June 2021 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council – Meeting 24th June 2021
Meeting held at Coningsby Community Hall with socially distancing measures adhered to as the risk assessment for face two face meetings.
In attendance – Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan, Cllrs Johnson, Sharples, Walker, Bannister, Waites & Burnley. Cllr Bowen is expected.
District Councillors Martin Foster & Stan Avison
Three members of public.
Clerks Kathy Roberts and Sarah Kulwicki
Public forum: Question about the public toilets – ELDC Cllr Foster will respond later at agenda item 5.
06.1. Welcome from Chairman Councillor Paddy Donnellan.
06.2. Apologies and reasons for absence were heard from Cllr Hodgson, Cllr Olive & Cllr Wilson, proposal to accept this as given, all voted in favour. RESOLVED
06.3. Cllr Iain Burnley declared an interest in planning application S/35/00934/21 and will not be included in discussion or voting on this matter.
06.4. Proposal Cllr M Walker to accept the notes previously circulated to Councillors as a true and correct record of the meeting held on May 27th seconded Cllr C Waites, all voted in favour. RESOLVED
06.5. District Cllr Stan Avison reported back on the festival to be held on weekend of 17th to 18th July 2021 at Scholey Park between Coningsby and Kirkby on Bain is going ahead, all concerns raised have been addressed by the company running the event, there are no issues outstanding – the event will be monitored as any other by the police and district council officers. District Cllr Martin Foster – Ref: Toilets; firstly, explained that the mains water supply has been damaged and there is no supply at all, once this has been fixed and the internal damaged fitments have been replaced the plan is to re-open; Cllr Foster stressed that he continues to fight to keep a service open in Coningsby and other inland villages. Longer term there are ideas for secure modern units to be installed in theses areas, it is a commercial venture and would be dependent on cost ultimately; the footfall at the Coningsby unit is low and this may be prohibitive, this is long term over the next 2-3 years. Cllr Foster circulated images of the proposed units and will keep council informed of the progress with the company suppling the service.
06.6. Finances – Councillors have had prior sight of payments, Cllr R Sharples proposed all be paid as listed here, seconded Cllr C Waites, all voted in favour. RESOLVED.
Nest pensions |
Two employees enrolled |
£350.65 |
LGA 1972 s112 |
Everflow |
Water Rates |
£16.68 |
Public Health Act, 1936, s.125 |
Ellgia |
School Lane Play Area |
£64.87 |
Litter Act 1983,ss5-6 |
Smith Construction |
MUGA maintenance |
£376.76 |
Local Government (Misc Provisions) Act 1976, s.19 |
Community Hall |
Hire of hall for May and June |
£45.00 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
John Ward |
Grass cutting |
£299.00 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 |
AB - £52.59 Cem - 24.19 |
£92.14 |
Litter Act 1983,ss5-6 |
K. Roberts |
Microsoft Word etc subscription |
£79.99 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
Grafters |
Sanitiser wipes |
£13.99 |
LGA 1972 s111 |
Goodwins |
Tape for Noticeboard |
£42.66 |
Local Government Act 1972, s.142 |
BT |
Phone and Broadband |
£181.39 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
Tony Gibbons |
Footpaths cutting and plants |
£152.00 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10 |
E-ON |
Pavillion electric |
£54.12 |
LGA 1972 s113 |
AB- £30.59 Cem- £11.91 |
£51.00 |
Litter Act 1983,ss5-6 |
Glendale |
Grass cutting |
£1,979.90 |
Open Spaces Act 1906, Ss.9-10/PHA 1875 sec.164 |
All employees |
Salaries |
£3,053.44 |
LGA 1972 s112 /Parish C Act 1957, sec.2 |
Cllr Bowen joined the meeting. |
06.7. Planning-
S/35/01207/21 BROOKFIELD HOUSE, NEW YORK ROAD,– supported
S/035/00934/21 Roanes Farm Old Fen Lane – holiday lets x 3- supported.
S/35/01378/20 – outline planning for 150 dwellings Leagate Road – passed on 29th April awaiting 106 agreements. No further information
S/035/01271/21- Section 73 application in relation to condition no. 3 (use of building) as imposed on planning permission reference no. S/035/01825/03 which was for erection of a detached annexe – change of use for short-term letting. Supported
06.8. Hawthorn Hill Marker posts – Highways have approved installation of four in number gates at sites agreed. Once Council have acquired these they will be installed – proposal to purchase four in number gates Cllr Johnson, seconded Cllr Bowen, all in favour RESOLVED.
06.9. RAF Families Day 2021 – this will be held on 23rd July, Cllr Waites explained the planning of the day is progressing with traffic management company being employed; highways traffic orders applied for etc. Council asked for sight of these plans once they are available. Cllr Waites will make this request.
06.10. Designs for raised beds at War Memorial Layby have been approved in principle by highways, Council discussed, Proposal Cllr Johnson to put these forward, seconded Cllr Walker RESOLVED – clerk explained that the costs would presented to the funders for approval (ELDC welcome back to the High Streets)
06.11 Highways Officer meeting with clerk – planters approved on corner of Silver Street around Couplands and Co-op funeral; an additional seat if applied for outside Bells on the adjacent corner would be approved, this has been requested my members of public. All the above items will be listed in the fund application for improving the High streets.
06.12 Clerks report – land for burial ground – lease documents land at Community Hall no movement on either. Cllr Johnson commented the Community Hall had changed the details held with the Charity Commission which had historically been listed as Coningsby & Tattershall Community Hall is now the “Coningsby Community Hall”.
Centenary of War Memorial celebrations – hall booked, WI have agreed to prepare and serve on the day, TPRO applied for. Further details are required as soon as possible.
Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II is expected to be celebrated in June 2022 in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth to mark the 70th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II on 6 February 1952. This will be added to July agenda for discussion.
Cemetery walk – the grass cutting had been done and all looked fairly good, several additional tributes need to be moved either onto the headstones or owners asked to remove from the site. Council proposes to ask the handyman to fill in some of the holes caused by rabbits and other sunken areas. A new box is required for the watering cans – clerk to purchase.
Meeting ended.