
07.12 War Memorial gardens – quotes to be discussed for improvements in closed session. Funding has been allocated to Council for this and other areas of enhancement from East Lindsey.
07.13 Queens Platinum Jubilee – June 2022 – Lions have suggested that they would like to join forces with the council and possibly incorporate their fun day for the children on this weekend; Councillors Bowen, Bannister, Hodgson have been tasked to bring some ideas back to Council on September 23rd at the meeting.
07.14 Football Club / Council meeting – This was well attended, the club suffered a slight loss in funds over the previous year for obvious reasons, Council vote for the fees to remain unchanged and additional matches to be included for the coming season (£705) the club have lost a number of players and are running with less teams this year. Council agreed to free up some space in the garage for Dan Taylor who runs Discovery Sports – mostly youth groups, paying for 7/ 8 hours weekly on the MUGA.
07.15 Allotments – A meeting is being arranged for the 26th August for 7pm at the allotments; any councillors may attend to take a walk around; the allotments group chairman will be informed.
07.16 Clerks report – No movement on the land purchase for cemetery land or the lease documents for land at Community Hall. No updates on parking issues School Lane/Laythorpe Gardens.
Chairman Cllr Donnellan thanked the public for attending and proposed the Council move into closed session.
- War memorial gardens – more quotes required
- Allan Barker gates – proposal to accept the quote from Coningsby Metals £1,150 for the gates one set double gates plus one large gate and posts seconded RESEOLVED
- Marker Post/gates – proposal to purchase gates at cost of £165 each plus fixing costs. Proposal to purchase signage for the gates at £85 or less each dependent on actual sizes.
- Seat at Old Fen Lane installed many years ago needs removing to be scrapped, Cllr Hodgson offered to do this for Council in his own time at no cost.
Meeting closed