HR & Finance January 2024 Minutes
18th January 2024
Coningsby Town Council HR & Finance meeting
In attendance all elected members, Cllrs Donnellan, Mason, Walker, Bowen & Bannister
Clerk for meeting Kathy Roberts
1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.
No apologies
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
Cllr Mary Walker declared an interest and announced that she would not take part in the wages discussion; Cllr Amanda Bowen declared as she is running the Youth Club.
3. Staff Appraisals – all completed with a few recommendations for discussion, mobile phone contract, dual screen options, introduction of job cards for all employees for work outside their job descriptions and repairs of any kind.
4. To Consider employment of internal auditor to set up the finance package for 2024/25 – a one off set up – also to set up expense sheets for clerks and staff.
Proposal to employ person to carry out works as listed above, cost per day £93.50 – HR committee all agreed – this would be money well spent.
5. To consider -employment of one additional all round maintenance operative and possibly an additional trainee clerk, clerks position to be reviewed at November HR & Finance.
Trial period suggested – 3 months for general maintenance operative, to cover the work at the play area and any additional works as required ( Sarah is giving up the play area to concentrate her hours on office requirements) a temporary contract would be offered for a minimum of 4 hours per week.
6. To consider – costs of email addresses change to for all Councillors and Clerks.
Costs are with all Councillors for full discussion – HR committee recommend this be taken up at the earliest opportunity. Gmail email option is available free.
7. To consider any applications for grants/ funds from or for Council.
Sarah is working on grants for the Allan Barker Skate Park and Youth club.
No applications received for funding from the Council.
8. Next meeting of HR and Finance 14th November – new committee elected in September
Proposed to schedule one more HR & Finance meeting before financial year end with this committee – suggested date April