July 2020 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council
23 July 2020
7pm start – meeting held via ZOOM due to restrictions on meetings – COVID 19
In attendance – Cllrs Donnellan, Mason, Foster, Johnson, Bannister, Sharples, Olive & Waites
Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Ashton
East Lindsey District Cllr Stan Avison – Cllr Martin Foster (CTC & ELDC)
Clerk Kathy Roberts
One member of public – Mentioned the state of litter and full bins in the village.
31.1 Chairman welcomed all to the meeting
32.2 Apologies from Cllrs Wilson, Walker and Lynch, reasons accepted and recorded. RESOLVED
33.3 No declarations of interest currently.
34.4 Notes previously circulated from the meeting held 25th June were proposed by Cllr Sharples as a true and correct record of the meeting held via ZOOM, seconded Cllr Bannister, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
35.5 Reports from ELD Cllr Stan Avison – mentioned his disappointment of the conduct of his fellow councilors during a live recording of the meeting. ELD Cllr Martin Foster – Coningsby toilets are to remain closed for the foreseeable future, due to the continuous mindless vandalism; the cost of repairs and replacement equipment has gone beyond the limits of the budget, with between £300 & £400 per time. Coastal developments had been talked about at District this is not likely to go ahead at this time. Regarding the bins and littering, some staff are still shielding due to Covid 19 and agency staff have not been reliable. Hopefully the staff will be back to work soon and things will improve. Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Ashton – local government reorganization plans including devolution of local councils is being pushed through; while he will represent the views of the communities he serves he is strongly against the proposals and feels there would be so much lost by losing the local contact, this action is set to be finalized by the end of this with an implementation date of 2022/23 this is just not acceptable. Cllr Donnellan offered his support to Cllr Ashton agreeing wholeheartedly. Cllr Ashton will speak again at item 11.
36.6 Request to purchase additional Cameras – after discussion proposal Cllr Olive to purchase two cameras one for the Allan Barker fixed on the Muga and Youth shelter and one fixed on the School Lane play area. Estimated cost £500 each fitted seconded Cllr Mason, all voted in favour. These cameras will be added to the CCTV system in the village. RESOLVED
37.7 Finances - to approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by Council as listed July 2020 with Councilors including current balances at bank. Proposed Cllr Johnson seconded Cllr Bannister to pay all accounts as listed, all voted in favour PAYMENTS RESOLVED.
Nest Pensions |
Council and Staff contributions |
342.00 |
UK Waste solutions |
Allen Barker - June |
32.05 |
UK Waste solutions |
AB and Cem July |
87.76 |
UK Waste solutions |
AB and Cem August |
87.76 |
Glendale |
Village Grass & Cem ( £481.50 Cem) |
1,494.82 |
R. Brewitt |
Counter Office |
204.98 |
S. Kulwicki |
Laminator |
28.39 |
Ellgia |
Play park bins |
23.69 |
Eligia |
Play park bins |
20.09 |
0.00 |
Goodwins |
grave markers, Padlock, Office paint |
521.10 |
John Ward |
Village Grass cutting |
264.00 |
Smiths Construction |
MUGA Maintenance |
1,071.91 |
Grafters |
Anti-Bac wipes/ Gloves |
27.97 |
Everflow water |
Water for Cem and Pavillion |
20.47 |
E-ON |
Unmetered AB Street Lights |
32.21 |
E-ON |
Unmetered War Memorial |
16.73 |
Salaries |
All staff |
2,362.39 |
285.80 |
E-ON |
Pavillion |
52.68 |
6,956.71 |
38.8 Allan Barker Pavlion – Following discussion on the possibility of opening up the building for toilet access only or fully , PROPOSAL Cllr Johnson that Council allow access on Saturday mornings for the youth football, Dan Taylor Discovery sports have provided detailed information regarding cleaning of the toilets and building before and after use, Council to provide instructions for cleaning down following each visit to the bathrooms; this may need adult supervision; seconded Cllr Sharples all voted in favour RESOLVED
39.9 Coningsby Community Hall – Custodian Trustees – Cllr Foster proposed that Chairman and vice Chairman sign the documents on behalf of the Council and to set aside the sum of £600 for payment on completion of the deeds, seconded Cllr Mason, all voted in favour. Documents will be signed and returned to our solicitor asap. RESOLVED
40.10 Land search for burial ground – following an invite to visit the former fuel depot by RAF, plans sent out for Council to view services and mark the area of interest on Tuesday this week an email was received stating that at this moment in time the MOD are not looking to dispose of any land.
41.11 Hawthorn Hill – Enforcement officer has visited Rosewood Park (known to Council as Willow mere) due to breach of planning adding additional platforms and caravans –The owner believes that he has a license and it has no restrictions on it, Council were assure that he may have a license but this is not planning permission, so as it stands the site is only allowed the 5 as granted by the appeal. Appeal document APP/D2510/17/3175723 states 5 in number caravans permitted on this site. The occupant/owner can apply for more, but this would be through the normal planning channels. Another visit has been arranged to look at the site and meet with the owner to explain the breach of planning already committed and the way forward.
42.12 Clerks Report
1. Solicitors contacted ref: Land Lease & Covenant Hodgkinsons and Chattertons are in process of agreeing the lease.
2. Rickard Trophy – date and time to be arranged with Mr Cook.
3. Western Power – power cuts not due to overloading the system, weather is more likely to be the cause.
4. Bottle banks – the company are now back to work and should be keeping the sites cleared, Bins already discussed.
5. Allan Barker vandalism – more trouble overnight Wednesday with Police visiting the site.
6. Community Payback Teams – SRP can supply washroom unit at £24 per week this was agreed, council are still awaiting confirmation of the Pay Back teams – availability.
7. Cemetery maintenance- following complaints a meeting with contractor was held, now things should improve a few rules and reminders have been passed on.