November 2019 Minutes

Coningsby Town Council Meeting
28th November 2019
In attendance – Cllr Foster, Cllr Donnellan, Cllr Bannister, Cllr Johnson, Cllr Sharples, Cllr Walker, Cllr Wilson, Cllr Mason & Cllr Beamish.
East Lindsey District Councillor Alex Hall
No public Forum required.
76.1 Welcome from Chairman Cllr Martin Foster
77.2 Apologies and reasons heard by council for the absence of Councillor Glyn Olive and Councillor Martin Lynch. Both accepted and resolved – condolences to Cllr Olive on the loss of his father former Coningsby Parish Councillor Brian Olive; our thoughts are with the family at this time.
78.3 No declarations of interest at this point.
79.4 Proposal Cllr Mason the notes previously circulated are true and correct record of meeting held on 24th October 2019, seconded Cllr Johnson, all voted in favour RESOLVED Notes signed and dated by Chairman.
80.5 Apologies from LC Cllr Tom Ashton, District Councillor Alex Hall attended, nothing to report.
81.6 Following resignation of Trustee Cyril Kirk from The Coningsby Charities, Council have been asked to appoint a replacement; Cllr P Donnellan nominated Councillor Tabbi Bannister; Cllr Mason seconded nomination, following a brief insight into the responsibilities of the role Cllr Bannister was pleased to accept this post. Clerk informed Cllr that the Trustees would be in touch with her.
82.7 Highways - No further reports from Cllr Perraton Williams on the issues reported on the drive around the parish, Clerk asked to chase information for the next meeting.
83.8 CCTV AGM – Chairman CCTV Cllr Sharon Beamish reported, all officers re-elected, some issues with cameras, these are covered by the annual policy taken out to cover all cleaning and maintenance, insurance is due the group have funds to cover this and are hoping to increase the number of cameras when funds allow, thanks in advance to the Council for the donation to keep this service running. Next meeting will be mid-May at the request of the treasurer to enable full end of year accounts to be recorded. All are welcome to attend.
84.9 No planning at this time.
85.10 Christmas tree blessing and lighting – 1st December 6pm at St Michaels Church, Padre Mjabo RAF Coningsby to switch on the lights, service by Methodist Rev. Gordon hosted by Rev Sue Allison, St Michaels School Choir attending to sing for us, refreshments arranged by Council, Mince pies donated Coningsby Coop.
86.11 Finances - Proposal to pay accounts as listed October Cllr Walker, seconded Cllr Sharples, all voted in favour. RESOLVED.
Nest pensions Nov - council & staff contribution |
DD |
315.00 |
UK Waste solutions -Oct |
DD |
85.20 |
UK Waste solutions -unscheduled Sept |
DD |
7.33 |
E- ON - Pavilion - Oct |
DD |
135.24 |
E- ON - Pavilion - Nov |
DD |
143.87 |
Salaries |
3,796.51 |
436.59 |
CJ Book Keeping services |
66.00 |
John Ward - July - Grass cutting village areas |
192.00 |
Glendale village grass cutting in village & AB |
662.41 |
Glendale Cemetery (all on 1 invoice) |
561.40 |
Ellgia - Play Park bins |
DD |
40.36 |
Goodwins - Pav, Play park, Office |
44.36 |
Community Hall - Nov |
21.00 |
Aktiv Pest - Mole control |
136.80 |
R. Sivills - Trophies |
304461 |
14.50 |
Sprint Signs - Funeral Parking |
21.60 |
SLS ltd - Scaffolding extra time |
3,441.60 |
Edmund Czajkowski & sons ltd |
140.50 |
Tony Gibbons - footpaths |
175.00 |
St. Michaels Church - xmas electric |
65.00 |
Hodgkinsons solicitors - disbursements |
100.00 |
Lincs Turf - Cemetery |
280.00 |
CJR Services |
67.50 |
CCTV Donation |
3,000.00 |
Flowers By Maxine - Planters |
304459 |
30.00 |
Wreaths - Poppy Appeal donation |
304460 |
60.00 |
87.12 Clerks report – Thanks have been sent to the Lions for the trees once again, a donation will be sent in December for this work. The lighting at War memorial needs up grading, council do have more lights but there is work required on the trees, quotes will be sought, and maybe look at other ways of lighting rather than trying to use the existing trees, investigate ideas for 2020. The RAF is no longer able to help with the flood lighting for the Church, Chairman and Vice met with electrician Jason Parker who brought along LED lights to see what was required; this would have then been brought to Council for agreement on price, Jason Parker Electrical Services donated the light and work required to the Council for the community very generous sponsorship, a letter of thanks will be sent. St Michaels Church experienced some flooding; clerk was able to help with the supply of 20 sand bags.
No further business on agenda.
Cllr M Foster proposed that Council move into closed session to discuss tenders for works, salaries & pensions followed by budget setting and precept proposals. Seconded by Cllr R Johnson, all voted in favour RESOLVED – members of public and Cllr Hall left the meeting.
Budget proposals attached with these notes salaries will be shown as a total figure only for publication purposes, Cllrs have full copy, Tenders for works include repairs to School Lane play area £2,800, changing of lighting in Allan Barker building to all LED which will be long term saving £900. Both agreed as required improvements to be confirmed with suppliers to be carried out in the New Year. Proposal to increase funds for MUGA maintenance by £2,000 per year ring fence this increase to replace lighting with LED fitments, this plus the income from the lettings should be sufficient working on a 5 year plan. Grass cutting contractors have increased by minimal amounts to cover costs only. Mole and rabbit control remains constant.
Proposal Cllr Marlene Wilson – Precept to be set at £90,000 to recoup some of the additional expense incurred during the current financial year; seconded Cllr Paddy Donnellan, all voted in favour RESOLVED – Council have completed two very large projects this year this increase is comfortably justified, with additional occupied housing, this will show as a minimal increase in the Town Council element of the Council Tax.