November 2020 Agenda

26th November 2020
You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the above Council which will be held via remote contact 7pm
Public and Press are welcome to attend. PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK VIA EMAIL or telephone 07794 507773 for the log in details these will be available 24 hours prior to the meeting start time.
Public forum Fifteen minutes are allocated if needed prior to official meeting; for members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to Council. Invite applicant for vacancy to introduce themselves to Council, item 4 on agenda.
Clerk to Council Kathy Roberts agenda produced 19/11/20
1. Welcome from Chairman – Public forum.
2. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.
3. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation
4. Co-option – vacant seat – one applicant-letter with Councillors.
5. Notes previously circulated – to resolve as correct record of meeting
6. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors if in attendance.
7. Finances - to approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by Council as listed November 2020 with Councillors including current balances at bank.
8. Planning Hawthorn Hill – sec 192 lawful use of land application; Willowmere/Rosewood Park – full permission granted.
1. S/0135/01513/20 – Change of use 119 High Street to Fish & Chip Shop Full PP granted
2. S/035/01019/20 | Planning Permission - Change of use of land for the siting of 22no. modular homes for the over 55's. | LAND OFF GREENFIELD ROAD. Application on hold.
3. S/035/01378/20 Outline erection of 149 no. dwellings and a farm shop (with means of access and scale to be considered). Leagate Farm, Cross Keys Lane. Officer informed this will be discussed at East Lindsey in the New Year
9. Clerks Report:
1. Land for burial ground – letters sent to owners, no movement.
2. Camera location –documents received from Highways - permission granted, quotes being sought for ground works. January agenda item.
3. Lease documents land at Community Hall – no movement
Proposal to close the public meeting to discuss
Exclusion of the public for Part 2
That under Section 100(a)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that, if they were present, there could be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act (as amended).
1. Staff contracts – additional hours required – information with Councillors for discussion.
2. Precept request 2021/22 budget discussion including tenders for works Salaries and Pensions.