February 2024 Agenda

Thursday 22nd February 2024
You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the above Council which will be held at Coningsby Community Hall 7.30pm
Public and Press are welcome to attend.
Public forum Fifteen minutes are allocated if needed prior to official meeting; for members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to Council.
Clerk to Council Kathy Roberts 14.02.2024
Meeting Agenda
1. Chairmans remarks
2. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.
3. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
4. Notes previously circulated from January 25th council meeting – to resolve as correct record of meeting.
5. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors if in attendance.
6. Finances - To consider and approve payments as listed record payments, February 2024 – list with Councillors
7. Planning applications
8. Rickard Trophy nominations requested please – two already received.
9. Youth club update – Cllr Bowen
10. To discuss D Day celebrations – flags – shops decorate windows, ask bell ringers to ring, lanterns – just a few ideas?
11. Development on Allan Barker field –. Smiths sports plan to start refurbishment in March.
12. Grant applications received by Coningsby Town Council – Walking Football
13. Clerks report –
1. School lane footpath – date requested
2. Custodian Trustee documents – N B Law
3. Car Park Land - Hodgkinsons
4. Land Registry docs – Community Hall – in progress need both of the above to complete.
5. MUGA lighting – progress to LED
6. Grants for Allan Barker Skate Park extension in progress
7. Cemetery mapping – two companies approached, awaiting a call back at time of agenda publication
To resolve to move into closed session- (if required) Under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972, ss 100 and 102
The following item will be discussed in closed session.
To discuss long service award.
To discuss a possible merging of Councils to provide consistency of service across the parishes.
To discuss quotes for MUGA LED lighting
Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty, Leadership