Biodiversity Policy

Under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 there is a duty on public authorities in England, including Parish Councils to have regard to conserving biodiversity as part of their policy or decision making. This was further strengthened by the Environment Act 2021 so public authorities must now consider what they can do to conserve and enhance biodiversity in England. This means a public authority must;
- Consider what they can do to conserve and enhance biodiversity.
- Agree policies and specific objectives based on their consideration.
- Act to deliver policies and achieve objectives .
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on earth1. Biodiversity is everywhere: in gardens, fields, hedgerows, mountains Rivers and the sea.
The Local Area
Coningsby Town Council is a rural village, with a considerable number of natural areas, including hedges, ditches, farmland, Allan barker recreational ground wildlife habitats and the River Bain.
Town Council responsibilities
The Town Council owns various lands within the parish. Including allotments, play areas, the Allan Barker recreation ground, cemetery, car parks and is the trustees of the community hall.
The Town Council is also responsible for the grass cutting of verges, along with the cutting of playing fields, cemetery, laybys, war memorial and closed churchyard, and has responsibility for the cutting of a number of hedges within the village.
What the Town Council will do
* Consider the impact on biodiversity in the decisions made through the Town Council, especially when commenting on planning applications.
* It will reduce the use of pesticides and herbicides used on Town Council owned land
* It will review how it manages the council owned/ maintained land this may include but is not limited to.
o Leaving standing and fallen dead wood as a habitat for invertebrates
o Leaving leaf litter and dead vegetation wherever possible as a habitat for invertebrates
o Removing invasive and non-invasive species that are detrimental to native flora or fauna as required.
o The Town Council will consider reducing the number of cuts in the old closed area of the Churchyard and allowing the grasses to grow and be swathed in September.
o Ensure that there is a margin of uncut grass around the hedges to allow longer grasses to grow.
o Allow fallen tree branches to remain, if safe, to allow invertebrates to habitat
o To preserve trees and encourage biodiversity the area under the trees at the Allan Barker will be wilded, either to grow as long grass and flowers, or to be formally managed as a wildflower area.
* All hedges are cut outside of the bird nesting season.
* The Town Council will look to purchase and install bird boxes in the Parish on Council owned trees.
* The Town Council will look to promote biodiversity via the Town Council website.
1 As defined in Biodiversity 2020: a strategy of England s wildlife and ecosystems by DEFRA