September 2020 Minutes

Meeting 24th September
7pm start – meeting held via ZOOM due to restrictions on meetings – COVID 19
In attendance – Cllrs Donnellan, Mason, Lynch, Wilson, Johnson, Walker, Bannister, Sharples, Olive & Waites
Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Ashton
East Lindsey District Cllr Stan Avison
Two members of public – no comments observers only.
Clerk Kathy Roberts
No public forum required.
43-1 Welcome to all from Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan.
44-2 Apologies and reason heard from Cllr Martin Foster – Proposal to accept these RESOLVED all in favour.
45-3 Declarations of Interest – Cllr Johnson declared a personal interest in planning application as he is a close neighbour of the High Street application.
46-4 Notes previously circulated from the Annual meeting held July were proposed by Cllr Johnson as a true and correct record of the meeting held via ZOOM, seconded Cllr Mason, all voted in favour RESOLVED
47-5 District Cllr S Avison has attempted to get information on the planning applications on the agenda, he will send these on to Council as soon as received. District Cllr Martin Foster – sent in a written report the street cleaner in Coningsby is now back at work following an extended spell on furlough; Castle Lane toilet block will be reopened for a trial period from Monday 28th September, Cllr Foster has requested that the application for High Street be heard by Committee due to the amount of letters already received by the planning authority. A decision will be made by a group of 5 officers on if this should go to committee or remain delegated.
48-6 Annual Audit papers – 2019/20 have been returned all in order, this council was subjected to an intermediate check this year which requires additional information and documents to be supplied, 5% of all councils are chosen at random for this each year; the work involved takes time to prepare – Cllr Johnson thanked the clerks for their work on the audit and Council finances all year round. Clerk expressed her thanks and admits that it is always a relief when the audit is returned with no questions asked.
49-7 Finances - to approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by Council as listed August 2020 with Councilors including balances at bank. Proposed Cllr Johnson seconded Cllr Mason to pay all accounts as listed, all voted in favour; payments and note income received by Council as listed September 2020 with Councilors including current balances at bank. Proposed by Cllr Lynch, seconded Cllr Olive, all voted in favour PAYMENTS RESOLVED.
DD |
Nest |
Council and Staff contributions |
342.00 |
DD |
UK Waste solutions |
AB and Cem June |
38.06 |
DD |
UK Waste solutions |
Cem May |
9.41 |
K. Roberts |
Postage |
8.40 |
Chq |
Coningsby Bookshop |
Stationary |
37.69 |
Reboot IT |
Scanner connectivity |
72.75 |
Glendale |
Village Grass & Cemetery |
1,494.82 |
John Ward |
Grass cutting village areas 2059 |
92.00 |
DD |
UK Waste solutions |
Allen Barker and Cem bins Sept |
87.76 |
DD |
Everflow water |
Cemetery and Pavilion |
17.33 |
DD |
Ellgia |
Play park bins |
62.66 |
K. Roberts |
Council Mobile |
60.00 |
R. Sivill |
Rickard Trophy |
7.25 |
T Gibbons |
footpath cutting - DD Road to Castle |
262.50 |
Safe and Sound |
CCTV for AB |
600.00 |
Goodwins |
Padlock and staple gun |
60.89 |
DD |
E-ON |
Pavilion |
51.30 |
Councillor Training |
27.00 |
266.80 |
All staff |
Salaries |
2,476.39 |
Paul Riddle |
Skip Hire |
138.00 |
Nest |
Council and Staff contributions |
342.00 |
Glendale |
Village grass & Cem |
1,684.64 |
Inkcredible |
Ink |
41.85 |
S. kulwicki |
Paper/ mould remover |
39.29 |
K. roberts |
Hand sanitiser/ Wipes |
48.00 |
John Ward |
Grass cutting village areas, inv.2067 |
199.00 |
DD |
UK Waste solutions |
AB and Cem - October services |
87.76 |
DD |
UK Waste solutions |
AB overweight July |
14.53 |
External Audit |
480.00 |
Ellgia |
Play park bins |
66.43 |
DD |
Jason Parker |
Allan Barker emergency lights |
378.00 |
DD |
E-ON |
Electric for Pavilion |
77.21 |
Goodwins |
Galvanised caps for AB, Tape, |
359.66 |
Coningsby Manufacturing |
tunnel |
432.00 |
PAYE underpaid |
36.29 |
DD |
Everflow water |
AB and Cem |
7.70 |
DD |
BT |
Office Phone and Broadband |
177.59 |
S. Kulwicki |
Masks for Office and Play A |
39.98 |
Intellitech Services Ltd |
Website |
300.00 |
269.60 |
Salaries |
All Staff |
2,368.49 |
50 -8 Anti-Social Behaviour – Following discussion Council proposed to inform the Lincs Police that they would prefer to take the restorative justice route in the form of escorted litter picking on the Allan Barker field for a minimum of 10 hours plus a contribution towards the cost of the destroyed equipment – totalling £700. Clerk to inform the Police to enable this to be enforced. Council wished to thank PCSO Iliyana Edwards for sending in details of the village issues.
