April 2020 Minutes

30th April 2020
In attendance- Chairman Cllr Martin Foster, Vice Chairman Cllr Paddy Donnellan, Cllr Glyn Olive, Cllr Matthew Mason, Cllr Dick Johnson, Cllr Tabby Bannister, Cllr Ruth Sharples, Cllr Martin Lynch (expected)
Lincolnshire County Cllr Tom Ashton, District Cllr Stan Avison (expected)
Two members of public Russel Green & Alan Bright
Chairman invited the members of public to speak – no public forum required.
- Welcome from Chairman
- To receive and accept apologies written apologies received from Cllr Mary Walker & Cllr Marlene Wilson, Cllrs are aware of reasons both RESOLVED & recorded.
- To receive declarations of interest – None at this point.
- County Councillor Tom Ashton, reported that County are just getting going with the virtual meetings , each County Council has made £3,000 to each Cllr to help with Community Groups specifically set up and helping during the Covid 19 period, he has awarded Coningsby & Tattershall group £1000 to date. County are supporting the Care in the Home and Nursing Home services, there are lots of e.books available online, local household waste tips will be phased open asap, Lincolnshire Police domestic violence number 01522 510041, the numbers have increased since lockdown began. Council staff is mostly working from home. Highways are working to the best ability in the situation. District Councillors Martin Foster & Stan Avison have given donations of £1000 each from the grant awarded District level for the COVID19 to the C & T group. District are managing the Business grants and although the figure sounded a lot E Lindsey have the biggest number of small businesses across the County lots have already claimed and been paid out others will be contacted to be sure all are covered. Cllr Foster reported that the latest news on Household Waste sites is that they will start to open on 8th May with limited service and availability.
District Cllr Stan Avison & Cllr Martin Lynch joined the meeting.
- To formally resolve decisions made by prior email approval three proposals
Proposal 1. March 18th - 2020
1. Proposal to postpone meetings for at least a two month period, to be reviewed end of April; Cllr Olive Prop, Cllr Wilson Sec, agreed by all.
2. To delegate powers to Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk to make addition spend as required increased to £1000 from £500; Cllr Walker Prop, Cllr Lynch Sec, agreed by all.
3. Clerk and assistant will work from home until further notice, attending office to collect essential items and collect mail only. Chairman & Vice Chairman; agreed by all.
Proposed Cllr Olive, seconded Cllr Johnson , all voted in favour RESOLVED
Proposal 2. March 25th – 2020
- Proposal Cllr Mason sec, Cllr Walker to pay accounts as listed for March 2020.
2. Proposal the notes as presented for February 27th are correct Cllr Walker; Chairman has given Clerk approval to pay accounts today Friday 27th March.
Any documents requiring signatures including invoices will be signed at later date.
Proposal to accept the email decisions made March 25th Cllr Bannister seconded Cllr Sharples; all voted in favour RESOLVED.
Proposal 3. April 10th - 2020
To Resolve Planning comments recorded
S/035/0057/20 - 25 Milson Close - Support with majority vote
S/035/00593/20 & S/035/00594/20 - 67 & 69 Park Lane - Support with majority vote
S/035/00606/20 19 Blenheim Road - Support with 5 and 3 no objections - Support
S/035/00208/20 The Pingle – Full permission granted to build a brick garage.
Proposal to accept the email Planning comments as of April 10th, Cllr Olive, seconded Cllr Mason all voted in favour RESOLVED.
- Finances - to approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by Council as listed April 2020 with Councillors including current balances at bank. Proposed Cllr Mason seconded Cllr Johnson to pay all accounts as listed, all voted in favour PAYMENTS RESOLVED.
- Highways – Cllr Olive requested item Hawthorn Hill visibility issues be reviewed, following on from the visit from Highways and Cllr Perraton Williams with no feedback or help with improvements , what can be done, Clerk has written to Concillor Martin Hill, cc’d to Cllr Richard Davis and Cllr Aston, no replies to date; a letter has been written and will be hand delivered to the resident about the cutting back of the hedge; Cllr Olive suggested that council contact the NFU if nothing comes of these requests to see if they could contact LCC about the problem of visibility. Cllr Lynch mentioned a mirror on the junction to aid the drivers. The road markings have been put back, traffic is still not slowing down for the junction, Cllr Foster suggested that Council might investigate the cost of the fence style village markers to try and reduce the traffic speeds; prices for these can be available for the next meeting if required.
- Request – Cllr Olive, farmers are reporting increased numbers Muntjac deer this year, signage for wildlife hazards on local roads is not usually provided or welcomed by Highways; Council would like to get some information out to all regarding awareness of this issue. Wapentake/ notice boards/website/facebook page etc.
- Clerks report – Council have been chosen for intermediate audit one of the 5% in the country, deadline 31st July, audit will be presented at next meeting 28th May 2020.
Thank you all for agreeing to attend this first virtual meeting for Coningsby Town Council
County Cllr Tom Ashton thanked the Council for holding a very well organised virtual meeting well done to all concerned.
Meeting closed