November 2020 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council
Meeting 26th November 2020
7pm start, meeting held via ZOOM due to COVID 19 restrictions on meetings.
In attendance: Chairman Cllr Donnellan, Cllrs Foster, Wilson, Walker, Bannister, Sharples, Olive & Waites.
Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Ashton
East Lindsey District Cllr Stan Avison
Three members of public.
Candidate for consideration; co-option Christopher Hodgson
Public forum.
Janet Harrison representing Lincolnshire North Federation of the Women’s Institute, Trees available for planting from the Woodland Trust, Council agreed that the Allan Barker ground has space for more trees and encouraged Janet to get the local group to apply for a bundle, help available for planting was promised. Janet left the meeting after thanking Council for their support.
Clerk Kathy Roberts
69.1 Welcome from Chairman Councillor Paddy Donnellan
70.2 Apologies with reasons received prior to the meeting from Cllr Dick Johnson, proposal to accept the reason, RESOLVED unanimously.
71.3 No declarations of interest at this point.
72.4 Vacancy– Candidate Christopher Hodgson left the meeting whilst Cllrs discussed his introductory letter, Proposed Cllr G Olive that Mr Hodgson be invited to join the council, seconded Cllr T Bannister all voted in favour RESOLVED Clerk had previously sent a package of paperwork to Mr Hodgson who at this point re-joined the meeting and signed his declaration of office, other paperwork will be dealt with by Clerk asap.
Chairman Cllr P Donnellan welcomed Councillor Hodgson to join the meeting and invited him to contribute to discussions.
73.5 Notes previously circulated of the meeting held on 22nd October via Zoom; Proposed by Cllr Martin Foster as a true and correct record of the meeting; seconded by Cllr Ruth Sharples; vote taken, all voted in favour RESOLVED, Chairman signed and dated the minutes.
74.6 Lincolnshire County Cllr Tom Aston – worrying times for all across the County having been put in tier 3 offering the strictest COVID guidelines with areas close by including Boston being ranked amongst the highest infection rates in the Country; businesses will be offered support as will those groups continuing to help those in need in our communities; vaccines are to be available to us all early in the New Year. Hawthorn Hill – speed review has been requested and will be carried out with a view to setting a limit rather than advisory SLOW. Cllr Ashton offered help with tree planting when the time is right. Lincoln City Council have shipped the contents of the Usher Gallery into storage after closure due to the venue losing money over the past few years. The Collection is to stay open. Cllr Ashton is working with others to have some Rail services reinstated – not in Coningsby but a link from Peterborough to Lincoln.
ELDC Cllr Avison – commented on the influx of visitors to our areas over the Summer months possibly increasing the spread of the virus; a very worrying time for us all.
ELDC Cllr Martin Foster – Government funds are being made available to fund advisors on a temporary basis to help with advice for businesses and residents alike understanding the rules and what is available during this stage of COVID awareness.
Question – Are the district considering removing the need to get a ticket for parking again. Cllr Foster replied that at the moment the charges remain, district is looking at other types of pay machines to replace the ones we have. Funds have been made available to town Councils for help with keeping safe, our clerk has accessed these funds and looking at purchasing hand sanitizer stations positioned by the parking meters.
Cllr Ashton asked to be excused from the meeting.
75.7 Finances as listed to be paid proposed Cllr Chris Waites, seconded Cllr Marlene Wilson, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
E-on |
AB lights |
32.57 |
E-on |
War memorial |
16.92 |
E- On |
Pavilion |
108.15 |
Nest |
Council and Staff contributions |
342.00 |
Glendale |
Village grass and Cemetery |
1,252.42 |
K. Roberts |
Stationary/ diaries/ pens |
14.75 |
UK Waste solutions |
AB overweight |
35.08 |
UK Waste solutions |
Cem and AB bins December |
87.76 |
E- on |
Pavilion |
56.66 |
Royal British Legion |
Wreaths/ Donation |
75.00 |
John Ward |
Grass cutting |
72.00 |
Ellgia |
Play park bins |
44.51 |
Smiths Construction |
MUGA Maintenance |
468.43 |
Goodwins |
Office |
24.97 |
Everflow water |
Cemetery & Pavilion |
16.46 |
Edmund Czajkowski |
Annual Service of clock |
146.50 |
223.49 |
Fillingham trees |
Christmas trees |
1,250.40 |
K. Roberts |
Ink for printing home printer |
38.59 |
UK Waste solutions |
AB and Cem Unscheduled for Aug |
26.94 |
Salaries |
All staff November 2020 |
2,596.95 |
76.8 Planning
1. Planning Hawthorn Hill – sec 192 lawful use of land application.
Willowmere/Rosewood Park – full permission granted.
- S/0135/01513/20 – Change of use 119 High Street to Fish & Chip Shop Full PP granted
- S/035/01019/20 | Planning Permission - Change of use of land for the siting of 22no. modular homes for the over 55's. | LAND OFF GREENFIELD ROAD. Application on hold.
- S/035/01378/20 Outline erection of 149 no. dwellings and a farm shop (with means of access and scale to be considered). Leagate Farm, Cross Keys Lane. Officer informed Council this will be discussed at East Lindsey in the New Year
77.9 Tree works at Cemetery – as discussed at Burial Board meeting in February – Contractor quote £725 + VAT Proposed to accept Cllr Wilson seconded Cllr Walker all in favour RESOLVED
Clerks report plus any correspondence
- Landowner has made contact with Chairman; Cllr Donnellan & Cllr Olive will speak with him and bring back any comments to Council regarding possible purchase of land for Cemetery purposes.
- All permissions are in place for siting a new camera at School Lane Play area – January agenda item.
- Lease documents for the Community Hall Car park – awaiting information from solicitors.
- Laythorpe Gardens/ School Lane parking issues reported; Council requested the clerk write to the LCC parking enforcement team & local PCSOs thanking them for work also asking for additional visits if possible. – January agenda item for feedback and discussion.
Chairman Councillor Donnellan requested the Council move into closed session to discuss personnel issues and budget for 2021/22 – Cllr Foster seconded this motion. All voted in favour. Members of the public were thanked for their attendance tonight; all left the meeting.
Clerk requested to leave the meeting whilst discussion on salaries and contracts took place; Chairman will alert to re-join the meeting for budget setting.
Budget 2021/2022
Contract hours for assistant Clerk increased by 4 per week from April 2021 to be included in salary. Resolved
Across the staff salaries including hourly paid employees an increase of 2.5% from April 2021. Resolved
Clerk returned to meeting.
Council have two projects that are ongoing the main one being the purchase and preparation of land for future burial ground. Reserves need to be increased to enable this to be moved forward. The second one is to upgrade and improve the School Lane play area to utilise the space taken up by the redundant tunnel and mound.
Clerk recommended that general reserves are low as the guidelines are to hold 6 to 12 months running costs currently Council are holding steady at around 2.5 to 3 months in general reserves.
After discussion
P1. Cllr Olive proposed the precept be set at £95,000, seconded Cllr Wilson
P2. Cllr Walker proposed the precept £100,000, seconded Cllr Sharples
Chairman called for a show of hands for Proposal 2 to set the Precept for 2021/22 at £100,000 - 7 votes in favour 1 abstention plus 1 Councillor, Cllr Marlene Wilson voted against.
Proposal 1 vote was not required.
It was RESOLVED by majority vote to request the precept of £100,000 for the year 2021/2022
Meeting Closed