51 – 9 Planning – Hawthorn Hill – Willowmere/Rosewood Park, a meeting will be requested with the officer dealing with these applications for Cllrs to ask their questions and clarify details.
S/035/01514/20 119 High Street Consent to display signage – and application S/035/01513/20 119 High Street Change of use to Fish & Chip shop; Our EL District Cllr Martin Foster has asked on the strength or at least numbers of comments already received by East Lindsey that this be heard by Committee; as yet no decision has been made on this request. Date for comment 15/10/20
S/035/01039/20 Hurn Bridge Road – Erection of Pig sheds – Passed with conditions to construct passing places on the road before any building work is started.
S/035/01019/20 Land off Greenfield Road - Change of use of land for the siting of 22no. modular homes for the over 55's. – no decision to date.
Due to multiple applications being considered in the parish a group of Councillors will meet to put recommendations forward, after discussion this group will consist of Cllr Donnellan, Cllr Mason, Cllr Wilson, Cllr Walker , Cllr Bannister and Cllr Waites, this group will meet in person asap to look at the above applications plus any additional plans including the Leagate Farm outline planning application that has come into Council today. An extension to applications pending will be requested to cover Council meeting on October 22nd to allow for recommendations to be resolved by full council.
52 -10 Remembrance Day 2020 – due to Covid restrictions there will be a change of format on Sunday 8th November in Coningsby – a brief service at the War Memorial will take place followed by the last post sounded : the 2 minute silence at 11:00 followed by Reveille. Wreath laying will follow this with strict rules of 6 at the memorial at any time. This is agreed with the Royal British Legion, the Padre will be contacted to request attendance on the day. There will also be a commemorative event on Armistice Day 11th November at 11am.
Please note there will be no public service at the Cemetery this year.
53.11 2020 – Council meeting format, following the latest guidelines Council proposed to continue with the online meetings for the year and discuss again in January the options available; seconded and RESOLVED – Zoom package to be purchased.
54.12 Council Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct were reviewed these are recommended for a full review by clerks to update any legislative changes should any be required, none are known at this time, RESOLVED Chairman to sign.
55.13 Wild Flower areas – Allan Barker – proposed Cllr Olive that a couple of areas around the perimeter be used for attracting bees and other insects, seconded by Cllr Waites who offered the help and advice of his wife Steph and Mark Scofield who both work with the Lincolnshire Wildlife Areas Trust. All voted in favour, RESOLVED Clerk will make contact to find out the best way forward, times of year and preparation etc.
56.14 Clerks report – Land for burial ground, no movement. Lease documents, no movement. Christmas trees, the Lions will be approached to find out if they are able to help with the trees again this year, if not Clerk would like to be able to ask our usual contractors for assistance with this; to be confirmed at October meeting.
Items for October agenda
Neighbourhood planning – clerk to try and get information from other Councils who have embarked on this and what results have been. (speak to Steve Larter clerk at Skegness)
Meeting closed