June 2020 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council
25th June 2020
7pm start – meeting held via ZOOM due to restrictions on meetings – COVID 19
In attendance – Cllrs Donnellan, Mason, Foster, Johnson, Bannister, Sharples, Olive, Lynch & Waites
Clerk K Roberts, Assistant Clerk Sarah Kulwicki
East Lindsey District Cllr Stan Avison – Cllr Martin Foster (CTC & ELDC)
One member of public – No Public forum required
20.1 Chairman welcomed all to the meeting, introducing Cllr Chris Waites new elected via cooption at May meeting.
21.2 Apologies from Cllrs Wilson & Walker – not comfortable with the technology, reasons accepted and recorded. RESOLVED Apologies recorded from Lincolnshire CC Tom Ashton.
22.3 No declarations of interest currently.
23.4 Reports from District Cllrs, Cllr Foster informed the meeting of the extension to free inland car parking until August 1st, following this all East Lindsey Car parks will return to paid, all coastal parks are already back to charging. Coningsby toilet block was unfortunately totally vandalised within days of being reopened, this is costing far too much and it may be that the District look at closing them permanently- other towns in the district have taken on the management and running costs of their toilets – the ones here will be offered to the Town Council.
24.5 Request to purchase new IT equipment for the office, total cost £1,024 this will provide two all in one computers which can be linked to the current wireless printer/scanner. Proposed Cllr Mason, seconded Cllr Lynch, all voted in favour RESOLVED
25.6 Notes previously circulated from the Annual meeting held 28th May were proposed by Cllr Johnson as a true and correct record of the meeting held via ZOOM, seconded Cllr Mason, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
25.6a Finances - to approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by Council as listed June 2020 with Councilors including current balances at bank. Proposed Cllr Foster seconded Cllr Mason to pay all accounts as listed, all voted in favour PAYMENTS RESOLVED.
Nest pensions |
Council and Staff contributions |
342.00 |
UK Waste solutions |
bins for Pav and Cem |
Ellgia |
Play park bins |
3.72 |
Everflow water |
A Barker & Cemetery |
20.46 |
K Roberts |
Coningsby post & pencils |
11.24 |
BT |
Broadband & Landline |
196.43 |
A Barker |
81.01 |
A Barker |
55.15 |
Dial A Carpet |
office carpet and fitting |
335.00 |
All Staff |
Salaries |
2,334.89 |
266.80 |
Sarah Kulwicki |
reimburse office stationery |
101.60 |
Glendale |
Village Grass & Cem – element net 481.50 |
1,927.04 |
Currys PC World |
Computer – office upgrade |
654.00 |
Currys PC World |
Computer – office upgrade |
599.00 |
T Gibbons |
ftpth- DD Rd to Castle move and store office |
230.00 |
J Ward |
various village grass cutting 2053 |
289.00 |
Grafters |
Hand sanitisers wipes, gloves, masks |
255.00 |
Sprint Signs |
Dog fouling signs |
85.68 |
K Roberts |
Reimbursement for Turf purchase |
75.00 |
26.7 Allan Barker Pavlion – Following discussion on the possibility of opening up the building for toilet access only or fully , PROPOSAL Cllr Johnson that at this time Council do not have to resource to reopen, reviews to be done following any further directive from Central Government, building to remain CLOSED, seconded Cllr Sharples all voted in favour RESOLVED
27.8 Hawthorn Hill – Enforcement order has been raised on Rosewood Park (known to Council as Willow mere) due to breach of planning adding additional platforms and caravans – Cllrs have concerns that enforcement hasn’t helped in the past and fear that this may be overruled as permitted development were voiced – both district Councillors in attendance reiterated that they would do all they could to get this stopped; the site has a history and the Appeal document APP/D2510/17/3175723 states 5 in number caravans permitted on this site.
28.9 Deer Signage request – Council can really do no more than notify people through press releases and website that there seems to be an increase in the amounts of deer running free this year, there would need to be signs on all roads, this is just not practical, Highways will be informed once again of the issues.
29.10 Training events on field – Council received a detailed breakdown and risk assessment and video presentation from a user of the field and facilities showing his commitment to adhere to the Government and FA guidelines; Proposal Cllr Johnson to accept the request to come back to the field albeit training in a completely different way, also to offer the use of the 3G pitch initially for sole use following the guidelines provided should he want to take that route; seconded Cllr Lynch; all voted in favour, RESOLVED
30.11 Clerks Report
1. Solicitors contacted ref: Land Lease & Covenant Hodgkinsons and Chattertons are in process of agreeing the lease. Custodian Trustees Hall – assurance given that documents will be available to sign at the July meeting
2. Grant received £10,000 ELDC.
3. Carpenter is making the folding counter for office. Clerk looking to return towards end of July at latest dependent on the availability of Community Hall for meetings.
4. Rickard Trophy – letter sent, trophy engraved, need to arrange presentation. Cllr Sharples asked if Chairman would please present the trophy, Chairman agreed.
5. Western Power will be trimming trees around the Pingle to clear the power lines.
6. RAF – negotiations for land burial ground, another new contact has been passed to the Clerk, Cllr Lynch offered his assistance with communications (possibly internal)
7. Community Payback Teams – contact has been made, due to the Allan Barker not being available the alternative suggestion of a wash room unit hired from SRP could be locked in the porch of the Chapel, at this stage the CPT have accepted this awaiting Council’s approval; this also has to be confirmed with SRP. Council gave approval to investigate cost.
Cllr Olive asked if the pressure washing had been done at the War Memorial – Clerk replied that the garden work was still ongoing and was hoping to have this done when this was completed, will contact the company who made the generous offer to make sure this is acceptable.
Cllr Lynch – reported the state of the path Hunters Lane (Tattershall Parish but Clerk will report this) Multiple power outs over the past few weeks – Could this be investigated please is it due to added use of current cables (new dwellings) ? Clerk will ask the question to Western Power.
Meeting ended