May 2020 Minutes Annual Town Council Meeting

Annual Meeting
28th May 2020
7pm start – meeting held via ZOOM due to restrictions on meetings – COVID 19
In attendance – Cllrs Foster, Donnellan, Johnson, Bannister, Sharples, Olive, Mason, Lynch, County Cllr Tom Ashton
Three members of public including applicant James Knowles who introduced himself to Council with a brief resume of his history with local Parish and Borough Councils.
Mr Knowles stayed for the meeting.
No further public forum required.
Councillor Foster took the opportunity with this being his last one as Chairman for this term, thanking the Councillors for all the support over the two years in particular Cllr Donnellan as the Vice Chairman; many thanks to the Clerk and assistant Clerk and all staff for keeping the Council running as efficiently as is possible.
10.1 Nominations required for Chairman for the coming year, Cllr M Mason proposed Cllr Paddy Donnellan, seconded by Cllr M Foster, no other nominations heard all voted in favour, Cllr Donnellan accepted the position and in turn thanked Cllr Foster for his continuous efforts over the past two years many have come to fruition and a few still outstanding that he will be picking up. Declarations of acceptance of office will be signed at later date. RESOLVED
11.2 Nominations for Vice Chairman – Cllr Donnellan nominated Cllr Matthew Mason, seconded Cllr Bannister, no other nominations heard, all voted in favour, Cllr Mason accepted the post; again declaration of acceptance of office to be signed at later date due to this being a virtual meeting. RESOLVED
13.4 No declarations of interest at this time.
14.5 Two valid applications received for the vacancy on Council; James Knowles and Chris Waites – thank you to both applicants, Councillors to discuss and decide by vote in closed session.
16.7 Planning S/035/00593/00594/20 – 67 & 69 Park Lane, Full permission, extension to front of property. S/035/00527/20 – 25 Milson Close, Full Permission, ground floor bedroom and shower room. S/035/00606 19 Blenheim Rd, Full Permission, ground floor alterations on site of existing conservatory to provide sun room and bedroom. S/035/00515/20 – 23 Cheviot Crescent, to provide single storey garden room to rear of existing property, (supported)
17.8 Annual Audit - Year-end accounts – (a) Internal auditors report, received and noted by Council; (b) Governance statements read out and agreed; (c) accounting statement agreed; proposal to accept all Cllr Dick Johnson, seconded Cllr Matthew Mason, RESOLVED – Clerk will publish documents available to view on website and send to PKF Littlejohn external auditors. Cllr D Johnson offered a vote of thanks once again to the Clerk Kathy and assistant Clerk Sarah for their work producing the accounts in a clear and timely manner, not just at the end of year but throughout the year. Clerk commented that it is always a relief to reach this stage each year; thanks will be passed on to Sarah who compiles the monthly accounts.
18.9 Finances - to approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by Council as listed April 2020 with Councillors including current balances at bank. Proposed Cllr Foster seconded Cllr Mason to pay all accounts as listed, all voted in favour PAYMENTS RESOLVED.
Nest pensions |
Council and Staff contributions |
342.00 |
UK Waste solutions |
bins for Pav and Cem |
76.24 |
UK Waste solutions |
overweight fee Feb 2019 |
23.17 |
Ellgia |
Play park bins |
3.60 |
Everflow water |
A Barker & Cemetery |
21.58 |
Witham Third |
Internal DB fee Alan Barker Ings drain |
35.58 |
Peter Bass |
Salary Clock Winder |
144.60 |
K Roberts |
Salary Clerk |
1,330.56 |
C Shinn |
Salary Pavillion Caretaker |
260.30 |
S Kulwicki |
Salary Play park and Assist Clerk |
552.73 |
F Gillard |
Salary Handy Man |
168.80 |
J. Pinion |
Salary Handy Man |
0.00 |
267.00 |
Sutcliffe Play |
installation of goods provided FOC |
3,360.00 |
Glendale |
Grass- incl. Cem eliment net 385.20 |
820.20 |
J Ward |
various village grass cutting 2041 |
204.00 |
Paul Goodwin |
Refund paid , overcharged on invoice |
£300.00 |
Carol Jones |
Internal audit fee |
60.00 |
19.10 District Cllr Martin Foster – public toilets around the district are opening up in phases, Coningsby should be open in the next two weeks. There is an ongoing enforcement order on a village dwelling.
County Cllr Tom Ashton – following on from the discussions on Hawthorn Hill Cllr Ashton has requested a speed limit be imposed on the junction: Unitary Councils are being discussed again at County level, Cllr Ashton explained his view stands that it would make the areas too big and individual Cllrs would have difficulty focusing on local areas.
Clerks report – Office carpet is being fitted on 9th June, Clerk would like to request a barrier style counter to deter visitors from entering into the main body of the office, it has also come to light during the clearance for carpeting that there may be need for further improvements in office fixtures. Small business grants have been applied for £10,000. Dog waste bin has been requested for the Finney Close – Read Way - Greenfield Road junction, following reports of continued misuse of area by dog walkers.
Cllr Olive proposed Council move into closed session to discuss two items, seconded Cllr Lynch.
Councillor Donnellan declared an interest at this point and did not vote on election of Councillor.
Chris Waites, Elected by majority vote to be informed by clerk, documents will be passed to him to be signed to complete the cooption.
James Knowles – is to be thanked for his attendance and informed unsuccessful this time.
Rickard Trophy – presented annually to a group or person for their services to the Community of Coningsby, chosen by the Chairman, Vice Chairman and previous Chairman from the nominations received. 2020 sees the award going to Derek Cook for his services to the Coningsby Community Hall, serving on the committee since 1977 and Chairman from early 1990s onwards amongst other duties – arrangements will be made for presentation
Meeting closed