Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

Reviewed: April 2024
Diverse Individual Varied Shared Space (DIVSS)
The Equal Opportunities and Diversity policy is designed to promote fair and equal treatment of all volunteers and to prevent discrimination, victimization and harassment. D.I.V.S.S is committed to ensuring all volunteers have equal opportunities and that discrimination is eliminated.
This policy also applies in addition to volunteers, to all existing partners, anyone applying to volunteer within D.I.V.S.S and to people outside the firm with whom we have professional dealings. A copy of this policy has been given to every volunteer and a further copy can be obtained at any time on request.
D.I.V.S.S is committed to being an equal opportunity group and to being fair and equal in all its professional dealings with others.
We are determined to ensure that no volunteer or external professional contact receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, sex (including marital status), gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity or paternity), sexual orientation, religion or belief, age or disability.
We are also totally committed to ensuring that volunteers and those with whom we have professional dealings are not subjected to sexual or racial harassment or any form of victimization.
Failure to recruit, select, promote and treat all volunteers in the same way irrespective of their age, sex, disability, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation or religious belief.
Discrimination is not always intentional or overt. Practices and policies will be monitored to ensure that the Equal Opportunity Policy is being properly implemented and where barriers to equal opportunities are identified, any necessary changes will be made.
The efficiency of any organization will clearly be improved if it seeks to develop the skills and abilities of all of its volunteers.
Equality of opportunity and compliance with the law and with our professional code of conduct are vital to ensure that everyone is treated with the personal respect and dignity that you would wish others to treat you.
Discrimination can take many forms. D.I.V.S.S we are committed to ensuring all forms are eliminated.