The War Memorial was built by Thomas Kent of Boston at a cost of £150.  It is made of broken Aberdeen red granite on a Portland stone base.  The broken column depicts the broken lives of so many young men and women.   The Dedication Ceremony was performed by  Reverend Henry Felix, Church of England Rector in September 1921.  The hymns were "Let Saints On Earth" and  "O God Our Help In Ages Past" followed by the National Anthem. Captain S V Hotchkin MP unveiled the memorial.

The Chairman of Coningsby Parish Council at that  time was Councillor Guy Simple. 

The Inscription on the Memorial reads as follows:

This Monument is erected by the parishioners of Coningsby in loving and grateful memory of all whose names are recorded
below and who gave their lives in the Great War of 1914 to 1918.


William Adams

Joseph Brookes

James Arthur Cobb

Edward Inman Codd

Lionel Clifton (missing)

Sydney Grant

Edward Barker Kettle

Arthur Edwin Lane

Walter Lee

Edwin Lamyman

Fred Pick

Alfred Rowell

Fred Pick

John William Wilkinson

Charles Herbert Ward

John T E Wright

Who made the supreme sacrifice in the second World War of 1939 to 1945 and in gratitude for the lives spared.

P Belton

K Belton

W A Bettison

F E Brown

J Davis   

N Hutton

H V Mayfield

L Porter

2010 Refurbishment

The War memorial has been refurbished during 2010 by William Kent memorial masons with the help of a grant from the War Memorials trust, the names have all been re enameled and the whole structure has undergone a thorough clean in preparation for the re-dedication of the Coningsby Memorial in it's 90th year 2011.