March 2021 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council
Meeting 25th March 2021
7.30pm start, meeting held via ZOOM due to COVID 19 restrictions on meetings.
In attendance: Chairman Cllr Donnellan, Cllrs, Wilson, Johnson, Walker, Bannister, Sharples, Olive, Waites, Hodgson & Bowen.
Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Ashton
East Lindsey District Cllr Stan Avison
No public forum required.
This meeting followed conversation with members of The Welby Group, new owners of Coningsby New surgery.
103.1 Welcome from Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan.
104.2 No apologies from Town Cllrs all in attendance; ELDC Cllr Martin Foster sent in his apologies attending an East Lindsey meeting and a report for this meeting.
105.3 No declarations of interest at this point.
106.4 Vacancy on this Council is now advertised for co-option with a closing date of 14th April any applicants will be invited to attend or put in a letter for the meeting 22nd April.
107.5 Notes previously circulated of the meeting held on 25th February via ZOOM; Cllr Olive proposed as a true and correct record of the meeting, seconded Cllr Ruth Sharples, vote taken all voted in favour RESOLVED, Chairman dated and signed the minutes.
108.6 Tattershall Lakes – the site has been visited by Highways who are carrying out a feasibility study on the entrance to the A153; site manager welcomed the idea of a meeting possibly waiting until after the site has re-opened to get a true picture going forward of any issues; the clerk visited to see what measures had been put in place on the site; an area previously used as weekend holiday pods has been cleared, tarmacked giving an extra 50 plus parking spaces for people who turn up early; the checking in process has moved much further down onto the site rather than at the main gate; only visitors without a booking will be moved into a smaller parking area to the left of the barriers to be dealt with there rather than holding up the entry to site. Councillors agreed that this is acceptable and will need to be reviewed.
109.7 District Cllr Martin Foster – additional teams are being drafted in to cover for the Easter break and summer season, to cope with what is expected to be an unprecedented number of visitors, these additional vehicles and personnel will be covering the inland towns and villages as required. Thank you to the Coningsby & Tattershall Wombles for their effort in helping to keep our streets and verges tidy as part of their exercise and dog walking activities. The District will continue to support local groups with provision of waste bags and pick up locations for waste being collected. District Cllr Stan Avison echoed the thanks and praised the organisers and all the volunteers the area is looking great, a good community effort.
Lincolnshire County Cllr Tom Ashton, remined the meeting of the continued works on the A17 at Holdingham roundabout, overnight closures are affecting large areas across the county. New state of art Fire and Rescue vehicle has been purchased, this one is based in Market Rasen; the plan is to build up the fleet of these much more versatile vehicles.
110.8 Finances as listed for March to be paid proposed Cllr Mary Walker, seconded Cllr Dick Johnson, all voted in favour. RESOLVED
A donation was proposed as a gesture of thanks from the Council to Coningsby & Tattersall Lions Group – Proposed £100 Cllr Chris Waites, seconded Cllr Dick Johnson, 9 votes for and one against Proposal carried; RESOLVED
111.9 Planning Applications and decisions
112.10 Clerks report
1. Land for burial ground – Lease documents land at Community Hall – no movement
2. School Lane/ Laythorpe Gardens – Parking issues – more complaints received information passed on and requested school send out a reminder on safety.
3. Foot path from School Lane to Allan Barker recreation ground- no further information – clerk is seeking costs for surfacing.
4. Coningsby & Tattershall Wombles – volunteer litter pickers as reported above, the Hi Vis and all litter picking equipment has been funded by East Lindsey District Council, the Hi Vis was a grant applied for by Coningsby Clerk. As stated above the full cost has been covered by the DC.
Chairman proposed the Council move into closed session to discuss the following, all agreed RESOLVED
This year there has been without a doubt a group of volunteers who have done and are doing an amazing job of keeping the villages and surrounding areas safe and served with a smile. The Coningsby & Tattershall Lions will be awarded the Rickard Trophy for services to the Community the list is endless, and no task has been overlooked; Chairman and Vice Chairman were unanimous in this decision. Meeting Closed