October 2020 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council
Meeting 22nd October
7pm start, meeting held via ZOOM due to COVID 19 restrictions on meetings.
In attendance: Cllrs Donnellan, Foster, Wilson, Walker, Bannister, Sharples, Olive & Waites
Apologies from Lincolnshire County Councillor Tom Ashton
Apologies from East Lindsey District Cllr Stan Avison
One members of public; no comments observer only.
Clerk Kathy Roberts
No public forum required.
57.1 Welcome from Chairman Councillor Paddy Donnellan
58.2 Letters of resignation sadly received from Cllr Matthew Mason & Cllr Martin Lynch - apologies from Cllr Dick Johnson, held up at previous meeting. Proposed and acceptance RESOLVED. Councillors asked that letters of thanks for their service to resigning officers.
59.3 No declarations of interest.
60.4 Election of vice Chairman - Cllr Glyn Olive proposed Cllr Chris Waites; Cllr Mary Walker seconded the proposal; no further nominations; vote taken all voted in favour; Cllr Waites accepted the position thanking the Cllrs for the support. He will sign an acceptance of office of Vice Chairman asap.
61.5 Notes previously circulated of the meeting held on 24th September via Zoom; Proposed by Cllr Mary Walker as a true and correct record of the meeting; seconded by Cllr Ruth Sharples; vote taken, all voted in favour RESOLVED, Chairman to sign and date.
62.6 East Lindsey District Cllr Martin Foster informed Council that there are two planning applications currently going to Committee at EL Planning; High Street, Change of use to Chip shop and The Leagate Farm development; the Sec 192 Lawful use of land for siting caravans is also under review. The list of Counties moving forward with devolution did not include Lincolnshire; for now, this is shelved but obviously talks will continue.
63.7 Letter from parishioner with reference to the increase of deer and wildlife on the roads also the huge increase in traffic on the Dogdyke Rd/New York Road; accidents involving the wildlife have increased; Signage has been requested to warn drivers of this; the second issue mentioned speeding traffic and the poor accessibility if the Hawthorn Hill cross roads; County Cllr Tom Ashton has completed a formal request to have a speed reduction enforced at this location.
64.8 Neighbour Hood Planning was discussed following a request for item on the agenda, information was provided to all councillors of two complete plans and one almost ready for submission, there was no evidence of reward for the completion of the plans which have been seen to take between 3 & 6 years at a cost of £30,000 and £55,000 - Councillors sadly had no interest in trying this again after spending so much time and effort previously for it to fail. Proposal not to move on this was seconded, RESOLVED
65.9 Football Club and Council annual meeting was held to discuss the field, pavilion and fees. This year has caused much change and as such the fees will be paid by match only at £20 per match. The FC are unsure of how long they will be allowed to play in this season. Council are unable to provide changing rooms or showers. The fees were RESOLVED for 2020/21 season only. Continued complaints regarding the littering predominantly the insulating tape that players seemingly through away after the matches; despite the efforts of the FC Chairman and Vice Chairman collecting after the matches this is still being found on and around the pitch and building. Fines will be imposed if this continues. Players are to be reminded by trainers that fines will be passed on.
66.10 Finances as listed to be paid proposed Cllr Marlene Wilson, seconded Cllr Mary Walker, all voted in favour RESOLVED.
DD Nest Council and Staff contributions 342.00
DD Ellgia play park bins 58.46
DD UKWSL Cemetery & A B Bins 87.76
DD Everflow water Allan B & Cemetery water 6.95
BACS SLCC training & certificates ILCA 118.80
BACS HMRC PAYE May £267 & October £275.80 542.80
BACS All employees Salaries 2446.09
BACS Online Playgrounds Toddler swing seat 96.00
BACS FIRESTOP Cemetery 5.28
BACS FIRESTOP Office 23.98
BACS FIRESTOP Allan Barker pavilion 92.64
BACS Goodwins A B = £86.53 Pl A = £109.58 233.93
BACS T Gibbons Drain covers and waste clearing A B 145.00
BACS J Ward Grass cutting 217.00
BACS Glendale Grass cutting cem. element £481.50 1,927.04
BACS Reimburse K Roberts Zoom package 143.88
BACS Reimburse S Kulwiki Laminating sheets 16.46
BACS Reimburse T Gibbons Pansies for planters 42.50
67.11 Planning
1. S/035/01514/20 Consent to display 1no. non-illuminated fascia sign. Full PP LOCATION: 119 HIGH STREET.
2. S/0135/01513/20 Change of use 119 High Street to Fish & Chip Shop - Council comments to be submitted
3. S/035/01039/20 Planning Permission - Erection of a livestock building for the rearing and finishing of pigs HURN BRIDGE FARM, HURNBRIDGE ROAD, Full PP
4. S/035/01019/20 Permission - Change of use of land for the siting of 22no. modular homes for the over 55's. LAND OFF GREENFIELD ROAD.
5. S/035/01378/20 Outline erection of 149 no. dwellings and a farm shop (with means of access and scale to be considered). Leagate Farm, Cross Keys Lane. Council Comments to be submitted
6. Hawthorn Hill sec 192 lawful use of land to site 52 Caravans within the area of Willowmere Park and Rosewood Park. Comments to be submitted.
68.12 Clerks report - letter has been sent to owners of land for possible purchase by Council for burial land. Camera location and site agreed with Highways permission granted, to cover School Lane play area. Lease documents on Community Hall - no movement with solicitors. Christmas trees, the Coningsby & Tattershall Lions are pleased to be able to help again this year. Reminder for Councillors November is budget setting time for 2021/2022.
Meeting closed